
SCP: The Unforseen Variable (Old)

Murrey, finds himself in a new world made of laws he dosen’t understand. Find as he grows his organization creates a religion and tries to prepare for the end of everything. This book is being rebooted because I screwed up some plot points that I can’t fix aside from rewriting it all. So I’m doing a reboot. If you wanna get a sneak peek into what the reboots plot is gonna be later down the line I guess you can read this. I wouldn’t because it would make the pay offs less impactful, but you do you. Permission was given to me by Duy Giang to use his art for the cover go check him out. They’ve made some of the coolest and quality art related to SCP on a visual level and is one of the reasons I wanted to make this book

Whadyamean · Videojogos
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50 Chs

Not Having Wifi Is Really Weird

I opened my eyes for what seemed like the 1st time AGAIN. I found myself in a 1960s hospital room with a blinding light shone in my face.

I of course as a civilized man yelled. "Shut off that fucking light for fucks sake." But came out as. "Wagggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh." And then I fell asleep from exhaustion and shock.

After waking up I realized I couldn't actually open my eyes, or move my arms, and in turn my head. As I lay there I thought 'this is gonna be the shittiest time of my life isn't it.' And was soon proven right as I found something being shoved in my mouth. And as I tried to tell them off had it shoved in my mouth. It was at this moment that I knew I could not wait to murder this newly discovered woman.

(Timeskip 5 years)

After having gone through five years of mental degredation from having my newfound parents talked to me as if I was stupid. I for once had for the first time in a long while had a moment of peace.

With my newfound peace I decided it was the perfect time to consume a bottle of SCP-207 to increase my mental capabilities. Unfortunetly what I can only assume to be god decided that I would have to suffer more as I got a prompt when trying to do so.

(You may not use system Inventory until age is 16 to compensate for soul strain)

It was at this point that my plan to become an expert in every subject known to man before adolescence ended before it could begin. And with the year being 1963 the entertainment for myself was thankfully surplanted by my bodys needs for obsurd amounts of sleep.

Unfortunetly this would not be the case as I got older and my entertainment would be a mix between black and white TV and physical activity. Which honestly isn't a bad thing especially considering the types of creatures I may have to fight. But I still had atleast 11 years left until I would hopefully have to worry about anything.

(Timeskip 8 Years)

I turned 13 today this usually wouldn't be such a big deal. Except some strange men came to our house at night. It seems they've been here before as my dad was waiting for them. They congradulated him on a promotion they seemed to be friends as they scheduled a drinking night. This probably meant they had done this before and it wouldn't have been noteworthy. But as they were leaving they dropped a card that had the letters S.C.P. on it. They noticed quickly picked it up and left. It was at that moment my brain fried.

The rest of my time spent without the system wasn't exciting I played into normalcy. Meaning I made some friends. George and David being the most notable as they seemed faster than most. When I realized this I made sure to befriend them in hopes they may help me unlock the journal when the time came. Other then that I found myself noticing my father being gone for longer weeks and coming back different. He was colder more emotionless and seemed to pay less attention to his souroundings. (This is 1970s Foundation they do some pretty fucked up shit.)

To me though this only made it easier to dig into this "Foundation." I knew they existed through the descripters from the SCP objects. And got a basic idea of what they were, but now I was able to dig through reports and such when my dad wen to bed. Doing so earned me some additional information mainly a larger look into their command structure. That being

D-Class<Scientists<Major Scientists<Chied Scientist<Lead Scientists<Site Director<Overseer. I quickly realized that if could get to the overseer control a facility. Only problem being having make sure no one notices or is able detect any mind altering effects.< p>

But if nothing else I learned I would be considered anomalous and my father, despite being a Chief Scientist, wouldn't be able to get me out of it so I continued on with the illusion of normalcy.

And finally I turned 16

(System Activating)

(Gained: Inventory,Quests,Stats,Shop)

[Murrey Lvl1]


Dexterity:High (SCP-207)

Endurance:Below Average (Afflictions, Lead poisoning(minimal), Abestos inhalation)



When I went to bed I opened my (Inventory) selected (SCP-207) and drunk it. I immediately felt the effects as my INT went from (Average) to (High), and I could feel my body upgrade itself. So I went to sleep planning out what subjects to learn when using SCP- 5097.