
Second Chances vol 1

lies, lies, and more lies, he has been hurt so many times trying to find true love but does it really exists, or is true love just a fantasy

Donna_Cooper_9608 · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
246 Chs

Chapter 205 APM Hong Kong Mall

Samson had just ended a conference call when someone knocked on his hotel room door, He opens it and saw that it was Caleb. "Hey, it's a miracle you can still stand after walking through that mall today," Samson said with a chuckle.

"It's going to take more than a mall to keep me down but I was wondering if I could talk to you about something before we head back home tomorrow," Caleb ask. "I was wondering when you were going to spit it out." Samson laughs. "Give me a second," Samson said and disappears into the adjoining suite.

A few minutes later his wife came out and after narrowing her eyes at Caleb she nods to Samson, Samson then kiss her cheek before walking towards Caleb. "Have to get the wife's permission first huh?" Caleb laughs. "Happy wife, happy life." Samson chuckles. "I wouldn't know." Caleb snorts. "So how did you know I had something to spit out?" Caleb asks raising his brow.

"You hide it well but I could tell something was bothering you, so what is it?" Samson asks as they walk towards the elevator. "How much time do you have?" Caleb snorts again. "Two hours tops." Samson laughs. "If that leash gets any tighter it will start choking you." Caleb laughs.

"Ha ha very funny," Samson said bouncing Caleb's shoulder as he pushed past him out of the elevator. "Now, about your situation?" Samson urges. "Okay, so you know that feeling you said you got when you realized you were in love, as in really in love?" Caleb asks biting his bottom lip.

"Yes, what about it?" Samson ask taken aback he wasn't sure where Caleb was going with this, Caleb talking about falling in love was like a thief talking about honesty. "Well, I've been having those feelings for some time now." He said in a tone so unlike him.

"Okay, wow, what the what?" Samson said in disbelief. "Of all the things I expect you to say, that wasn't it. For whom though?" Samson asks still trying to wrap his mind around what he had just heard. "A girl I met a few months ago."

They sat at a table and a waiter came over and handed them menus, they scan them and Samson order something called Cheong- fun, two glasses of lemon tea with ice, and Caleb order one too. "Okay, so what did we just order again?" Caleb asks sounding confused. "Two dishes of rice noodles rolls." Samson laughs at the ridiculous look on Caleb's face.

"Oh yeah, right," Caleb said running his hands over his face. "Okay, so tell me about her," Samson said locking his fingers together and putting his chin on them. Caleb's face lights up and he bites his bottom lip.

"Well her name is Aisha, she's twenty one, she works as a sales rep in a clothes store but she's saving for medical school because she wants to go into Geriatric medicine, mainly because she helped took care of her grandmother before the lady died and now she wants to make as many old people as comfortable as possible before they pass away." He said with a warm smile on his face.

"She's very intelligent, independent, straightforward forward and she knows what she wants out of life. She's driven and as her boss says, very hard working." He said in a proud tone. "What's with the ridiculous grin?" Caleb asks narrowing his eyes at Samson.

"The first thing I expected you to mention was her physical appearance." Samson laughs. "Make no mistake she's beautiful, breasts, hmm, butt, firm, legs for days, she's not as curvy as Janice but she is, damn fine, but there's so much more to her than just her beauty...she's...just so freaking awesome and a great listener." Caleb sighs dreamily.

"You do realize you just compare the woman you love to your sister-in-law, right?" "Yep, so?" "Okay then, so how much does she know about you?" "A lot, I can't seem to shut up when I'm with her. She's just so easy to talk to." He said with a smile. "Define a lot." "Well, she knows that I'm a player, a cheater, a husband. She knows that I only married Maya to appease my family, she knows I'm a father, a fierce protector of my family, especially my little brother, and that I can be extremely violent when provoked." He finished.

"And knowing all that, she still wants to be with you?" "Yep," "So what exactly is the problem? What is really bothering you?" Samson asks with concern. "What is bothering me is the part I haven't told her," Caleb said with a deep sigh.

"And which part is that?" Samson asks as the waiter places their meals before them and bows slightly, then walks away. "The part where my other two girlfriends are also pregnant with my child."

Thank you so much for reading

And for your patience

Verse for Thought

(Friendship with the world: James 4: vs 4-6)

A:N: It's very hard to work and type, sometimes I'm so tired I can't even look at my laptop but I absolutely LOVES writing so even though work may slow me down, there's no stopping my writing spirit, pray me strength my lovelies.