
Ressurection (1).

One never gets all in life because its never easy, it has never been and in such a world like this it will never be.

Not all one sees is the truth and all end is the wall,the sky is never the limit it is just an excuse if one can't aim higher above the sky.

At every level in life that one gets to there is a devil, not just any devil but a necessary devil that one can't do without.

You will so much want to get rid of it but at the same time you need that devil in your life to torment and remind you of your failures, how you are a losser and sometimes his you are a nobody so you can motivate yourself to aim higher, higher above the sky and not making it your limit.

In some far away land, the only challenge one might face is financial crisis or one or two petty life challenges.

But in a different world on it own life is a battle, a battle one has to cheat and lie to win, a battle one would have to betray their loved ones and kill their own parents or children to survive.

To survive not in terms of trading lives for food or money since this particular side of the world has ninety percent of their population to be rich and well to do high society people. They never lack money even though some of the citizens are extremely poor, but to survive in terms of trading lives for lives.

Of course some do it willingly but others have no choice. That is how life is in Salem. A once beautiful and peaceful world with happy souls, souls that got tinted with the arrival of something ominous.

Well its not like they were all pure but then do you think a theif will testify against himself?

That is how it has been for centuries, the real indegeous people of Salem would never admit to the fact that they also sinned and have a hand in their down fall but will always blame the newcomers or should I say intruders?

Salem since the beginning of time belongs to the Lux Brumalis. It is a secret every single soul who is willing to know knows, they are the blood of the land.

But most of us know things don't always go the way we expert them to go.

The pain of Salem is full of ups and downs, one that the higher ups can relieve them of but because of pride and greed they will never do.

Standing before the devil's grin heads down and wearing long black cloaks were the five elders and their partners. The only persons allowed to go near the devil's liar.

Amongst these five elders includes the parents of the devil.

They have their heads down because most of them are not so happy about what is about to take place, almost the whole population does not want the resurrection to take place but they have no choice.

And this is the necessary devil I spoke about. You don't want it yet you need it to torment and mock you.

"I don't think this is going to work" Liam said with his head down looking at the young and innocent flower bud.

"We won't know until we try" Sedora said with a firm voice for all the present souls to look at her with no expression on their hard faces yet fear in their hearts. All present souls includes the young flower bud but unlike the black bloods who have no expression on she could not help but show fear since fear is what she's currently feeling, it is written all over her like she is a chalk board. She fears for her life, she knows there is no turning back she was going to be killed by these heartless people, people of her own kind.

She looks at everyone present especially the women in the circle hoping one of them would at least sympathize with her but that was only her wishful thinking.

"Would you all stop looking at me like am some freak from wonder land?"

"How many times have we not tried?, aren't you all tired of trying huh? Are you not tired of killing innocent flower buds?" Derrick said frustrated already with everything. But of course who won't be frustrated about doing something that brings forth nothing but failure?

"Oh please! Don't give me that Rick, we all know how much you careless about neither the flower buds nor their innocence."

Liam scornfully commented to Derrick's hypocrisy. One thing he didn't like and would never tolerate was hypocrites. He believes that one has to own up to their actions and face the consequences and currently the other elder is being a hypocrite.

"I very much care about the flower buds and their innocence as much as I care about the sacrifice my King."

Derrick said to clear any doubts about him not being happy about the ongoing sacrifice.

Even though he very much hates the presence of the devil, he could not help but want to see what will happen after his resurrection thus he has be happy about the sacrifice whether he likes it or not.

"Men I think you should do this some other time, we have no more time to waste it is either we perform the sacrifice or leave you to argue."

Glinda, the wife of elder Derrick said with impatienit as she soo wants to flee from before the devil's grin.

The devil's grin is a place no one in their right sense would wish to go. It smells of death and even the elders do not wish to go there unless needed to.

Of course one does not expert the abode of the devil to be a banquet or soiree for young maidens.

The devil's grin is a mystery, one no one wants to talk about for fear of being the next sacrifice to the devil laying in there. The devil's grin has the ability to suck one's soul out of their body just by going close to it, even though they're blessed with immortality, getting into a close contact with the devil's grin reduces one's life essence.

That is why the citizens are warned not to go anywhere close to the devil's grin, failure to do so brings upon the person a serve punishment which is none other than death. Anyone going close to this mystery place goes at their own risk since the punishment of death is not bestowed by the elders but rather the forces of the place.

Going close to the devil's grin without performing the required sacrifice correctly is like having a death wish.


Sedora said with warning in her voice, Liam on the other side sent a sharp glare to the direction which made her keep mute and keep her head down.

Derrick at the very moment wants to strangle his silly wife to death.

Speaking to the royals in such gatherings as the present one without permission is considered rude and out of one's character.

Respect is one thing the people of Salem do not take lightly, one has to know their place and not over step their boundaries. Taking a mile once an inch is given brings a punishment on it own, one is suppose to appreciate it but not misuse it because it makes that person appear ungrateful before the royal couple.

Glinda with her head down quickly apologized so as not to incur the wrath of the royal couple and her husband who has a bad temper just like all the men present.

"Am very sorry. Pardon me it won't happen again."

"You better make sure of that Glinda, because next time you do something like this your sorry and pardon won't save your sorry self."

Sedora said with no emotions.

Glinda was fond of doing what she just did. She always have the notion of being better than Sedora but all the facts that shows that Sedora is better and superior than her have always being right before her glaring at her in the eyes telling her Sedora is better than her sorry self.

Being friends since childhood, they all have come to accept that they can never compete with Sedora. She is the daughter of the great Lester Donovan, a man who has made history in and out of Salem. A descendant of the Donovan bloodline and the only one able to capture the heart of the perilous Liam.

It is no secret how all the four ladies had so babdly want to be a part of the Nigrum family. A family that has always been at the top of the hierarchy since the beginning of time, they are believed to have been the direct descendants of their god Ubel and thus every girl's dream to marry into the Nigrum family.

But of course just like always Liam had his eyes on no one else apart from Sedora, a girl who did not even look at him twice since they officially met at his coming of age. Their marriage has been arranged since Sedora didn't have any intentions of settling down with anyone.

"Honey I think you should just let it go and let's get done with the sacrifice quickly."

Liam said in an attempt to appease her and calm her down, but Sedora as always does what she wants where she wants and when she wants calling her honey or with a calm and affectionate voice won't let her keep her thoughts to herself and Liam very much knows that but after all there is no harm in trying right?

"Do not tell me to let this slide Liam. If I don't correct her, the rest will think they can walk in her footsteps."

Of course Liam knows what she is saying is right if they are not corrected they would get out of hands very soon especially Glinda and her husband. Not having anything else to say to her he just let out a sigh, but not one of relief.

He knows correcting them and putting them in their right place is important but right now they have gathered before the devil's grin because of the sacrifice and there was no more time to waste but as always Sedora was just being Sedora and there is hardly anything anyone can do to stop her, not even him her King and husband.

"Hmm! Alright dear why don't you go ahead and draw the circulus vitae."

Liam suggests to his beloved wife.

It would be better if they start the sacrifice already because they could not waste anymore time.

The circulus vitae is a symbol that represents more life it is believed that when one draws it besides the dead and performs the right and required sacrifice with the accient awakening spell, then one can raise the dead to be a living creature.

But unfounately only the Nigrum family holds all it requires to awaken the dead making some folks believe that it is only some wild rumors which would fade with the passage of time.

They hold this perception because they think so far no one has been risen from the dead forgetting that in their kind of world everything is possible.

Sedora quickly stepped out of the power circle they've formed walking closer to the devil's grin she draw the circulus vitae and use the sharp double edged dagger handed over to her by Liam to slit her wrist.

She crouched down before the circulus vitae with her bottom resting on her well pedicured royal feet. She stretched her hand so her thick and rich royal blood can drip unto the circulus vitae giving it life and the power needed.

While they were busy talking, the young innocent flower bud was also busy thinking about her fate and what would befall her any moment from now.

Seeing the red smoke coming out of the circle Derrick quickly grabbed the chain around the neck of the flower bud and pulled her into the circle like one would pull a mad dog.

Sedora made way for Liam whose eyes has gone dark red from it original royal purple state, she placed the dagger in his hands and without allowing the flower bud her last prayers he cut open her throat with no sympathy. They all watched as her innocent red blood gush out unto the circle giving it more life and power.

"Do you think this is going to work?"

"Well we can only pray and hope."

Liam asked his wife after waiting for some time.

The red smoke only intensified but the colour and aura remained the same. They all had their doubts but did not dare to speak out they feel like telling the stubborn royal couple to their face_ ' I told you so' but they would not dare for fear of their lives.

Sedora let out a frustrated sigh, internally she feels like crying and shouting to the whole of Salem asking them 'why?'

Holding her hand in his he said to her_ "let's go, the gods and heavens would do the rest."

Turning around with their respective partners they left the devil's grin leaving behind only the dead body of the young innocent flower bud which would soon turn to dust.

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