
Sakamaki Izayoi in Classroom Of The Elite / youkoso jitsuryoko (Cote)

this is NOT MINE I'm just translating and I don't make any money out of this go to (ImperialKira) on wattpad for the original Sakamaki Izayoi a human being with the power to destroy heaven and earth, his great strength is only comparable to his intelligence, then how can such a human being endure such a boringly ordinary life? Sakamaki Izayoi x Classroom of the elite

Vucols · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

chapter 1

Sakamaki Izayoi was in the corridors of the school going to his classroom, he must have arrived a few minutes ago, but decided that he wanted to explore the campus a bit, he was bored, he could have waited after the ceremony but wanted to take a walk without the annoyance that the entire campus is filled with students

So that's why she wasn't on time, she still had 5 minutes before she was late, the girl who ran into the entrance must have already arrived and when she sees him she must think that he wanted to get away from her, or that she got lost, they are both easy going through your mind, still it's not like it's a problem

Standing at the door of class 1D, giving a sigh because he would have to be trapped here 3 years, he opened and it was not surprising that everyone was already in the classroom, it was to be expected that everyone would look at him as he was the last, still not He flinched, ignoring everyone he passed and headed for his seat

The one who had his name on display, curious, but he didn't think about it too much, it was the seat at the back by the window, he sat down and decided to look outside, he had seen the campus a bit, it was big almost like a small city or a town, he was able to notice that there were cameras in several areas, obviously they were to maintain control over the students and staff

He just entered his room and took a quick look at the area, it did not take long to see the camera that was above him, hidden but even if he kept his eyes they would notice it, obviously this had its function, to spy on the students

He could notice that in his living room there were 4 people who were on that bus, the third-rate villain boy, the girl he met at the entrance, and 2 extras, a girl with black hair and a disinterested look, but not like hers, but plus one of the type who prefers to be in his space, and a boy with a dead fish look, he could tell that he was anxious about school, he thought it was because it was the beginning of the semester

It was a great coincidence that he was in the same room as 4 on the bus, he still kept his book, he no longer found an interest in reading it, maybe then he should stop by the library and grab some, after all, only books made him don't die of boredom

He could notice that the girl next to him was staring at the book, she had eyes of astonishment, it must have been due to the fact that the book was in another language, he did not blame her for said action

Looking at her with slight curiosity, just for the fact that she could say something to kill the boredom

Said girl noticed it and looked away with a blush, she quickly lost what little curiosity she had in her and looked at the window again

The few minutes that were left passed and the bell rang, almost as if it was waiting for it to happen a woman entered, the woman was wearing a dark gray formal suit, black hair and a strict look, it must be the teacher

Without telling himself that he was still looking at the window, everyone looked at the woman in the suit

"Good morning new students, I am sae chabasira and

I will be in charge of class D, I teach history of Japan "

'So the manager teaches history, joins the

subjects I can sleep on '

"As this school does not handle room changes, I will continue to be your teacher for the next 3 years in the same way the people you see around you will be your classmates, unless they are not involved in any incident"

The teacher paused for the information to be

assimilate into the minds of the students

"After the entrance ceremony they will be allowed to spend their time as they wish, as their classes will officially begin tomorrow. For now they will be given written materials and instruction guides on the special rules of the institution.

Taking the sheet of instructions that passed from the front, he was able to read the rules better, the most important were that he could not have contact with the outside world, including his family, which he already knew but considered unnecessary in his case, they know that can take care of itself, the other was that each student had to stay on campus and they had facilities for them to spend their time

He just hoped there were things he could spend his time on so as not to get bored, the library was on top of his mind right now.

Then the teacher started talking about the school's point system or better called S-system, giving each student an identification card as well as a mobile phone, oh right she had to leave hers at home in homura's care, luckily They are not banned from their music player, going back to the class points was something interesting, the sensei said funny things in her explanation

The main thing is that the cards are used to buy, which I had already guessed, he toured the campus and there were many stalls and stores, in the same way the mobile can be used for the same in case you forget one of the 2, only an idiot would forget At least carry one of your IDs, the phone also comes with applications already predetermined basically a normal phone that only serves to communicate with others with the same equipment, yep it was going to be a pretty boring 3 years

Oh what was interesting, you can buy anything with the points, he was wondering if he was true to his word and was anything, he was wondering if anyone else noticed that subtle hint, other things he mentioned was that you had to be careful With the points you spent, another hint, why would you have to be careful if every month you were deposited 100,000 points? The answer was in the following line, the school graded them by merits, depending on your merits you were going to receive points, but what were these merits, get good grades in exams? Too simple for it to be just that, for now that was something to consider

He also mentioned that the points are deposited every month, the points are not 100.00, so it must have been thrifty, who was he kidding, if it was true that you could do anything with the points as long as it was in the rules or that the school did not I noticed I was going to make bets with their seniors, that way they would not have to worry, also it is not as if they were someone who spent their money on unnecessary things, they would only buy what is useful or interesting, they should buy a video game console to hang out, go for some books and get information from their seniors for bets, hey, I already had things to do, life couldn't be easier

Another point to take into account was this Everyone passed the entrance exam, that alone speaks of their performance and potential "that means that now they will see if they perform as a group? How convenient, the test qualifies them as individuals and the classes as a group, that meant I would have to tell these idiots the answers if they don't realize

Looking at his companions, I wish I had touched him in the last chair, he touched the seat to the right next to the window but it was not the last row, it was the penultimate, he saw that they only had euphoric expressions, really? Not even a doubt why the school is so accommodating? There must be at least one who is skeptical, I would wait until the profane asks questions and she will clarify what she has already discovered, she may have analyzed too much and it is just a boring school

My chairmate was happy about the points given, at least they kept their naive side, that did not mean they were idiots far from it, just a little slow, maybe some need more clues, it could be fun to see their expressions when they discover that their points do not increase next month

This only responded to their hierarchy theory, if there are points, if they classify you by merits, and if the school tries to do everything like the real world it only meant that there were promotions, the one with the most points will be the first in the ranking, but he did not see a real reason to climb that rung, as mentioned he could increase his points with the cooperation of his seniors

If it is interesting to move up the rankings, it will. but for now he does not see a profit, but he will give the clues, after all where is the fun if you do not have strong opponents

At such a thought a predatory smile crossed his face, it could be interesting but it would only be if his companions were interesting

"Anyone have a question with what I already said?"

I wanted to see if someone has one, but no one raises their hand, his smile had already been replaced by his disinterested look, his colleagues were satisfied or afraid to express themselves, why? Were you afraid of attracting attention? Attract unnecessary attention? Aren't you supposed to be in this school to succeed? If you want to succeed, take the first step, you should not be afraid that only makes you lose your value as a person, he has never been afraid to show his skills, on the contrary, he was more than happy when he had to use them, he did not care what people would say alone his satisfaction and feeling good about himself mattered

* sigh * it seems that he would have to be the one to make the first move, he never liked it, he always liked to see what the other person had to offer, after seeing him he crushed him with everything he had, crush the strong and to the weak without holding back, that's how I lived

"Yoo sensei, I want you to clarify something for me, it doesn't matter if you don't answer directly

Rising from his seat, with an arrogant attitude and a smug smile on his face, but he did not show himself to be superior to others, he was not like koenji the fifth-grade villain who believed himself superior to everyone, no, his attitude only showed confidence in himself himself, without despising anyone but not recognizing an equal, pure security in his person, someone who has not known the feeling of disapproval, when his colleagues saw him they could not remove the idea that they saw an illogical calm storm, he was unique, and Although it gave the feeling of being a criminal, it also showed a person who will never look over you

"Mmm? Oh you're Sakamaki Izayoi right? Tell me Sakamaki what do you want me to clarify for you?"

"It is quite simple, due to our merits it is that we

we have earned our points, right? it is thanks to them that

we'll get the equivalent next month huh? "

The whole room was silent, he had blurted out an answer, even an idiot could say that what he said sounds too weird, he did not answer or say that they will not receive points, nor did he say that now they will be seen as a group and not as individuals, if they lose points will be for their incompetence, maybe a week or 2 before if they have not grasped the clues, they will release the answers

"Are you an idiot? Sensei just said they'll give us our points next month, didn't you pay attention?"

It seems that the human tends to outdo himself, a red-haired teenager was the one who made his attempt to intimidate him

"HAHAHA who knows, I wonder who it is"

"You bastard !!!"

"Enough, Sudou, and Sakamaki I think that's what I said, next month they will have all their points on their account, does that clear things up?"

Ohh, I could say that the sensei had experience in this, the doubts that she generated were dispelled by the sensel, but the most attentive could see something, but the sensei said that if her ideas were clarified, she just told her that she is right with her suspicions, haha ​​he already had what he wanted for him that was the defeat of the sensei, he had not planned to solve the lives of his companions, if they are only going to be satisfied with his current life who is he to put his ideology into them, everyone lives as want while you have fun

"Heh, that's the way it is huh, he answered and clarified my ideas sensei, I don't have to worry then HAHA"

Chabashira sensei, gave him a small smile of approval, no one noticed it but he did, he should not have thought that someone would notice the system so quickly, he must give him credit for knowing what to say in case of these types of questions, the school is ready , I also wanted to ask about buying anything but you will do it later, if you get all the answers the first day it will no longer be fun

"Well then if there are no more questions or doubts I will withdraw, have a good day class"

And the classroom was silent, it was obvious he supposed, there were some who spoke in low voices but it was more about buying things with their points, he did not care what they spent and wasting their lives on, he just wanted interesting things to do , oh and the red-haired boy kept looking at him ugly, if he wanted a fight he would welcome him with open arms, he never looked for trouble but he never refused a fight either

"Umm h-hi, what did you ask sensei why didn't you pay attention?"


Seeing her companion in the chair who was somewhat nervous, it must be because of talking to a stranger, the girl was short, she had her hair in two pigtails, indigo in color, her eyes are pink with a touch of purple

"Haha sorry, I'm Mel yu wang, it's just that if you missed something I can answer you, I still remember what chashibara sensei said"

So that was it, he thought he was clueless, it was not blamed by anyone who saw him would see a cute boy but a juvenile delinquent, heh that thought was funny

"Yo Mel, haha ​​no problem my doubts have already been resolved, I can live in peace"

Still responding with her confident smile, the girl gained a slight blush, she must be ashamed that they refer to her with too much confidence, but that's how he was, a shameless

Although I must ask, you're not from Japan are you, maybe, Chinese? "

"Ahhh? How did you know? My name shouldn't give away a

so exact answer "

"He, I guessed nothing impressive, you speak Japanese well, I have been to China, they have somewhat peculiar legends"

*Seriously? well, I've been living in Japan since I was 4 years old, but I still know a few more languages ​​"

"Oh, interesting, I still speak several languages, I start

to doubt that it was a coincidence that we had to be


When the girl was about to answer, she was interrupted by the voice of the boy in front, a boy with yellowish brown hair.

* All allow me your attention please, starting today

we will be classmates for the next 3

years, I think it would be a good idea if we introduce ourselves

it seems to them?"

So presentations, it would be interesting to know the names of the faces that he will see in his 3 years, he could see Mei watching him maybe hoping that if he shows up she can gain confidence, it was a common thought, no one wants to be the first to jump not until they see if the end is certain and they look for someone to go first, the typical saying, throw it to the wolves, but he did not care what kind of image he gave people, he did not care to impress or displease someone, because after everything was not interesting

But hey, he was still a guy, and if he liked to impress girls just for the whim of seeing their expressions, if he shows up now and talks about everything he's good at, it means he didn't try to make a good impression but he did. wait and someone else does, it will be seen as someone jealous who tried to get over it

He made his decision, if he presents himself first he can leave, he wanted to see the library and buy basic things, so he stood up, the boy looked at him puzzled, he must have wanted to introduce himself first so that the others gain confidence, bad luck for him he was arrogant and won't let it look like he gave you courage

"Hahaha, it's a great idea, it would be nice to know the name of the faces that I will see for 3 years, I will take the first word if it is not a problem"

I wasn't asking for an application I was going to do it anyway even if the boy refused

"Oh of course, then you can introduce yourself"

"Yes yes, the teacher already said my name but it is good that they learn it, I am Sakamaki Izayoi, a hedonistic person, I am quite good at sports, and despite my wild appearance I spend most of my time in a library, always that something is interesting I will be involved, feel free to call me by my first name, I was never someone of honorific, a pleasure "

People were somewhat surprised by his presentation, who claims to be a hedonist and wild-looking and is proud of it, only he would do it, but the girls were the first to get over it, the boy was attractive and said he was good at sports, besides being someone who studies a lot, he added many points, and it is even more so by freely admitting his weaknesses, he only made the girls think that he was honest and did not try to impress anyone

So they applauded and congratulated him, but he could only think of one thing, the girls are super, but he will not refuse attention, he never saw the bad thing to attract attention or go unnoticed, he never knows what action he will do, even he could not predict your own movements

"It's good to meet you sakamaki-kun, I plan to join the soccer team, if you are interested we could join together, if you are good it would be great to play with you '

"Mmm I could take it into account, if it is interesting I could join, but I am not going to deny the idea that we have a match, I never say no to a challenge

"Then I'll be waiting, well I think now I have to introduce myself, I'm hirata yosuke, as I already mentioned I plan to join the soccer team, because it is my favorite sport, just feel free to call me by my first name, nice to meet you "

Still the girls applauded him, and he heard something funny, 'Is it possible that Hirata kun and Sakamaki Kun are future couples? "" They are BL material "a shame for those girls because he was 100 percent straight, the girl next to him blushed when he heard that horrible idea

And so they introduced themselves, there was a guy who blatantly lied about being a professional in various sports and games like ping pong, then another who said he hated pretty boys and pretty girls could only be his girlfriend, really? If his plan was to be hated it worked, the girl he met this morning, saying that she wanted to be friends with everyone, couldn't help but think that it was too much about acting, but she was not the one to say anything to him, and she found no interest or profit in doing so.

Then another boy was going to introduce himself or would have done it if the red-haired boy had not interrupted the class, this boy was annoying and someone who is a hedonist tells you, making him consider something annoying was almost impossible

"Why the hell should we introduce ourselves, we are not a bunch of little kids, you can play your game but leave me out."

He decided to speak, this boy thought he was being forced, did he think he was so important?

"I certainly no one forces you, even though I didn't know that

it was too much trouble to give a name "sigh * oh

Well there is a door, no one tells you to stay

eventually the class will know your name

The guy only saw him irritated, he grabbed his things and left the room, great he had an enemy, it's good, where is the fun if the generic antagonist of the protagonist was not there, the future enemy grows, so our battle will be legendary

"Sakamaki kun, you shouldn't have let him go just like that, you guys have already introduced yourself, it's unfair that someone doesn't show you respect"

How quickly he gained the trust of the class or at least of the girls, was this his power as a school protagonist? I'd read enough trash sleeves to make this scene cliche.

"Right right sakamaki kun, you were very soft"

"Nah, nobody forces him to introduce himself, let him be as he wants, now you can continue with the presentations, I would like to go to the library

When he said those words, as if it were a sign, several followed Sudou's example and left the room, he already expected this result, he was only amused that they took time to leave, he wanted to finish this, when more people left, it only means that only half of the time remains. time, the library and shopping awaited him

* sigh * "that was an obvious result, it only makes things easier, for those who are shy there is already less public, they can continue with confidence"

The girls smiled at him for their apparent consideration for people with insecurity, seriously he was going very fast, they finished introducing themselves until there was a boy, brown hair, it seems that he was lost in thought, his eyes managed to awaken a gram of his curiosity, I had seen them on several occasions, in people who experienced the war first hand, those who have left their morale behind to win by any means

And he was staring at him, he had noticed his gaze since his name was said, did this boy know him? If so, I was curious to know where, is it someone who has had their butt kicked?

The boy noticed that the whole class was looking at him, taken out of his thoughts he stood up and got ready, he noticed that he was ordering his thoughts to speak

"Umm, hi umm, I'm Ayanokouji Kyotaka, I don't have a particular taste ummm ... A taste"

It was certainly one of the worst presentations he has ever heard, but ... Who would say, Ayanokouji, same last name as that old man, who knows, it could be interesting, if he was here it means that that place fell silent, or the old man was in legal trouble , or just the boy just escaped, there were various theories, but he wasn't too curious to figure it out, it wasn't a concern or annoyance, just a slight curiosity that quickly faded

'These 3 years could be worth it maybe'