

Blaze only wanted to help his sister to see if the man arranged for her was harmless. Little did he know, that wasn't his last meeting with the man as they will always cross paths, especially whenever he was in danger. Problems will then arise once the man started to develop feelings for him as both of their families are against same sex relationship. Plus, his parents' secret about his birth will also play a big role as he will discover that everything he believed and grew up with are all lies.

BlueSapphire_dust · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
265 Chs

Chapter One Hundred Four

Hans looked at the door in front of him and sighed. He was annoyed with himself. I don't know what made him come to the apartment unit. Especially with a bag of groceries. He hissed in annoyance, then started walking towards the elevator.

After the elevator doors opened, he walked in and pressed the basement button. He glanced back at the bag of groceries he had just bought. "What was I thinking until I bought this and came here? Hahh… Hans, what exactly are you doing?"

He was lucky that no one else entered the elevator until the elevator doors opened on the parking basement floor. He walked out of the elevator and headed for the area where his car was parked.

"I'll give it to the nurse," he muttered as he lifted the bag in his hand.