
(30) Aftermath


soon morning came, And I dragged myself to the bathroom. I feel like I've been drained, grant it my sharingan was draining my chakra all night, so any energy I restored last night was immediately sapped away cause of it.

I saw my reflection and saw my sharingan spin as it formed another tome form in the center of the eye. I put my hand against my face in pure shock and awe.

I quickly recall the events that transpired last night 'oh.....yeah...that happened' I frowned

Suddenly there was a small knock on my door I quickly dried my tears and when to answer it and found Sakura standing there, she looked like she was crying her eyes out because they were red and puffy and she had a trail of dry tears running down her cheeks

"Are you okay" I asked

"I'm sorry Kireina-Chan I couldn't stop him." I knew she was referring to Sasuke-nii who abandoned the village last night.

"Don't be" I said "You shouldn't blame yourself; If you keep crying you'll lose your complex"

"I'm sorry" she cried again "I guess your right" she muttered, drying her tears and putting on a fake smile.

"Don't be" I chirped in a playful tone. really, it's a pain to see your pitiful gaze. I don't need it nor I want your pity. I may sound mean but I'm just upset about....life.

'Maybe I'm just cursed to be alone *sigh*'

======NARUTO POV-TIME SKIP=========

few weeks past since Sasuke left the leaf I was starting to get worried, no one has seen Kirina-chan in days, not since Sasuke left.

I was walking through the village, passing by Sasuke's old apartment. I noticed a small crowd standing in front of the apartment.

Standing there was Shikamaru, Choji,a blue haired girl, and girl with the byukagan were standing there

"do you think she's okay, she hasn't come out for days" the blue haired girl states with worry in her tone

"I doubt that she has enough to last here that" long Choji replied "she should of at least came out to buy food and other Necessities, right"

"I don't know, I haven't seen here this depressed since her clan died" the bluette sympathetically said

"Naruto" Choji turned and greeted

"hey choji, Shikamaru" I greeted back "What are you guys doing outside Sasuke's old apartment?" I questioned

"I was dragged along choji followed" Shikamaru said broadly *"sigh* what a drag"

"well I don't know who else smart enough to bring along to help with this case" the blue haired girl retorts, crossing her arms across her chest

"Kireina chan hasn't been seem for a couple of weeks now. she must of been devastated when she learned about Sasuke" Choji commented

"I promise to bring him back for both Sakura chan and Kireina chan, believe it." I proclaimed

"poor Reika first Itachi-kun now Sasuke-san" the bluette muttered

"I feel sad for the poor girl, My guess is that she's devastator" the hyuga said

"What are you all doing outside Sasuke-kun's house?" a certain pink haired teammate said

"you know Sasuke's little sister?" Shikamaru said, she nodded "yeah she use to come watch us train sometimes, but I never really knew her personally" she said "Well no one has seen her in days and we started to suspect that something is wrong" he explained "man this is troublesome"

"oh, I do hope she's alright" Sakura expressed concerned

she didn't answer when we knock on the door the first few times

"screw this!" I said knocking down the door(metaphorically of course)

"Naruto! you can't just break into other people's homes" Sakura yelled punching me "especially Sasuke-kun's!"

"Ow, Sakura-chan that hurt" I muttered

after a few minutes we turned the apartment upside down and still didn't find her

"Kireina-chan" I yelled\called out "where are you? answer if you can hear me!" then I felt a slap at the back of my head, I then turned to see the pinkette with fire in her eyes Naruto! sending me death glares "ow Sakura chan" I whined

"quiet it will you Naruto, She's not here" Sakura retorts

"She not here" the blue haired girl noted to herself

"your right I don't sense her chakra" the huyga replied

"W-what do you mean" The blue haired girl muttered "Reika's got to be here, she has to. She can't just disappear"

"What if she followed Sasuke" I point out

"we need to tell Lady Tsunade" Sakura said

"no! that will only be bad she might label Reika as a traitor, I can't let that happen to my friend!" the blue haired girl panicked

"I doubt that" Shikamaru muttered "she wouldn't leave herself unarmed, she would've taken her ninja gear" he pointed out

"we should start by looking at her usually hang outs, she might be there. She has to be somewhere, she couldn't have just up and disappear"

"can you use your byukagan to help search for her" the blue haired girl, Tamaki I think her name was asked the hyuga girl

"right" she activates her doujutsu, after a few minutes later she deactivated them and shook her head "she's not around this area" she commented "she must be out of my range, Gomen"

"Its ok hana thanks for trying anyways"

"I'm happy I could help anyway I could" she said she said with a small sad smile

we've been searching for a little while but still no Kireina-chan

"were could she be this is taking so long" I complained which Sakura slapped me in the back of my head. ne!"

we walked a bit more searching until it started to get dark out

"find anything"

"no, you"

"nothing" I said disappointed

shortly after we regrouped, about to call it a day until...

"Guys think, if she wanted to be found then she would; but if I were her and I don't know want anyone to find me where would I go" Tamaki-chan said


"Really, none of you have of you?! Think closely "she said "it would be the last place anyone would think if?"

a small gasp was heard in realization "your referring to that place aren't you?!" Shikamaru said


"yes, now c'mon" she raced off as the rest of us followed her

"you think she would be there"

"its a hunch" she replied "its the only place left."


"I can't believe I'm doing this-whatever I have to do, I gotta do" I quietly muttered to myself. I was was in the achieve room with a flashlight in hand "Where is it" I sing-song to myself 'ah, here it is' "Uchiha" I went in the back and opened the folder it was about an inch or two thick 'I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier' I thought as I scanned over the file

Suddenly light flashed and voices spoke from the other side of the door.

"oh no" I quickly turned off my flashlight and hightailed it before the guards could catch me

we Soon arrived in front of a large gate covered by yellow police tape,we ducked under and headed further in

"this is not creepy at all" Sakura-chan stuttered

"yeah you said it Sakura-chan" I agreed

"I haven't been here since......Mika died" the blue haired girl said a small dark cloud started to form

"there,there" Choji patted her back reassuringly and offered some potato chips

"how much longer" I complained

"It shouldn't be that much farther Naruto" the bluette simply said

They arrive at gigantic house in the center of the estate

"why are we here? This hose is gigantic, like a mansion" I commented\shouted

"yeah, it is" the bluette said" do you even know who their parents were?"

"they must of been rich to own something like this" I replied she let out a soft sigh and proceeded to head in, the others following close behind

we were searching when they came to the back yard, frozen when a kuni dashed past me just inches from me "what are you doing, your not suppose to be here here" a low voice calmly said but I could hear the underlined threat in the voice, we turned and saw a certain raventte Uchiha girl slowly walk into the light with a small scroll in hand and that signature Uchiha glare plastered on her face. "I'll ask you again why are you here, this is Uchiha territory you know" she said in a 'don't you know' tone tilting her head broadly

"where were you" I said "we were all worried about you"

"Is that so" she says nonchalantly Shifting her weight on her left side. avoiding the question

"why are you here and why weren't you home?"

"this is my home-or at least it use to be" she simply said

"what do you mean?" I asked

she made a slightly annoyed face her eyes saying 'really. idiot' I wasn't sure, but I could feel her gaze. 'She reminds me so much of Sasuke in a few ways. I can really see the resembles, yes.'

"Don't ask stupid questions Naruto." she muttered

"Yep" I sweat dropped as I saw that emotionless glare of hers. 'Deferentially an Uchiha.'

"I promise to bring your brother home even if I have to break all his bones and drag him back Kireina-chan" I declared

"don't make promises you can't keep, Naruto. Plus he's my problem, you won't understand" she calmly said, bit annoyed with a hint of threatening in her tone

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