


There is wise saying "Financial freedom is best freedom"

Most of us might don't know how this freedom has been snatched dilebrately and we are made financial slaves..

Worse thing is that we don't try to know about it.. The gap between poor and rich is increasing by every day and poor ones are suffering badly. But how and who is doing it? From where it started?

We need to know about history of banks.. let's do it..

How banks emerged ?

What is base of our today's financial system?

Well.. A well known American businessman "HENRY FORD" who was world's richest person in 2008, he once said that " It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking system and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution tommorow morning"

This statement is so true, if we see the history of banks.

Well, mens are exchanging their goods since thousands of years according to thier needs. First there was Barter system, where goods Vs goods, like if one had rice and he needed clothes, so he will approach to that person who have clothes and he needed rice, so they would exchange. But this system was complex, hence things transformed into new system.

Gold and silver currencies emerged as medium of exchange, it had fux price, niether can be reduced nor can be increased, it's price was same everywhere so trading was easy. But the traders realised the coins were heavy to carry from one to another place, also there was fear of plundering.

Here Goldsmith seeked an opportunity and asked the traders to submit thier coins to them and in return recieve thier Reciept slip, hence you could do your business with these slips,your gold would be safe and you could get it back with some fee charges when ever you needed. People welcomed this idea and they started business through slips. It made business too convenient and those slips could be used everywhere.

Now goldsmiths started giving these coins to poor people as borrow and collected large amount of interest.

After sometime, goldsmiths realised that most of people don't return to get thier coins and they are preferring slips/Reciepts because slips are prove that they have gold.

Now with planning, they started issuing fake Reciepts , more than amount of coins, by giving Reciepts as debt to poor peoples, and collected more amount of interest.

Hence, world's biggest scam started. That Goldsmith's shop is called world's first bank and that currency became the world's first Currency..

This is how, we are getting traped by banking system and becoming slaves of Financial entities...!