

Yes, I am aware that I am speeding through this mf like a Tuesday. This book is just a test place for me to slow things down. As you can probably see from my last chapter, I was going way over the speeding limit by a few miles. Any advice on how to slow things down?


"What the hell did you do to get that many Hydra agents on you, Barton?" Natasha leaned against a wall trying to catch her breath with Clint.

"Well, I found very, very valuable info about Hydra." Hawkeye was doing the same thing as Natasha before pulling out his phone and texting someone.

"What was the info that you risked my life and yours?" Natasha asked without breathing as hard as before while wiping some blood off of her cheek.

"Hydra is building a huge bomb beneath New York. They are trying to blow the whole damn city up."


"You can get rid of their presence?" Joseph AKA Jesus said surprised once in his life.

"Hey! Who's presence are you trying to get rid of?!" A voice came out of the radio.

"I'll do it!" Joseph quickly said and ignored the voice from the radio and tried to complete the contract as fast as he could.

[Contract has been signed by both sides agreeing. Rewards have been issued. {Shield of suppression}, {Photokinesis(Kizaru style)}, {Admin's uniform}, {Shunko}]

'Nice, one out of two gambles turned into my favor.' Satori thought as something appeared out of nowhere and into the back seat of the car.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Another voice came from the wheels this time. "Why can't I feel my aura anymore?!"

"Relax, I only stopped your aura leaking from your body. Your power is still there untouched." Satori was still sitting calmly in the back seat. "For Archangels, you sure are bad at controlling you're presence."

An angel-like figure appeared in the car, in the center console with a sword, and thrust it into Satori's chest. The sword fully went through his chest and even went into the seat.

The angel squinted his eyes and said, "Why aren't you dead mortal?"

"You know, Seraphim, I really mean no harm." He spoke to the angel with six wings, one pair covering the face, another the feet, the last to fly with.

"He's right, you know." Joseph interrupted their staredown with a light tone.

"Shut it you. I asked you a question, you are just a mere mortal." He said again asking the same question.

"Well, there is nothing 'mere' about this mortal. Nothing." Satori pushed the sword out of his chest, where his heart was, and got out of the car. "I know full well how you can kill me with a blink of an eye, so just enjoy being an Uber ride yeah?"

The Seraphim grunted in response and went back to being the chassis. Satori walked away from the 'flaming hot ride' as that's what Joseph named his ride on the Uber app. He could still hear Joseph laughing at Seraphim for making such a fuss.

'System oh system, I figured you all out, my friend.' Satori did an inner evil smirk as he felt the system shiver a little. 'You don't give me things randomly, you give me things I need. First the shield of suppression and second, the Photokinesis. Both prevented me from getting killed and they confirmed my theory. Please go over the rewards.'

[{Photokinesis(Kizaru style), the abilities from the anime show character, Kizaru. The Pika Pika no Mi is a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to create, control, and transform into light at will, turning the user into a Light Human (光人間 Hikari Ningen). It enables the user to move at the speed of light and transport themself by means of reflection and using abilities related to the element, light, like finger lasers, blast/beams of light, etc. You also have the mastery level of 'Kizaru'}, {Admin's uniform is a uniform with a hidden weapon that can take many shapes and forms made from the best of the best. After all, an Admin shall dress no less. The uniform is nearly unbreakable and has the inherent ability to shapeshift when equipped.}, {Shunkō (瞬閧, Flash War Cry; Viz "Instant War Cry") is an advanced battle technique which combines the physical techniques of Hakuda with the spell-based techniques of Kidō. This ability will automatically give the host Kido and the mastery level of 'Yoruichi'.}]

Beep beep beep, beep beep beep.

Satori's phone rang two times before it was answered.

"Who is it? Oh, Hydra is making a bomb in New York? It's a trap to lure out the loyal agents of S.H.I.E.L.D? Alright, I'll be at the base soon. No, no need for a ride." Satori hung up the phone call and put it back into his pockets.

"System, equip the Admin's uniform."

[Admin's uniform had been equipped.]

Satori looked at the uniform while admiring it. The current uniform looks like Ezio assassin's creed 2 clothes but black and red with a pair of white gloves. The white part of the clothes is replaced with black. It is also paired with a white mask that covers the entire face of the wearer. The mask was just plain white with no holes for the eyes yet somehow Satori could see through it.

"Ok, let's try this." Satori ready himself to fly at the speed of light. Turning himself into light particles, he flew off and bounced off of everything he touched at light speed. After a few seconds of being unable to control the flight, he stopped, took off his mask, and puked.

"Ugh, I guess mastery does not mean experience. Let's try this again."

After test-flying for a few minutes, he got the hang of it and flew to the large base he got as a reward from the system.

"Welcome, Admin." One of the 25 A-rank soldiers, also known as A-3, greeted him with nothing but respect in his eyes. Walking past the A-rank soldier, he went to the command center.

"Brief me of what has happened so far."

"The S.H.I.E.L.D agent, Clint Barton and Natasha Romanova have stolen a Top-secret find of Hydra, not knowing that it was set up. The underground cave will be rigged with agents of Hydra and traps. If any or all S.H.I.E.L.D gents go in there, they will not make it out alive. The S.H.I.E.L.D agent will enter the cave tonight at midnight." The soldier replied.

"Get me Overwatch."

"Yes, Admin." The soldier pressed a few buttons on the control screen and a group of people showed up on the main screen.

"I want Soldier 76, Reaper, Widowmaker, Lucio, Mercy, Sombra, Ramattra, and Bastion to go assist the S.H.I.E.L.D agent. Ramattra, you are in charge of the operation."

"I will not disappoint you, Admin." A large robot with a staff said.

'This will go smoothly. Honestly, I may have over-killed it with Bastion. All of the Overwatch agents I picked except Widowmaker is a great close-medium combatants. Widowmaker is to make sure no one leaves alive. Sombra can make sure the group gets in and out undetected. It's time to get acting.'

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