
Sangwoo x Reader

Dating Sangwoo? [Insert box] Check! Does Sangwoo consider you a Goddess? [Insert box] Check! Do you know Sangwoo is a murderer? [Insert box] Blank... Alright, he may not have told you he murders as a die-hard hobby, but at least you wouldn't care. You're also *quite* the sadist. Disclaimer: Be aware this is based on such a twisted character that there will be abusive, gory, and potentially psychologically damaging content. If you are under 16, read at your own risk, and I will hold no responsibility for any complaints regarding this.

markiee · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Run Rabbit.

As he parked his fancy sports car outside of his rundown house, he pulled his cap on and stepped out of the car before he walked around and opened my door.

"My lady." He said with a grin, and my sulking was officially over as I stepped out and he shut the door behind me.

I felt eyes on the back of my head, glancing back; I noticed nobody.

"You seem paranoid, what is it?" He said lowly, barely audible. I leaned closer and whispered back.

"I think someone's watching us-" I was cut off by his sudden grab of my hips and the smack of our lips together. His embrace was welcome, but did he have to be so rough?

When he let me go, my lips had to be swollen. "What was that for?"

"I just had to claim my property properly. Just so wheover is there, sees it." He said with a grin as he reached and took my hand, pulling me along. "I have to show you something, anyways."

I'd never been near nor in his house before, but it looked alright from the outside; though small. He punched in the code and pushed the door open, and I took an excited step in.

I looked down the narrow corridor, before I started to walk down it. I really wanted to explore.

"Y/N, let's sit and talk before-" He was cut off by a banging under us. A scream? No, it couldn't have been..

But I definitely heard a scream.

"Sangwoo, what was that?" I glanced back at him, and he looked slightly guilty.

"Well, there's no point in lying any further, eh?" He then took a baseball bat from beside the door and started to walk towards me. My first instinct was to run backwards and behind the table. "Aww, baby, we don't need to play cat-and-mouse. Just come here." He demanded as he stood opposite me now, across the table.

"You know, I'm quite fond of blood." I make a small smile at my hopes of distraction.

"Crazy bitch. Just get here, now."

"I also like bodi---"

"I SAID, GET HERE NOW!" He shouted at me, which was a first. He seemed so calm before, but now he's like a completely contrasting person.

"...Sangwoo, I love you." I was mostly distracting myself so not to cry. Loud noises in general I hated.

"Don't lie to me, you whore." He hissed, as he slowly began to walk around the table, I in turn walked round the other way.

"Just don't shout at me, Sangwoo." I whispered. His crazed gaze softened slightly, before I bolted for the door. I tripped and landed face first onto the hard floor. Curling up, I covered my face with my hands and cried into them. Pain wasn't something I tolerated well.

"Oh, Y/N. It seems I don't even need this bat any longer, you've done yourself in. Though, I could use the sledgehammer - I don't want you getting out, do I now?" He smiled, as he walked away from me to collect something.

I began to crawl across the floor and towards the door. I must've twisted my ankle, because my foot was in immense pain.

I reached the door rather quickly and went to open it..

Locked. Of course it was fucking locked! Life would be too simple if it weren't!

"Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run." Sangwoo sang as he walked down the corridor excrutiatingly slowly, metal scraped the wooden floor as he walked. Supposedly the sledgehammer he was on about.

I had to shield my legs somehow-

I remembered my pepper spray in my pocket and pulled it out, quickly squirting some into his eyes as he came close and began to lift the thing. He yelled out in surprise mostly as he backed up and dropped the weapon, clawing at his eyes.

I began to crawl away, towards the basement- wherever the entrance was, I didn't know..