
(35) An unusual encounter

A/N: ok so this chapter is from the POV of the new charter entirely; will still feature the MC tho she isn't the main focus of said chapter


mild cursing

-longer chapter

You made the grave mistake of messing with me," I taunted, dodging my opponent's attack.

"Maybe you can dodge in time, but she can't," he said, pointing to the girl behind me.

"Don't you dare touch her," I growled

"-Big brother, look out!"




??? POV

I was jolted from my thoughts, glancing over and saw a waitress standing there "Sir, may I take your order" she had a bit of a strained smile

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to keep you waiting" I replied

"No need." the young woman brushed off "Anyways whats your order?" she asked again

"Right." I curtly nodded "Can I have a sloppy joe and a side of fries" she nodded then walked off

The bell chimed and a short stunted person trotted in. They looks roughly around 5'0, with a hood that Obscure their face slightly and had their hands stuffed in the pockets and she walked in a both in a Corner of the restaurant.

'I don't know why but her presence is oddly familiar' I thought in the back of my mind

They pulled down their hood and revealed to be a girl with striking raven black hair (with some faded color at the ends) and eyes dark as coals, her skin pale I'd imagine it glittering under the moon's light. She also looked to be a couple years younger than myself; I was bit curious, 'perhaps a gennin- then where's her team? Traveler? Can't be, shes too young too.'

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a small 'clung' as the waitress came with my food setting the dish in font of me



I just chose to ignore the thought and just enjoy my lunch, "Kono tabemono o arigatō" I muttered before digging in, ignoring the nagging feeling I had.

After I paid and walked down the streets of this small town, stopped at a couple shops and picked up a few medicinal herbs and other miscellaneous items for my jorney

Then I heard a high pitched cry followed by a crash and bang. I glanced over to the source and saw surprise, that same midget from before skidding out of the nearby alleyway

'What's going on?! You got to be effin kidding me.'

I saw a couple of mean looking people chase after her, cornering the girl

"If only you'd listen then I'll make this easier" he said as he stood up and grabbed her wrist, she glared daggers back at him.

A small crowd started to form around them

"Your kind is all the same, bully and abuse those who are weaker for your own amusement" the girl states with an icy edge that could send chills up your spine. "At least I have a spine to stand up to someone as pathetic as you; At least I can stop your tyranny. To free these poor saps that you have used for your own benefit and selfish desires"

"you don't know when to give up, do you brat" the man growled

She narrowed her eyes and spat with a smug smirk "You wouldn't even dare, with witness watching I'd think differently." She retorted, her tone laced with a hint of sarcasm

The leader -I assume- chuckled darkly "Your gonna regret challenging us" he said. He shoved her in the direction of of of his goons who restrained the girl "you won't have someone come and help you know, these people are to afraid to go against us" he grinned with an evil glut in his eye

'Like hell I'm standing by.'

"Who do you think you are!" I rushed in front of the crowd

"Beat it boy" the gruff man growled

the raven haired girl-who, might I add, looks totally unfazed.....'Should I be worried' she had this cold indifferent experience on her face, it irked me a bit: does she not know the danger she's in right now?!

"I appreciate the help but I got this. , Plus I got this under control, your just unwanted interference." she said, tho she could have done without the cynicism; and what is she talking about? How does she have this under control? Cause clearly she doesn't!

"Really?!... You got to be shitting me, right. Listen here kid, you don't get it do you! Are you effin serious." I retorted "Apparently you can't comprehend the damn severity-"

"Oh look the weakling need someone to save her" the man sneers "I guess she isn't all so strong as she believes"

"I can to!" she snapped, shaking her head "Its fine" she muttered/assured, calmer and more level-headed tone this time -while struggling a bit against her captors grip-which I dismissed and took as bullshit because 1) you can clearly see the situation and that's the total opposite and 2) despite her attitude towards the situation, this is real and how is she not fazed by her potential death, or at least aware of her own well being.

"Your gonna pay for your intervention you punk" he sneered in my direction

"What?! Your insane! What are you thinking squirt!" I exclaim "Your no match, let me help" I protest, dodging an attack my way. Tho I saw she shake her head faintly 'no' I call bull crap and continued my pursuits

"Oh now they're back"

"Not again"

"Poor kids don't stand a chance"

I heard some of the bystanders say, I could sense the fear in their wary voices. I know how they feel, powerless, unable to help, unable to do anything only to fall victim to bandits and rouges like these losers.

'I won't let that happen, not again' Getting up with new founded determination, I narrowed my eyes at this scum, refusing to give up just yet "damn you!" I shouted, sending a kick his way making him falter back a bit and letting the girl go in the process-tho I think it was because she bit him, hard.

I ran up to the girl and made sure she was ok. "Spare your sympathies" she retorts, jerking away from me

"What?! I just saved your ass and this is the response I get! You need to learn some manners squirt" I exclaimed back with a mix of a stern irritability

"Thank you captain obvious for your opinion, but I think this agreement can wait till after" she replied matter-o-factually with a deadpanned expression

"How dare you-" she hushed me and then gesture to the man, who was getting his second wind. some more of his lackeys decided to join in on this fun.

'Let's see how fun it is when I kick your ass'

"I see you got some skill or whatever; so how about you get the one on the right leave the left one to me" she says- no commands more likes; and I think there was an underhanded complement somewhere in there too.

"Who do you think giving me or-"

"just do it" she retorts

"Get them!" The man I assume is the leader shouts "destroy them for interfering; burn this pathetic village until there's nothing left but ash and dust! That shall be their consequence" I think this guy has a few screws lose, talk about you classic bad guy.

Then we engaged the lackeys as the fight heats up. Surprisingly the kid kept up with her opponent.

"Hey kid your good" I commented, jumping back from an incoming strike

"I had a lot of practice" she nonchalantly replied, ducking under her opponent's swing and countered with a swift roundhouse pushing him a few feet from here

"Hey, behind you." I warned as her opponent was going for round 2 and charged towards her

She glanced back briefly then dodged like it was nothing, his blade barely grazing her leg. The cut didn't seem to faze her that much as her stance stands firm

"Stop staring into space and focus on your fight" she chastised. It took me a millisecond to come back to reality and ducking a flurry of kunai just in time, but slow enough to get whacked in the face with the guy's meaty knuckle sending me face first in the dirt.

'How freaking humiliating' I mentally sighed, getting up

"I got you now" the arrogant man grins cruelly, making me frown as I got back into a battle ready stance

I swept my opponent, catching him off guard 'for a bandit they're pretty dumb.' Pinning him beneath my knees and holding his arms so he has a harder time fighting bsck. "Give?" I muttered, he growled in protest so instead I summoned some electricity -just enough to knock my opponent out- ending my fight.

"You incompetent fools! Who do you think you are, being beaten by children non the less" The gang leader barked at his cronies

The girl's match ended shortly; Pinning down her opponent, but was the strange part was when the guy started to spontaneously screaming his head off. But the strange thing is, that he looked unfazed....at least in a physical sense.

It took me a hot second to realize 'genjutsu, it must be'

"You fool there's nothing their, the girl tricked" the guy ignored his bosses words and continued to scream in agony

After a few more minutes there was a thump, I shoot the girl a quizzical and slightly worried glance "You didn't?!"

"What, no! He's just unconscious cause he's weak" she protested

"Dammit girl. It seems I've miscalculated." the boss muttered

"It seems so." she quips "Your not even in close to the same league. Just a petty thieves and bullies" she taunts, throwing a couple kunai, making a ring of blades around him. "See" she hums with a sly smirk plastered on her face

"Don't think I surrender to some girl. I'll never surrender to a couple of children who think they can play hero" he sneers with a tone full of venom, sending me a dirty glare

"if I were wise then I quietly walk away right know. Leave these people and their village alone" she jers

"Don't think I'm afraid of you, little pest"

"There's only one problem with that-" the girl glares back at the man, "-is that I'm not an ordinary brat."

What surprised me slightly was not the fact that the guy looked like he was gonna pee himself (though that got a good crack out of me as I was dying on the inside about a cute little girl is getting this grown mane to nearly pee himself.) but the piercing red eyes I caught out of my peripheral vision. Piercing red eyes you may say, I am quite familiar with them.

"Your one of them. Impossible, they're extinct. The only ones that are alive are-"

"Yea, and the possibility of me kicking your butt is highly likely." cutting off the flabbergasted man, cockily smirking "So which would it be? leave with your dignity, or be humiliated by the same brat who defeated your lackeys. I don't need my kekkai-genkai to defeat you; But how about we forget that this little exchange ever happened." Those red eyes glowed once more and the man Immediately silenced and fell unconscious. Her cocky grin grew into something of a mix of a victorious smirk and a Cheshire grin. in a way it makes her look pretty damn evil

I still can't effin believe it, I thought that the only ones remaining were Uchiha Sasuke and his older brother Itachi. But there apparently was another; Tho I do not know of this girl all to well. What I do know is that she is quite powerful for her age. Damn impressive for sure.


The towns people held a little celebration and thanked use for freeing them from those bandits. They were also kind enough to give us food and a place for the night- Since it was fairly late by the time.

"hey, can we talk" I said knocking on the door

the door opens and reveals the girl peaking from behind it "Oh, your that guy from earlier."

She looked like she just got out of the shower and was slightly dreamy eyed. Almost like an innocent kid -that she was- and not at all the kick butt, badass from this afternoon.

"Thanks for your help, but honestly they were nothing I could've beat them. Easy peasy." she brushed off nonchalantly

"Oh really " I replied in a taunting tone "-anyways, may I ask, what is someone like you doing out in someplace like here?" I said changing the subject promptly

"I ran away" glancing down briefly and averting her gaze glancing anywhere except at me "I don't think it this was a good choice in hindsight."

"What do you mean?" I replied not convinced

"I left behind some... people that cared about me." She muttered, must be hiding the heartache well

"Then why did you? run away I mean?" I asked

"I had to." she mutters in a hushed voice, almost like she was a bit uncertain about it

which made me more skeptical about her, having a thousand questions running around my brain

"You had to?! What kind of bullshit excuse is that!"

"Yeah, its complicated." she scratched her neck I just raised an eyebrow at the response "It's not an excuse, but I don't have to explain myself to you a total stranger"

'She's not really good at hiding her emotion, is she?'

"Is that why you wanted to talk? To harass me and pry on my privet life" She accuses getting a bit defensive, her tone rising slightly

'it must be touchy subject' I then mentally face palmed 'She must be referring the night of that blood bath, that's no secret by now. Its a shame someone young as her is orphaned'

"What, no! Kid, I may be a rouge like you but I'm not a effin pervert creep if that's what your saying." I retort, sighing exaggerated, taking a deep breath I said -more calmly this time "Look, sorry for getting into a sensitive area I mean no ill will. I get it, we all have things to hide"

"Its fine." she muttered, I nodded curtly and then started to shut her door "Thank you." she mutters "Its been awhile since I met someone decent that doesn't want my head for one reason or another" she chuckled lightly at the morbid joke.

I glanced back and commented "You've been alone for a long time"

she nodded "I guess you can say that" holding some sympathy in my eyes for the girl

"Hey, how about you come along with me, that way you don't have to be so alone" I sugested


"I hope you do accept my offer, us outcasts have to stick together"

"I'll think about it." She mutters with a faint grin. We exchanged a couple more glances before shutting her door, cutting our little conversation to an end.

I saw a scroll laying on my bed, gazing up, looking around. Nothing. Nothing but silence.

The scroll read:

We manged to acquire this map see it helpful.

Tho in return you have to do a favor for us, steal a scroll from the sand.

"Sounds easy enough" I muttered with a Confidence and somewhat cocky grin on my face, picking up the map and examined it; It had marks on it, Orochimaru's hideouts.

"One step closer. Got to stay one step ahead of that slithering Psychopath and I am going to succeed!" I exclaim triumphantly

"Oh shut up"


"I tiring yo sleep here"


A couple of grumpy voices complained, I didn't seem that loud. I guess my neighbors thought differently

'Perhaps I was a tad to loud' I thought, scratching my neck sheepishly with an equally slightly awkward grin, a drop of sweat teared down my forehead

"Don't lose faith in me just yet imōto" I stated, this time in a hushed tone, smirking to myself

next chapter we're checking up on Reika's friends back in Konha and see how they're doing after a lose of a friend. I'd thought a trip back to the village hidden in the leave would be a nice change of pace after all these years.

Right after that will be a short time skip of about a week and see the fallout of Reika's recent events and yet to come.

what do you think this new character? What is his connection and how does he know? I must leave some things a mystery, but believe me he is gonna be more relevant and help Reika grow in ways yet to be told.

Make sure to cheek out the charter page for the charters for more detail here and here for the charters out so far (Note: I'm always updating these pages with new information as the story goes on)

I'm using goggle translate so sorry if I get some words wrong

Urusai = noisy

Shizukani = be quiet

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