
A Gift [2]

the next day as soon as school ended, i quickly pack my stuff and run up to the roof to see my suprising gift. but when i got up thsre, everything there look normal. the empty peaceful sounds, the tiny cool breeze blowing my hair and no one being on the roof. but then, i hear a voice from behind. i recognized the voice and turned around as quick as the speed of light. "good afternoon Kylie" Unknown Lover said.

he stood there, tall and gorgeous. i stood there in front of him, shocked. i obeserved every single detail of his face 'woah- he is very attractive' i thought as i gently smile at him. His dark black eyes and his pale face made him seem like he was unreal. his tall figure and long neck made him attractive. it felt so surreal to me, i cover my mouth and gasp.

"are you real?" i asked myself, oh crap! that was meant to be said in my head. "yeah sadly im real" he gave me a light chuckle. i feel my cheeks start to warm up. "you're real! you're here!" i shouted as i attacked hug him. oh i have been waiting such a long time for this day to come.

eh .so ill be posting every friday and monday. i might post on wednesdays also. i hope you're all enjoying my story ♡

_n00dles_creators' thoughts