

Chen's life came to an end when her family decided to sacrifice her for the safety of the kingdom. she was married to the most feared alpha King who also hated the witch. Pains as the Alpha King tortures her for the sins she knew nothing about but at then her stupid mind won't keep on longing for him. Will she forget about his hatred for her and make him fall madly in love with her?

DaoistXterian · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Chapter 8


Because I didn't want to see my newly wedded wife, I didn't go back after my morning exercise. I even had to bathe and dress up in my study because the more I see or think about her the angrier I get.

I didn't imagine that one day I would have to marry a witch, but I was glad that we would rarely see each other since our rooms are separated now.

I even instruct my Betta to make sure her room is far away from mine. That will give me the peace I deserve.

I was trying to bury myself in the pack's paper report when my Beta came inside.

"Alpha" he bowed.

I looked at him and nodded, then looked back at the paper.

" Alpha, the Xing pack has sent their request for the upcoming celebration," he said.

" What do they want?" I asked without looking at him.

" They want the Alpha King and the Luna Queen to grace their pack with your visitation even if it's briefly" he replied.

This made me drop my own and look up.

"Who dares to order an Alpha King around?" I asked firmly.

" Alpha, it has always been a tradition and it is a wish we must fulfill" he reminded me.

" Tradition my foot!" I snapped.

I knew that my Beta would be wondering what is the big deal about a visitation that I am throwing a tantrum about.

Well, it's not about the visitation but it is about the one he just called my Luna Queen. I hate her and I don't want her beside me.

"Tell them I'm not interested, that they should ask for another thing," I said harshly.

" Yes Alpha" he nodded. "And again Alpha, your mother asked me to tell you about Luna,..."

I didn't let him finish what he wanted to say before I cut him off.

"Don't you call her my Luna" I bawled.

My Beta shrinks a bit before nodding.

"But Alpha, what do you want me to call her aside from her name?" He asked.

The look on his face showed that he was confused but I don't care.

"Call her anything you will, aside from calling her my Luna and wife. It pissed me off" I said sternly.

My Beta wore a dissatisfied look but my own was firm to show him that I was serious about what I said.

"Your mother said that she will have to stay a little longer in your room," he said.

The anger on my face grew.

" She must be kidding me right?" I shouted in a thick voice.

" She only asked me to tell you that her family had appointed one to stay for a month to watch her and they can't find her sleeping separately from you."

My Beta knew I was angry yet he continued. This made me glare at him fiercely.

"Now go back and tell my mother that I don't care even if all her family is staying here to watch over her, I'm not going to share a room with that witch, not even for a second" I growled.

" Yes, Alpha," he said.

He bowed and left.

" I don't know why these people love to mess around with me!"

I hit my table so hard in anger.

No one has ever refuted my order before. Why then are they now doing it all because of a little witch?

Then something dropped into my heart.

"That which might have been controlling them with some power. That is the reason I must not let her get close to me" I said.

Ever since that event with that old witch Queen, I have always been in a rage. This wasn't my normal self that I grew up with and that's the more reason I hated witches. If that woman hadn't killed herself, my father would have no reason to kill himself. Now I'm the one carrying the guilt of his death.

After a while, I doubted that they would carry out my instructions so I decided to go see for myself. Immediately I got to the door, her smell hit my nose and I knew that she was in there.

"Those people still chose to annoy me," I said under my breath.

I opened the door and I couldn't believe that she was sleeping on my bed. It was like a stick hit me on the head. I walked in big strides to the bed and pushed her off with my feet.

"Ah!" She screamed as she fell to the ground.

I stood there and watched her with fierce animosity.

She stood up slowly with her face concocted with both pain and animosity. She glared at me like she wanted to hit me.

But then, I noticed something was different. The colour of her eyes was changing to green and I looked down to see her hand removing the same green smoke which had already formed into a ball shape.

I chucked with pride. She dares to use her magic on me. I balanced it to see what she wanted to do to me.

I didn't fail to give her an "I dare you to look."

With the face I was seeing right now, I think it will be interesting. I had thought she was a fragile one before but looking at her with the face of a tigress, I knew I was wrong. But I'm so sure she is nothing close to my match.

She looked at the balls in her hand and she raised it. I was ready to receive the balls but then she didn't throw the ball at me, I was shocked when she threw the ball at my bed and it suddenly caught fire.

I was so raged and I went to her. I felt like throwing her into the fire she had just created. She saw me coming and she ran outside shouting.

"Fire! Fire! "

As if she wasn't the one who created the fire.

I stood there watching as my beautiful bed burned. People rushed inside with buckets of water and I did nothing just looking at the burning bed.

I'm going to skin that little witch alive. That was a promise I made to myself. I won't let her go scot-free for this.

My mother came running into the bedroom. Smoke was everywhere.

"What the heck happened?" She asked with a frightened look.

I glared at her. She was all the cause of this. If she hadn't forced me to marry that witch, such a thing wouldn't be happening. I then noticed Chen's presence and looked at her.

The most annoying part is that she had a very satisfied smile. She pushed out her lower red lips and was trying not to smile.

I sighed and went to her but then she disappeared right in front of me.

"That little witch!" I said between gritted teeth.

My Beta came to me. He was amazed at how my bed could burn in the middle without anywhere else burning.

"What caused this fire, Alpha?" He asked me out of curiosity.

I looked at him like he was the one at fault and he moved back.

"This is what you put me through when you married a witch to me," I said and I walked out.

I was hoping to see that little witch. I would strangle her to death, I don't care the consequences but then she was wise enough to hide herself from me.