
Scarlet Warlock

(I do NOT own neither Harry Potter nor Marvel) Harry saw the world differently, maybe that´s why he was feared later on his lifetime, or maybe it was due to his powers, destined to be greater than everyone else. From the start of his life he was smart, he saw people as they were, even the disgusting family he had. So what happens when a smart child, with a destiny like no other, and a demon, who saw potential on the child and decided to teach him what she knew? Just one word. Chaos

joq_tdd · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


AN: Hello, happy to see you again :), anyways, I didn´t get to read the last chapter again, but i´ll correct the mistakes hope you enjoy this one.

Also I will try to fuse some concepts of magic from the books of harry potter and some things I know from the comics, so let´s pray those make sense


To begin learning magic, there are only few requirements, first is to have magic in you, while yes, you can learn some magic while begin completely normal, or as the wizards call them, muggles, you will need some for most branches of magic, so there are no witches who were born without magic.

The second requirement, is an open mind, the ways of magic require you to break some rules of the universe, but it also requires you to follow another type of rules, which with time, talent, power, and imagination, could lead you to also breaking.

The third and last requirement is to have a source of knowledge, yes you can learn how to, like Harry, levitate an object, however if done incorrectly , it can lead to several problems.

Right now harry was in disposition to all of this requirements.

"Alright I think before we start learning magic, I´ll explain a little of the information I have of magic, and if you have any doubts, ask them ate end please" Tamar spoke with confidence, this was the thing she knew mos of, magic.

Harry nodded his head, it had been a couple days since the whole 'cursing your old family, and kind of being adopted' thing happened, and as thus, was really excited to learn about magic, so much so that he could barely keep still.

"Ok so first let look at where we drew our magic from." As she said this her arms extended and then contracted and she again extended them. And in the space in front of he chest three little energy constructions were created, one had the form of a crudely drawn man, another of what seemed to be the whole universe and the last on was of a line.

The three images drew Harry´s attention, if somehow his teacher could have a picture of the universe, she was amazing, even more than he thought so, however there were just pictures drawn from her imagination, or at least he thought so. The last one on the other hand, well he didn´t understand how they drew magic from a line

"The first type of way we use magic personal energy" When she finished speaking the image of the body became bigger and more detailed, it now showed every organ, it also had something new, a hole in the center of the stomach filled with blue energy, as well as some kind of liquid moving through the body, which Harry assumed, was blood

"The liquid you see here, is blood, but in this case is much more, it´s what we call, a linker, it´s the what allows the magic to move, from our core, something I´ll explain now, and wherever we are casting from."

The image once again expanded, this time around the center of the stomach, the energy inside it was now easier to see and understand, it was filled with a solid blue block of energy.

"As you see, this is what we call a core, it´s from where we draw energy to cast the majority of the spells I´m gonna teach you that are for beginners, it´s also the place where our magic is stored, this kind of magic is most used in mind magic, strengthening the body and in astral projection.

Tamar went into a more in depth explanation, that Harry barely understood, yet he didn´t seemed bothered that the information was hard to understand, the opposite actually, he liked challenges, even mental ones, such as understanding something hard.

"The second form we use to draw energy to cast magic is the universe, or as we call the it universal energy." The universe image became clearer and it began to rotate, as harry looked closer he could see galaxies.

"It´s the the way that sorcers mainly use magic, it´s important to know how to do it as it can be more powerful than personal energy. It´s mostly used on teleportation, illusions and energy projection"

She once again continued to explain in more detail, and it was even harder to understand, but Harry tried to memorize everything, he may not understand now, but at some point he will.

"Now we have the last form of how we draw energy to cast spells" The line now became bigger, and the two other images disappeared. "I bet you wonder how we could draw energy from a line" Harry nodded hard, completely engrossed on the subject. "Well we don´t"

"Huh?" Now Harry was confused, why did she put a line if it has nothing to do with it?

"A line is what we call something that is 2 dimensional, and with I mean that has two dimensions, now while we don´t use power from those kinds of dimensions we do extract them from other kinds of dimensions"

"HUH??!?!?" Harry was now even more confused, this was truly escaping his mind.

"Let´s think of it this way, dimensional energy is granted by a being who is in charge, once you have done a deal with the being, you can use that dimensions power, for example you can make a deal, with let´s say the light dimension and then you can use that dimensions energy"

He now understood, well he understood a little bit.

"Dimensional energy is strong, and can be used for really strong spells, however we will not make any contact, as I don´t want you to be a pawn."

The green eyed boy didn´t get why they don´t used dimensional energy, it was supposed to be strong, wasn´t it? However before he could keep wondering, Tamar continued with her explanation and most of his doubts were answered.


A few days had passed and Harry had continued having theoretical classes about magic and history, he soaked up the knowledge like a sponge, and while he didn´t understood everything at once, after a few explanations and examples he could more or less get the idea.

Today was different thou. Today was going to be the day they find out his affinity in witchcraft.

What does affinity in witchcraft entail, it´s not what you´re thinking, it´s just a test to say if you got any kind of bloodline, the size of your magic core, and finally it tells you your control. It´s made so one can learn the control and size of magic core from the start, so when they improve they can see the difference.

'What if, what if I don´t got any talent? What if I barely can do magic? How will Tamar react? She could kick me out, she could even send me to the Dursleys again-'

"Harry are you ready?" Tamar´s voice broke Harry out of his self destroying thoughts.

"Yes ma´am"Harry spoke with a little uncertainty

Harry walked through the room they were in, the room who Harry had seen locked before, as it turns out, it´s was a what is known as ritual room. A room with runes which power the magic by doing most of the control of the spell for you.

Harry walked until he was in front of a golden bowl then Tamar took his hand and made a cut across his hand.

Harry grit his teeth in pain, hoping that pain would stop, and with his eyes he saw how the blood leaking from his hands filled the bowl and suddenly the cut began to heal much faster than it should, it was not instantaneous but it was much better than nothing.

"Sanguis, ostende mihi tuam potentialem" Tamar spoke in barely a whisper but the sound resonated through out the whole room like a shout.

Out of the blue the blood began to rise, something which shocked Harry to his core, and the blood which rose separated in two helix, resembling DNA.

The two helix then moved in different directions now, and formed a circle and then they soaked up a piece of parchment that Tamar was holding on her left hand.

The piece of parchment glowed red for a second before letters appeared in it.

Harry was scared beyond anything, he would prefer to have a fight against a demon than listen to whatever his teacher was going to say.

Tamar began to read out loud, as the letter appeared.

"Well it seems like you have no bloodline, a pity, you have, disciple control, already? Wow kid you are about to become a menace and disciple core, you are full of surprises aren't you?"

Harry sighed in relief, he couldn´t believe that he had actual good results, and if he remembered correctly, already have disciple core and control was great. As he had learnt before the ranks of magic went like this novice, disciple, adept, expert and finally master.

"Wait a second there´s something el-" Tamar gasped in shock, she couldn´t believe what she saw.

"You´re a wizard, Harry."


A little less than a year has passed as Harry continued to learn magic, this time however, he was learning practical witchcraft, and when Harry turns seven he will start learning wizard magic, something they still didn´t know how to accomplish, however with time they´ll see.

Harry was enjoying his new life, he loved magic, and each day he knew more of it, and each day his passion grew, every thing that was difficult to understand just meant more fun to Harry, he was loving every second of learning.

Today was a special day, as this was the day they thought it was his birthday, 31 of July.

Harry proceeded to dress himself in his best clothes, which he had bought with his time with Tamar. When he finished dressing he ran to the kitchen, where he was greeted with a hug from who he consider his mother.

"Happy birthday honey" Tamar spoke with a big smile.

And for the first he ever remembered he had a perfect birthday, just like Dudley did.

First they went out to eat at an expensive restaurant and then they went to a park where they enjoyed a great day, just a little cloudy.

And in the park he got his first present.

A book about wandless wizardry magic, which meant that he could start learning theoretical and when he turned seven he could immediately begin practical.

After a long day they returned to their house where they shared a couple drinks and then Tamar gave Harry her last gift.

"I know that you have only been a year here, however I have started seeing you as my own, so I think that this is the most appropriate response" Then she handed Harry a certificate, an adoption certificate.

"I had to pull some strings, but if you don´t want to there is still time to undo it, I know it´s rus-"

Harry shut her off by hugging her hard and whispered something.

"I love you, mom"

"I love you too, honey"

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AN: Hello guys hoped you enjoyed this chapter, I have a few things to say, first I´m sorry for the short chapter, I´ll try to upload as many chapters as I can, as fast as I can, so I have something to give you guys.

Second thing, would you like this to be a twin story, I´m not sure if it would be wise to make it one, so the choice is yours.

Third thing, if you see any mistake please tell me so I can correct it, thank you.

How was your day?

Could you help me and give me ideas of what you would like to see?

Have great day