
Saiyan x tales of the wedding ring

Summary: I'm using the current episode of super dragon ball heroes world mission plot. Demigra is back and during the battle goku and vegta have defused he made a last ditch effort by adorning the enegy from demigra and transferring it to goku and Vegta to refuse while He takes the other enegy into the unknown.

Saiyannationyt12 · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

Chapter two

The more he looked around the castle the more impressed he was at it. 'Hmm, this This place has less impressive technology like the world before but I'm impressed they managed to get this far. ' he thought, as he remembered his first time entering the other world and realizes the technology is not on the same level as from his world.

He then continued to walk around the castle courtyard. Thankfully the damage the creature, which he was told was called an Abyssal beast, caused was minimal with only the roof of the chapel and small other areas around the castle being damaged. This meant the knights of the castle didn't have to clean up too much debris.

"Look! That man over there…that's the Ring King!" a woman's voice said behind him before he turned to the side a bit to see a shorter maid with short blonde hair excitedly pointing at him as two other maids stood at her sides.

"I hear he came from another world and showed off some different kind magic" the brown haired maid with a ponytail said beside her.

"Yeah he doesn't look all that different from us except I heard he has a tail and it's cute." the short haired maid said with an excited tone.

"Well of course he doesn't look that different, how else would the princess have been able to live in his world and blend in" the black haired maid said in a tone as if to say it was obvious.

'Ring King? Is that my title considering Hime is the princess of this kingdom?' he thought with a raised brow as he looked down at the ring on his finger.

"He was incredible! I saw him with my own eyes ! He started using his own magic and it formed into the palm of his hands and it fired and he moved it up towards where the dark beast came from and made a huge explosion." the short haired maid excitedly described before the ponytail maid tapped her on the shoulder and pointed to him as he had been watching with a smirk.

"Oh my god he looked at me!" the short haired maid squealed as he just gave her a light wave and a chuckle before he walked off.

"Dakon, there you are"Hime's voice called out before he turned and was stunned by what she was wearing.

Gone was her school uniform and in its place was the most elegant strapless and somewhat frilly white dress along with a tiara, elegant necklace, and gloves that went up a bit past her elbows. The dress made her look even more beautiful, accenting her already amazing figure and truly making her truly look even more princess like.

"Wow Hime, you look amazing" he said, blushing at just how amazing she looked which only caused her to blush as well from his words with a soft smile.

"T-thank you Dakon" she said before she shook her head. "Wait I came here for a reason! You need to come with me, it's very important" she told him with a pout, as if playfully upset for him getting her distracted with her compliment.

"Okay, okay, I'll go with you" he told her, glad that it made her smile before she turned around, leaving him to follow her through the castle. "So what is so important that it requires you do dress up in an amazing dress like this?" he asked, making sure to compliment her again as she looked over her shoulder at him.

"The royals of the kingdom wish to meet you as they didn't get a chance to during the wedding ceremony" Hime said, a bit of a frown on her face at the mentions of the royals before she blushed again when she referred back to the wedding.

"Oh so it's a formal thing regarding the rings I'm guessing" he said as he rubbed his chin a bit before frowning. "Though shouldn't I get changed as well? I mean I'm wearing my battle outfit and I don't think it will be appropriate if I'm meeting royals" he added, motioning to his battle clothes as while he did bring all his stuff with him this is the only thing he was able to change into on time.

"You should be fine, it's just supposed to be where you address the kingdom as the Ring King and all" she said in a bit of a nervous tone before she opened a set of big double doors to reveal a somewhat long room with people crowding around either side of the room, divided by a carpeted aisle.

"Did this boy truly defeat the abyssal creature? He has the aura of a warrior but that magic was quite odd. Can he be trusted!?" several people whispered as they stood while the doors closed behind them.

"That marriage was supposed to bind together the Kingdom of Light and the Empire" one man whispered, getting his attention as he subtly looked his way.

"If the Emperor his Majesty were to hear of this, he would most certainly be enraged. The appearance of the abyssal creature only serves to make matters worse" another said, making Naruto inwardly frown at the mention of some emperor becoming enraged at this as that did not paint a good picture for the man from the get go.

"Even if she was raised in another world I simply cannot fathom what the princess was thinking choosing this boy as the Ring King" another man said, not even trying to whisper before Dakon released killer intent and then they back off.

"Only the one whom the ring bearer chooses shall become the Ring King, destined to save this world" a new voice said. Dakon looking it was the man Hime had almost married the night before. "Both he and I have merely fulfilled our roles in the prophecy. My father's wishes and the Empire's expectations should have no bearing on that" the man said before Naruto felt a strong negative emotions of anger, rage, and hatred as he looked to see it coming from a bald man.

"As if a failure such as yourself knows anything of our traditions…" he muttered silently, Dakon reading his lips able to understand what he says as the man cleared his throat.

It is time" a familiar voice, belonging to Hime's grandfather as he stepped forward, motioning for them to walk to him. "I have brought you here today as many have expressed the desire to see you. The people tire of waiting for their king. Now, this way" he motioned towards the balcony as they walked forward, Dakon instantly bombarded by a loud roaring cheer of a massive crowd.

"Behold! He who shall repel the darkness of the abyss and bring us the light of the Annulus! The Ring King!" someone declared from below as Dakon got more of an idea of what being the Ring King meant to this world.

"Say something Dakon , the people have waited long for the Ring King's return. You are the hope of this world" Gramps said as Dakon nodded, cleared his throat as then he started floating over the edge of the balcony.

"People of the Light Kingdom I am Dakon. I have come from another world, as you heard I promise to defeat the abyssal king. I will be the warrior that you have heard of in legends. The one have a pure of heart and now awaken that who I am. I am THE RING KING Dakon."

As he then flared his aura then made it into a bright pillar of light.

As he was guided back in things got a bit busy, him and Hime meeting several of the nobles. He did his best to just smile through it but made notes of which ones were angry around him, especially the one who made the 'failure' comment about the guy who Hime was supposed to marry.

Something about the glare behind his eyes and the smiling façade didn't make him feel too well about the man, making him decide to have a clone keep an eye on him due to a strong gut feeling.

The meet and greet of nobles continued before Hime was drawn away to deal with something else and he was led off to his own room where he would be staying for the time being.

"Well time for some mediation."

He then closed his eyes and focused into what the Abyssal King would look like and begin to fight.


Hearing the door opens he stopped the mental training and opened his eyes to see Hime. "Sorry for taking so long I tried to finish as fast as I could but they wouldn't finish up." Hime said, closing the door before putting the food on a nearby table.

"It's okay Hime although I'm sad to see you changed as I really, really liked that dress" he told her, rubbing the back of his head with a bit of a blush and a smile as he did find her to be even more beautiful in that dress.

"T-The clothes here are too formal so I had to change back into this until they make new clothes for me" she said with a blush of her own from his compliment before motioning to the food to change the subject. "You didn't get to eat dinner yet so I brought you some food I thought you might like" she added as he got up from the bed with a smile.

"Oh wow, thanks Hime! Care to join me?" he said, inviting her as he scooted out one seat before she sat down with soft smile and he sat across from her. "So how is it being back after 10 years away? Is it weird to be home again?" he asked as he started to eat some of the food while looking up at her, frowning a bit as she frowned at his question.

"It's a bit odd…up until now I had been hidden in your world. Ten years is a long time to be away from home but this is still where I was born and I can still remember living here when I was little but things have changed so much and it feels…" she said before she started to trail off with a faraway look in her eyes.

"Feels like it's almost not home?" Dakon said, feeling that is what she meant as she nodded. "I'm sorry about how you've had to be away and that you had to come back due to this whole Ring business but give it time, you'll feel at home again in time I think" he told her, trying to console her as he reached across the table and gently grabbed her hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.

"I…I'm sorry Dakon " Hime said, her head tilted down as she shook a bit before she looked up at him to reveal she had started to cry. "I-I knew this would happen if I gave you the ring…but I…I got you messed up in it anyways" she sobbed heavy tears before he gave her hand another squeeze before he got up and crouched down in front of her.

"Oh Hime, please don't cry like this" Dakon said, softly consoling her as he held her hands in his.

"T-this just had nothing to do with you and it's all my fault" she sobbed as she looked down at him before he reached up and wiped her tears.

"Hime something like this doesn't bother me because you don't get a choice whether you stay here or not since you are a citizen here so that means I'll be the same" he said, getting her eyes to widen as he smiled at her. "You know I'm an orphan, I have nothing holding me back and as long as you are by my side then hey, I couldn't be happier" he told her as he kissed her hand with a smile, getting her to blush but smile back happily.

"Thank you Dakon, you always have a way to make me smile" Hime said while she squeezed and held his hands close to her chest which caused him to blush a bit until she realized it as well and let go with a blush of her own. "W-We should continue dinner as today's been busy and a bath before bed would probably be best for you" she said, a bit embarrassed which he found to be adorable.

"Okay but only if you continue to keep me company while I eat as I would like to spend more time with, you know, my new wife" he said, rubbing the back of his head with a light blush given he was still surprised and happy about that.

"O-Of course" Hime stuttered out, blushing a bit harder as Dakon took his seat back across from her and continued to eat.

Their dinner continued, Hime telling him a bit about the food and some other dishes she thought he might like. Though sadly they didn't quite have anything like ramen in her kingdom as while he had lessened how much he ate it was still his favorite food.

"Now be sure to take a bath before going to bed as Gramps said there is a lot to do tomorrow" Hime told him as she picked up the tray with the dishes on it before heading for the door, which he opened for her.

"Okay, got it Hime. I'll see you later or tomorrow?" he asked as ever since coming here things had been keeping them both busy and he'd like some time with her alone given he still wanted to tell her about his abilities and past.

"Yeah, of course Dakon " she said with a smile before she stopped, turned around, and surprised him with a soft kiss on the lips. "I-I'll see you later" she quickly and softly muttered before she hurried off with a blush he could almost see on her ears.

"My Lord? The baths are this way and ready for you" a voice spoke out as he turned to see a maid smiling at him, motioning her hand as if to say 'this way'.

The baths were amazing and huge, reminding him of a hot spring back home and, once he told the three maids from earlier in the day that he didn't need help washing his back, he was really able to relax.

"Whoa, so big~!" a familiar voice spoke out as he turned towards the door to see Hime walk through the steam, a towel held close to her to cover the front of her body a bit.

"H-Hime?" Dakon spoke out, shocked to see her before she blushed darkly and pressed the towel against herself even more as if to ensure she was entirely covered up.

"D-Don't look this way!" she squeaked out before she quickly turned around out of embarrassment despite that allowing him to see a clear view of her bubbly ass, which his eyes were immediately drawn to before he tore his eyes away.

"I mean we don't have a choice! We have to do stuff like this together…or so they said since…we're newlyweds" Hime said, turning her head a bit to look at him as he blushed and nodded.

"Okay, I-I'll try not to stare or make you uncomfortable…" he muttered, looking away with a blush of his own as while he was older mentally seeing the naked body of the girl he had feelings for would always have a strong effect on a man.

"Dakon ?" Hime asked as she sat a yard or so away from him while he did his best to relax with her in the same bath as him. "Are you really okay with all this?" she added, looking over at him with a slightly worried look in her eyes.

"I am Hime so please don't worry or feel bad for getting me involved. I felt something like this would happen when I walked through that portal" he told her, trying to comfort her nerves as she clutched her towel and smiled softly for a moment before it faltered.

"J-Just so you know…you don't have to treat our marriage the same as you would in your world. Royal weddings are just for show anyway…as it is I chose you on impulse so…Really though! There's no pressure! We can just be childhood friends we've always been" she said, blushing as she tried to convince him despite him being able to feel her guilt over lying.

"Hime, I was honestly really happy when you chose me though" he said, smiling over to her as she blushed and quickly turned around.

"So you…really do like me?" she asked as Dakon used his tail surprising her bit causing them to be moved closer to her, putting his hand on her shoulder to gently turn her around. She blushed even harder once she noticed that Daikon was looking her straight in the eyes.

"When I said I loved you I meant it Hime. I know this is a weird scenario but I would love if this could, I don't know, be real?" he suggested, blushing a bit at the end, his confidence faltering a bit as he looked away.

Hime blushed, a really happy smile growing on her face as she felt almost giddy but, just as she was about to respond, a loud bell started to ring and the door to the bathroom burst open.

"Princess! Servants of the Abyss have come!" a maid yelled as she burst in, a frantic look on her face.

"Yeah I can sense them" Dakon said with a frown as he stood up, shocking of the others only for Hime and the maid – almost disappointingly – to notice the towel tied around his waist. "Hime, I promise to tell you everything okay ?" he said , looking to her with a somewhat worried look in his eyes.

"O-Of course" she said with a nod, blushing as he walked out, leaving her to get up without having to be embarrassed.

"His Majesty the Ring King has arrived!" one knight yelled as he opened the door for them, allowing them to walk out to where the other knights were.

"Thank the Light!" another knight praised before they noticed their attire and blushed while looking away.

"Ah…I see you were in the middle of enjoying yourselves…" a knight near the front of the crowd muttered as they both blushed with Hime blushing a very dark red shade and started waving her hands.

"N-No! W-We were just taking a bath! So not yet!" she yelled, making him in turn blush at that comment.

"Your Majesty, a legion of Abyssal creatures are on our doorstep. It is possible the creature you slew yesterday was a scout. Please lend us your strength!" he told him before Naruto nodded as he saw everyone looking at him.

"Of course, I'm a man of my word. I said I'd do everything in my power to help and I meant it" Naruto said while Hime frowned and clenched her fists in worry.

"That's insane though…Dakon doesn't know how to fight. He was a regular high school student until yesterday" she said before Dakon put his hand on her shoulder.

"I promise I'll explain more later but trust me when I say I was never a regular high school student. Trust me when I say I will be fine Hime" he told her, smiling softly as a man chuckled nearby.

"It is true as no regular man can do what he did when he first arrived and being the bearer of the Ring of Light this is something he must do" Gramps said, nodding to a nearby soldier who walked forward and handed Dakon a halberd.

"The Ring of Light is evil's bane. It will infuse any object in your grasp with the power to dispel wickedness. Thus whoever wields the object will gain immense power. In essence the ring creates weapons of unimaginable strength capable of destroy the Abyss itself!" Gramps explained as Dakon channeled the ring's power into the halberd, causing the blade and half of the staff to glow in a bright white shine, as if it was made of pure light.

"Oh hell yeah I can feel the same power as before. But this time I'm more in control of it so I won't pass out now." Daikon said with a smile as he over the halberd before resting it against his shoulder. "I shouldn't be long Hime so stay here and stay safe, okay?" he asked before she nodded with a soft smile.

"Now open the gates!" Dakon yelled out before Hime grabbed his arm and turned him towards her before he widened his eyes as she pulled him in for a soft and loving kiss. He did his best to ignore the whistles of the knights around them as he enjoyed the kiss.

"Be safe…dear" Hime said, a dark blush on her cheeks as he nodded, a lighter blush on his own cheeks before he took that as a good sign for their later talk before he ran out the gates.

The Abyssal creatures, just like yesterday, were simple and easy to kill with him able to kill two without much trouble, that didn't require him to use much energy. As he killed the third, splitting it straight down the middle with the halberd, he smiled as he was able to save the maid from earlier in the day.

"Y-Your Majesty!" the maid said, crying tears that had changed from ones of fear to ones of joy with the death of the Abyssal creature.

"Hurry! Go join the others in the south tower! The Abyssal creatures of the area are gone so you will be safe" he told her, getting her to nod frantically.

"Yes your majesty!" the maid said before she shot off, running as fast as she could towards the tower.

"It is nice to see you are able to handle the power of the ring better compared to yesterday" Gramps said as Daikon nodded.

"Yesterday caught me by surprise, trust me when I say I won't pass out like that again" he said, looking around as he could feel another energy nearby before he started to walk towards that direction.

"It is because the strength of the ring grows with the strengthening of the bond between husband and wife. It is the princess' duty to provide you with strength when you go to battle, hence the kiss" Gramps said, making Daikon rub his chin in thought.

*Interesting the stronger the bond the more strength I have*

His train of thought was suddenly cut off by the powerful gust of wind and the sudden movement of the dark energy from far away to right above him got him on guard and looking above him.

The figure was dressed in all black with a black cloak, their weird silver eye mask that only had one singular hole in the middle, being the only color in their outfit.

"I was wondering when you'd show up! You're the one who brought all these things here when that bald asshole summoned you, right?" Dakon yelled, causing Gramps to notice the figure floating in the air above him.

"The Abyssal King's Knight!? Dakon we must run!" Gramps said as the figure suddenly appeared across from them.

"Don't worry Gramps, I'm not new to battle!" Dakon told him before he charged at the knight, drawing back his halberd to strike. He was a bit surprised as the knight simply waved his hand and unleashed a strong gust of wind, as he stand at allowed it to pass through him.

"Your stronger than that Abyssal creature that you sent. But unfortunately you have chosen me as an opponent."

He then threw the halberd at the knight with a javelin toss, channeling a bit of his ki to enhance his strength.

The knight merely smirked as it stepped to the side causing him to smirk. The knight then felt a blow to his neck his cheek and his chin.

Making him being sent back into a tree and onto the ground.

"Ring King…you are not as you seem, are you?" the knight asked.

"I'm pretty sure you already heard don't judge a book by its cover. Now then the only reason why I didn't kill you yet is because I need you to tell me where your base is."

The Abyssal a knight said nothing as he raised his hand and attacked with a gust wind only for it to feel like his arm suddenly jerked back. As if it was pulled back causing the halberd to just barely miss it's head – the blade of the halberd leaving a slash across its silver mask.

The damage to the mask made it incredibly cautious, leaping back high into the air as its hand went to its mask and looked down at him.

"Ring King! This isn't over yet! I will return and if not I then another of my kind! Saying as the knight yelled and then he disappeared. "Damn guess I got to cocky and allowed him to escape."

Dakon grumbled as he rested his halberd against his shoulder, looking up from where the knight use to be with a frown. "Seems like the other Abyssal creatures left with it so that's good at least" he added before he looked over towards Gramps to see him staring in shock at him.

"I knew there was something different about you boy," Gramps said with a smirk while he shook his head.

"Well I wanted to explain things to Hime and you but, never really had a chance. I intend to tell Hime so you can be around for that since its better than telling it twice" he told him before he started to walk towards the southern tower, where Hime was waiting for him.

The second they were through the gates Dakon dropped the halberd so he could catch Hime as she nearly tackled him to wrap him in a hug. "Thank goodness you're safe" Hime said, shivering a bit as she cried into his chest while he hugged her back and kissed the top of her head.

"Of course I'm safe, I'm tougher than I look Hime" Daikon said with a large smile as he looked down at her and rubbed her back consolingly.

"Yes, I have to agree as Dakon. here is a stronger fighter than I ever imagined" Gramps said behind him, getting Hime to look up at him with a confused look before he wiped her tears with a smile.

"I'll explain, how about we go inside as this will be a while to explain to you and Gramps" Dakon told her, holding her hand as she stopped hugging him. He could see the confusion in her eyes but she seemed to trust him as she let him guide her and Gramps back to the room he had been staying in.

"So Daikon , I know you are more than just a normal boy. If I had to guess I'd say you are from another world, just like us. Right?" Gramps suggested as Dakon sat Hime down and he took out his tail and then wrapped it around him.

"Smart old man, then again Sages tend to be. It's a long story so I'll keep it simple by explaining a bit about my world, my powers to a degree. This tail, and how I was sent to the world you all escaped to from your own world. Try to keep questions to the end cause, trust me, you'll have a lot" Daikon told them as he sat cross-legged on the bed as he looked at Gramps and Hime, sighing before he started his explanation.

These Abyssal creatures aren't really fairing against someone that's stronger then aren't they. The knight was lucky enough that he got cocky in his fight and allowed him to escape.

So next chapter will be Hime magic training since they didn't flee.