
Saving the worst timeline in Dragon ball

The most tragic timeline in dragon ball, the original, the death of Goku, the death of all Z warriors, no dragon balls, the death of future Gohan, the death of bulma, the annihilation of this timeline......... No Dragon ball fan wasn't sad.....The mc, dying early, fan of dragon ball reincarnates as Future Trunks, swore to never let that fate happen ! Warning before reading: I'm trying my luck with this, don't expect regular updates. As there is little Fan-fiction on this, I decided to try writing one. Cover is not mine.

idontknowdof_j · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter 8: Meeting Hercule.

(Sorry for the wait, I was a little occupied these days.)

It has been a few months since I've been training with Gohan and my power is increasing at a really fast pace, I might start super saiyan training sooner than I thought. Gohan has been abusing the zenkai boost but he still gets his ass beaten every time, maybe the androids are stronger here ? The Power levels in Dragon Ball have always Been inconsistent anyway.

I've been thinking about it for a few weeks now, but the earthlings of this world are suffering too much. I can't stop thinking about how much they must be suffering because of the androids and then I thought to myself I have to do something.

I plan to follow Gohan on the sly when he leaves to confront the androids and help the civilians hide in a place where they will be safe.

So I started collecting drinking water, I went out on the sly to collect fish and other food with clothes and the like and then I put them away in a capsule.

Then I walked into Mom's lab,

"Mom, I'm going out for a while but I'll be back before tonight!"

"Okay, trunks, Gohan isn't there too, so try to be very careful."

"Don't worry mom, I got this !"

After that, I started looking for a deserted place where there was hardly any population but where we could find water. in this way even if the reserves which I recovered end they will be able to always recover some alone. After a few hours of searching far from cities, I finally found a cave. The nearest town is the orange town.

If I remember correctly, its name was changed after the cell games to Satan city. It was there that Gohan went to college.

After a bit of terraforming, I set about arranging the reserves and arranging the area, it doesn't look like much but in this apocalyptic world, it might seem like a luxury.

First I started using telekinesis to make the cave look a little nicer. I did the same as cell but less badass

At the bottom of the cave, I have installed a large water reservoir, then I left a passage in the center allowing passage, after I installed large refrigerators and I placed the fish there. Finally, I placed a large supply of sleeping bags, at least 1500.

As for how I found all these sleeping bags, I just had to search old supermarkets and abandoned houses, most of the food had already evaporated but they left a lot of stuff.

While I was busy arranging this large cave, a little further on, a man watched me with great astonishment.

"What is this kid!!!"

------------------------------Hercule's Pov--------------------------

My name is Hercule and I'm greatest warrior on earth, at least that's what I thought. It has been exactly 10 years since those wretched androids have appeared, I had a good life and I was living happily, I started to make some good money after my wife's death but no, those shitty androids had to destroy the world !

Right now, my daughter has aged a bit and now I'm trying to find some food in the wild.

"OHO, Littles animals, come to see me, I will do you no harm !"

Hercule was a bit naive doing that but still, he was searching for food in the forest far from the city till he saw something in the sky.

"HIIIIII, What the fuck is that ?!"

I hid myself quickly behind a tree. I was scared and i was covering my mouth

'Is it an android, has my pitiful life already come to an end ?'

But then I looked a bit more and it was not the two androids that were known. He looked Like he was a little boy flying in the sky, but then I looked a bit more and saw that this flying kid did not have the muscles of his age.

'Maybe it is a new type of android !'

Nonetheless, I still continued to observe because if I tried to flee, he would discover me. Then the boy finally stopped flying and found a cave nearby.

He did not seem to be an android but rather an 11 year old boy from what I could see. He must have used some kind of trick to fly.

It reminds me of a rumor I heard, somewhat there was a guy fighting with the androids and he could turn blonde. Him too must have used some kind of trick to be able to do that.

They must be acquainted. But as I was observing the boy , my eyes could old me that I was dreaming, this boy with purple hair was terraforming the cave , he remodeled it so it looked good and then places facilities inside of it, I could not see all but he was definitely doing some kind of shelter.

He then pulled out a capsule that could camouflage the entrance of the cave, it was astonishing, this kid had powers I could not fathom. It was definitely not some kind of trick.

The astonishment made me forget I did not know if he was foe, so I made a little mistake and stepped on a branch too loud.

"Who is there ?!"

'AHHH, I'm finished, Videl, my daughter, I love you !'

---------------------------Trunks' Pov------------------------

As I finished building the shelter, I heard a noise, someone was here. It was definitely a human or I would have sensed his Ki.

But I was greatly shocked when I approached and discovered it was Hercule. They kinda forgot him and Videl in the future timeline.

"What are you gonna do to me, I am not going to be killed by an android !"

He said that but he is on the verge of wetting himself.

"Don't worry old man, I'm not an enemy, I am not going to kill you."

"Really, haha, hahahahaha, I guess you respect the great Hercule, the best martial artist on earth."

"You are actually very lucky, I am gonna need you."

"What ? Are you gonna kill me ?"

"No, you will assemble all the survivors from the city and gather them here I will help you with that. I am making a shelter for survivors."

"What, that's what you were making. Then I guess, I will first search for my daughter."

"Do as you please, I will accompany you anyway."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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