2 Schrödinger's cat

Science day is back :D

I deleted a lot of what wrote and condensed it because the first post was 3-word pages long… But I am writing about Schrödinger's cat this week.

Schrödinger's cat is named after the Austrian Nobel-prize winner, the guy with a very long name and a lot of job titles, author, father of quantum mechanics and physicist, Erwin Schrödinger. He did more than coming up with the idea of what is later known as Schrödinger's cat, but we will focus on that today. (Write a comment If you want to hear more about something else :D)

You have probably heard about Schrödinger's cat in school or read about it in some of the Webnovels on the site. The poor kitty is dead and alive at the same time! O_O I will do my best to keep this simple! We can get really complicated when it comes to Schrödinger's cat...

A kitty cat and a radioactive material are placed in a sealed box. The radioactive material has a 50% chance of decaying and killing the kitty cat after 1 hour. You don't know if the kitty cat is dead or alive before you observe it.

Erwin originally made the thought experiment because of the "Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics" (I will not go into detail about this because it was one of the reasons my first draft was 3 pages long) But it basically said something could have multiple states at the same time, (until it is measured or observed) so the radioactive material could be radioactive and not radioactive at the same time. That means the kitty cat would be dead and alive at the same time! Until we open the box and look at the cat 🙂

See you all in 2 weeks, where I will be writing about a puppy. If you have anything else you want me to write about, you can write a comment:D

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