

We left the main road and started entering into a semi tarmacked road. The road seemed to maintain because it's a combination of pebbles and some other beautiful stones.  The road was narrow but enough for only one vehicle to pass. It looked like a one-way express.

Beautiful trees were on the sides. All of the same heights form a canopy shape. You would assume they are people standing with umbrellas. Different flowers were growing on the trees. 

The trees converged as we went deeper into the road. The floodlights were all over the place making it look like a city park but with more lights like Christmas Eve.

I didn't see anybody on this road. It was lonely, the only thing that I could hereof we're the swinging of the trees here and there. 

Then we reached a black gate. It was not tall, just a medium size. Nobody was there to open it. Only the security cameras did their work. The vehicle stopped and the scanning was done and all of a sudden the sirens were heard.

People dressed in black suddenly emerged out of nowhere and had their guys pointed at me as if I was some kind of a terrorist. Feat gripped me and I don't know what to do, I looked at Jake but he was focused on his phone. "For fuck sake, who invented the phone now?" 

"What's happening?" I asked while trying my best to reach Jake who then shot a look at me.

Instead of replying, she started laughing and signalled Dominic to do what I don't know and it stopped.

This was mowed irritating if he was not going to answer me.

"Sorry, I was laughing at the expression on your face, you looked like you are about to die," he said and went on to look at his phone.

"It's an intruder alarm, it starts from the road, it analyzes you and it informs the people in the house that someone is moving in, so when we get here, it also analyzes to make sure there is no one else who is known in the car before it explodes the vehicle or the person. When there is someone they know inside the car, they wait for the signal before shooting the intruder and the other person will be left alive," said Dominic.

"Ooh," was all I managed to say.

I mean, I have never heard of such technology that can only kill one person and leave the other one alive. I think I can start working on some science books even if physics was a bitch in school.

There were lights all over the place. But I couldn't see them all because I was just on one side of the property. 

"This is beautiful," I murmured silently.

"It is?" Asked Jake while looking at me.

I don't know anyone heard that, I thought I whispered it.

I smiled at him and nodded.

"Well, I guess you are the only person who said that, others just come and go that way," his voice was sad and distant.

Dominic got out of the car and left me with him.

"Hey, it's a nice place here, expensive though, I said looking outside to avoid seeing his sad face when he talked about it.

"My sister wanted a house like this when we were young, she drew it and told me that if we ever made it, this is what she would dream of, when I first saw her drawing, it looked girlish and more feminine, so I asked her if I can remake it to also have a feel of masculine, it was hard to convince her but she agreed to it, we worked on it together. Look now, when I wanted her here to celebrate my success, she is not here."

I felt him. He was like crying when saying the words. The emotions of all the things were in the words. 

"Hey," I said while holding her hand. "She is a proud person because of you, I know she is happy that you did what she wanted and what you guys had agreed on," 

He didn't say anything, instead, he hugged me and kissed my forehead.

Okay, someone should at least tell me if we have started something. The hugs, holding hands and kisses are now too much. 

This is how it starts in romance novels, they kiss foreheads, hold hands hug, and what next? Let's wait.

"Thank you," he said.

He slowly lifted me from the hug and get of the car walking to my side.

"Here, you will use this till you are fully okay," he said while helping into a wheelchair. 

The cool breeze hit my face and I let in. It's was the thing I wanted now. To feel it, unlike anything.

He wheeled me towards the house. The house had a beautiful design, mostly it was embroiled in the Egyptian design. Her sister must have been an adventure girl to want this type of building.

"Did she also design the house?" I asked just to satisfy my curiosity.

"Mmh, except for the inside, I did the inside but outside was his ideas," he said.

"She must have loved adventure, I mean Egyptian model is unique and for her to be this good at this, I doubt if she has never gone to Egypt.," I said to him.

"How do you know?" He asked while stopping the wheelchair. 

I explained to him every detail about Egypt architectural design because history was my best topic and I preferred African History.

"Wow, that is the exact thing she would say when I asked her why the Egyptian design," he said with an exclamation in his voice.

"Thank you," I whispered.

He wheeled me into the house, and true to his words, the inside was more masculine. The walls were cream with a taint of grey fading colour. The staircase was wooden but the floor was made up of marbles. Well, what do they say when you have money? Make good use of it. He is seriously making good use of the money.

I don't get to catch a glimpse of the whole house, because he asked a lady who was dressed in a nurse's uniform to take me to a room. 

The last time I came in, I wasn't able to look at anything because I was unconscious and the pain in my body was too much for me to look at anything.

Looking at this place today, I admit it's was marvellously built.

The nurse came and wheeled me to the room that was adjacent to the stairs and I left Jake and Dominic chatting in the living room. 

I was tired anyway, so I knew that there will be nothing constructive I will help them with if I stay here, at the same I was feeling useless because ever since yesterday, I have been a burden to someone.

In the morning I fought with my mother which I regret will now, the same time I argued with 'Kim' and Jake was the one to help me and Today, it's Jake who had to deal with all this baggage.

Do you see why I feel useless? 

The room was spacious, and the bed had white sheets with lots of pillows. 

Why would I need more pillows, one is enough for me, the bed was not high, low enough for me to take up from and get back even when am in a wheelchair.

"Don't pressure, let me try lifting myself," I said to the nurse. 

I don't want to be a burden to someone else, so I think it's time I start working on myself.

The nurse was hesitant about the idea but she seems to understand me and let me try it out.

Lucky for me, I was able to get into the bed without help. She smiled and left but later came back with some food in a tray.

Ughh, I don't feel like eating anything right now.  I don't know how to politely tell her that am full and want anything right now.

"He said you eat this because your body is weak," said the nurse.

"I am full right now, can I have it in the morning?" I asked her in a sweet voice.

"Okay, miss, I wi return it and when you are hungry I will warm it up for you," she said in a sweet voice before leaving.

She opened the door and almost collided with Jake at the door.

"What is the food being returned to the kitchen?" Asked Jake in a harsh voice.

The nurse replied in a frightened voice while looking down, "she has said she will eat it another time, she is full."

I saw Jake grab the tray from her hands and walk into the room with it. Sue closed the door.

"Not in my house Dee, in here you just eat, you don't eat at the hospital and right now you are going to whether you like it or not!" 


Thanks for reading❤

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