
Scars of Grace

Life of Raydn Adite and his Adventures, discoveries in the continent of Cerulus. (I know it’s short)

Archvestige · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Business Monopoly

Raydn enters the house, his heart racing as he senses the silence. He immediately feels a sense of foreboding, knowing that something must have happened. His parents are sitting at the table, their faces filled with sadness and concern. They both look up at Raydn as he enters and he can feel their anxiety and despair radiating from them. Raydn freezes in his tracks, unable to speak or move. He knows that he must be strong for his parents, but he is also filled with fear and trepidation about what he is about to hear.

Raydn takes a deep breath in an attempt to steady himself, then he goes and sits down next to his parents. He looks at them expectantly, waiting for them to speak. He knows that what they have to say will be difficult and painful, but he is ready to face whatever they need to tell him. He is strong, and he will do his best to support and comfort his parents through this difficult time.

His father drops the cause of his worries

"We're starting to lose out our business of supplying materials of monsters to the emperor, because another noble house started a similar business and they paid higher than what we paid our workers so normally they would apply for the other one."

Raydn is appalled to hear this news, and he feels a wave of despair wash over him. He had hoped to never hear anything like this, but he knows that his family's business has been struggling financially for some time now and this only serves to compound the problem further. He knows that his parents must be disappointed and devastated, and he feels his throat close up as he tries to find the right words to say to them. He hates seeing them like this, and he is devastated to think of his family being in any sort of hardship. The thought of it leaves him paralyzed with shock and sadness.

Raydn's father asks him about what happened on his exam.

Raydn takes a deep breath and tries to compose himself before he answers. He tells his father that he has passed his exams and that he did really well, hoping that his achievements may help to lift his parents' spirits even just a little. He knows that his success in school does not take away the financial struggle his family is in, but he hopes that it can at least give them some small piece of good news to balance out the bad. He wants nothing more than to see them happy and proud, and even just a glimpse of happiness from them would be enough to help him get through this hard time.

A visible smile appears on his father's face

His father says "That's my boy"

Before patting him

Raydn feels his heart melt a little at his father's words and touch. He has always strived to make his parents proud, and this is a testament to his efforts. He is determined to help his family through this dark time, and he knows that with their strength and his own they can pull through this. He feels a new determination to do his best and prove himself worthy of their pride. He is going to do whatever it takes to help his parents and family through this difficult time, and he is not going to give up even when the odds are stacked against them.

Raydn gets told to get changed in his room upstairs

Raydn nods at his father's request and goes upstairs to his room to change. He is unsure of how to feel at this point, as he is still in shock over the news about his family's business, but his father's words had also been very encouraging. Raydn knows that he will need to be strong for his family, and he will do whatever he can to help them through this difficult time. He takes a breath and changes into something more comfortable before returning downstairs to his parents. He is ready to face whatever they need from him and he is determined to help them however he can.

Days pass by and Raydn is deeply troubled by the declining financial state of his family, and he tries his best to help his parents in any way he can. He spends hours trying to think of ideas that could help to turn their situation around, and he tries to stay optimistic even when things appear bleak. Raydn knows that his parents are struggling and that he must do what he can to help them, and he is determined to keep an open mind and heart in the face of the challenges they are facing. He is willing to do whatever it takes to help his family, and he is committed to seeing them through this difficult time.

Raydn and his father are walking around town then suddenly, Raydn gets shocked and horrified as he watched his father collapse suddenly on the ground. He knows that something must be seriously wrong for his father to collapse in such a way, and he is immediately afraid for his father's life. He drops to his knees next to his father to try and help him, but the suddenness of the collapse and the shock of the sight sends Raydn into panic mode and fear and dread wash over him. He will do everything in his power to help his father, but he is so scared for his life and well-being. He hopes and prays that his father will be alright.

The citizens that saw what happened helped raydn's father and carried him back home.

Raydn is grateful for the help of the citizens, but he is still frightened and concerned for his father. He stays by his father's side as he is carried back home, hoping and praying for his father's health and recovery. He tries to focus on other things to take his mind off his worries, but the sight of his father collapsing has stuck with him like a bad dream. As the days pass by, Raydn keeps a close watch on his father's health and condition, and he does not leave his side except to eat and sleep. He is determined to help his father in any way he can.

He missed a few days of school but he eventually gets a doctor to stay by his father's side and monitor his health.

Raydn is relieved to have a doctor attend to his father, but he still worries constantly about his father's health. He cannot help but think about how much his father means to him, and how he would be lost without him. He misses going to school and the routine of it, but he understands that he must make sacrifices in order to save his family from their dire situation. He continues to study and attend his classes while his father is recovering, but he makes sure to check on his father's health often and to ask the doctor about his condition. He is determined to get his father better and back on his feet again.

One day he returns from school and as he opens the door, He is shocked and saddened to see his mother crying inside the house. He knows his family has been going through a hard time, but seeing his mother cry like this is too much for him to bear. He rushes over to her and asks her what's wrong, trying his best to comfort and calm her down. There is nothing more precious to him than his family, and he is devastated by the sight of his mother crying. He will do whatever it takes to help her feel better and cheer her up, and the thought of anything bad happening to his family sends chills down his spine.

His mother eventually stops crying for a little bit as Raydn hugged her and told him what happened.

"Your father is no longer with us."

Raydn is stunned and heartbroken by his mother's words, and he feels his world shatter around him as he tries to process what she has just said. He was not expecting this at all, and he feels a great surge of despair wash over him as he realizes his father is gone forever. This is more than he could have hoped for or imagined, and the pain he feels is unbearable. "When? How? How could this happen?" He asks his mother, his mouth dry and his throat tight as he tries to comprehend this horrible reality.

His mother replies "He passed away this morning after you left for school"

Raydn runs upstairs as fast as his legs could, he enters the room and sees the doctor standing at the other side of the room.

The doctor looks up at Raydn as he rushes in and speaks in a solemn tone. "I'm sorry, but your father is gone."

Raydn stops dead in his tracks, eyes wide and tear-filled, his body shaking with grief. He cannot believe what he has just heard, but he knows it to be true. He tries to speak, but at first, his voice fails him and all he can manage is a few strangled breaths. It takes him a few minutes to compose himself, but he eventually manages to speak through the grief. "How? ...What happened?"

The doctor replies "His illness suddenly got worse which took his life"

Raydn listens to the doctor's explanation in a state of shock and disbelief. He cannot believe that his father is gone, and the pain and grief he feels is almost too much to bear. He thinks of his mother and all that she must be feeling right now, and his only thought is to be there for her and do whatever he can to help her through this awful and unthinkable pain. He knows he must be strong, but he also knows that this will be a difficult time for them all as they try to process their loss and move forward without their beloved father.

The next day during the funeral, Raydn's grief is overwhelming. He is still shocked and heartbroken by his father's death, but his desire to support his mother and help her through this difficult time keeps him going through the painful day. He knows that he needs to be there for her now more than ever, and he takes the lead in all of the planning for the funeral, wanting to do the best he can to honor and respect his father's memory. The grief he feels is immeasurable, as his father meant so much to him, and he struggles to hold himself together throughout the day.

Later that night his mother came out for some fresh air and never came back.

Wow that escalated quick-

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