
Saiyan Primal Ascension

Emi is a fierce and spirited young woman, standing at 5'10" with a unique blend of Japanese and Hispanic features. She leads a life as a member of a female Sukeban gang in Japan, where her unyielding passion for combat has earned her the respect and fear of her fellow gang members. Despite her tough exterior, Emi secretly harbors a deep love for anime, particularly Dragon Ball Z. Her life takes a drastic turn when she meets Aya, the Divine Guardian of Battle, who offers her three wishes to be made within a universe centered around fighting. Emi chooses the Dragon Ball universe, her favorite anime world. ((please be aware this is a series that will head to different universes. Not just the dragon ball one))

Iros · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Power and Plates: Celera's Diplomatic Odyssey

Alone at last, I studied the symbol of the four-star Dragon Ball floating before me. It shone with an otherworldly glow, a beacon of hope in the darkness. I hesitated for a moment, considering the implications of what I was about to do. But there was no turning back now. With a deep breath, I clenched my fist and punched the symbol.

A brilliant light erupted from the point of impact, forming a swirling vortex that seemed to beckon me into its depths. Taking one last look around, ensuring that I wasn't being followed, I leaped into the portal without hesitation. The sensation was disorienting as if my body had been stretched across countless miles before snapping back together like a rubber band. My senses reeled, but I steeled myself against the vertigo.

Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the journey ended. I landed with a soft thud on the damp ground, the air thick with humidity and the scent of decay. I found myself in a swampy terrain, surrounded by twisted trees and murky water. While I was experiencing dry heaving.

"Alright, Celera," I muttered to myself, surveying the unfamiliar landscape. "Time to see if this place is an amazing place for Saiyan's to live in."

With a burst of energy, I launched myself into the sky, ascending above the tangled canopy below. From this vantage point, I could get a better sense of the unique flora and fauna that inhabited this strange land. As I flew, I marveled at the vibrant colors and unusual shapes of the plants that dotted the landscape so many of them seeming to have meat hanging on them like fruits. There were flowers as large as boulders, their petals unfurling like the wings of a colossal bird. Towering trees with trunks that twisted and intertwined like ancient serpents reached for the heavens above.

But it was the creatures that truly captivated my attention. I spotted a flock of birds with wings that shimmered like liquid metal, reflecting the sunlight in brilliant bursts of color as they soared through the air. In the distance, I caught sight of a massive beast that lumbered across the terrain on legs like tree trunks, its body covered in thick, mossy fur.

"That's pretty fucking cool,"

The scenery was amazing, but I couldn't help but feel like my energy was draining away and I felt far weaker than normal. It was as if my once-strong vitality was just evaporating into the environment, leaving me feeling weak and exposed. While I was flying over the unfamiliar terrain, I clenched my fists in frustration, wondering why I was feeling this way.

I stood there, mesmerized by the sight of a group of butterflies, each one the size of a horse, fluttering past me, their wings a kaleidoscope of colors as they had sacks filled with what smelled like soda. As I watched them go, I found myself wondering, "Could it be the air that's causing this? Or perhaps something in the water?"

My stomach was growling like crazy, reminding me that I hadn't eaten anything in a while. I figured that maybe I was feeling weak and shaky because I was starving. So I decided to go on a hunt for some food. I looked around carefully to see if there was anything I could eat.

From above, I spotted what appeared to be a small herd of quadrupedal creatures grazing near the edge of a dense forest. Their sleek fur shone an iridescent blue, and their powerful hind legs hinted at a capacity for incredible speed. Intrigued, I descended and approached them cautiously.

"Alright, let's see what you taste like," I whispered, focusing on my prey.

In a dash, I lunged towards the nearest creature, my hand reaching out to grasp its neck. But to my surprise, it sensed my attack and bounded away with incredible agility. The rest of the herd scattered, their hooves pounding the ground as they fled.

"Dang," I muttered, clenching my teeth. Chasing down those speedy critters in my weakened state would be tough as nails. But I wasn't giving up.

I kept after my target, zigzagging through the trees and jumping over logs. My breathing got heavy, sweat dripping down my face as I pushed myself to keep up. Those creatures easily left me in the dust, their strong legs eating up the ground between us.

"Come on, Celera," I urged myself, my thoughts racing.

As I kept going, something weird happened. It felt like the air around me was buzzing with power. My gut told me there was some serious danger lurking nearby, maybe even worse than the beasts I was after. But I couldn't ignore my hunger or the weakness that was eating away at me.

"Alright, alright!" I grumbled, giving up on the hunt for my elusive prey. "I'll just find another way to get my strength back." As I turned away from the fleeing herd.

The moment I struggled through the thick foliage, my eyes were met with a sight that left me speechless. Before me stood a colossal creature, its size towering over everything I had ever seen before. The beast, at least 700 meters high, was covered in thick, armored scales, making it appear almost indestructible. Its head was adorned with a crown of sharp, menacing horns, and its long tail thrashed back and forth as it feasted on a tree. The creature was a true marvel of nature.

The Gourmet Beast's mere presence seemed to sap my strength even further, I even felt weaker than Gine, causing my legs to tremble beneath me. I sense immense power radiating outward, making it difficult to breathe. My instincts screamed at me to retreat, but I struggled to tear my gaze away from the colossal creature.

"Better not risk it," I whispered to myself, gritting my teeth against the wave of weakness washing over me. "why the hell is it so strong? it feels like it's way stronger than Bardock."

As I tried to avoid any conflict, I decided to take to the sky once again, flying over the vast landscape of the Toriko universe. My heart was pounding in my chest as I soared higher, leaving behind the oppressive aura of the Gourmet Beast. I couldn't help but wonder if there were other creatures in this strange new world that were just as powerful, or maybe even more so.

As I flew forward, I noticed something unusual on the horizon. It was a series of colossal walls that stretched as far as the eye could see. My curiosity was piqued, and I veered towards them. My eyes widened as I discovered a facility nestled against one end of the imposing barriers.

"What is this place?" I murmured. I hovered just above the treetops to maintain a low profile. As I observed the structure, my thoughts raced, tapping on my scouter as it could read many power levels but ended up cracking. Shutting it off before it broke.

Nearing the colossal walls, I cautiously approached the facility, careful to remain undetected. The sheer magnitude of the structure before me left an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Is everything here big?" I wondered.

Intently studying the facility, I noticed movement within, strange creatures in cages as people were using tools that seemed to put the creatures to sleep. I hovered closer, my curiosity getting the better of me. Heart pounding, I watched as bipedal creatures with multicolored fur and reptilian tails scurried about, carrying tools and materials.

As I continued to observe them, my eyes were drawn to a piece of equipment stationed near the center of the facility. It appeared to be some sort of large, metallic capsule, connected to several tubes and wires. The people worked diligently around it.

"Alright, everyone, we're almost ready for the test run. Double-check all connections and make sure everything is secure," a larger, more imposing person commanded. "We can't afford any mistakes."

"Understood," the others chimed in unison, their voices filled with determination.

"Test run? What are they testing?"

I hovered closer to the walls, making sure to stay just out of sight. My heart raced in anticipation as I tried to discern the purpose of the unusual device they were working on. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before, and it piqued my curiosity.

"Alright, let's run a quick scan around the perimeter," one of the guards said, his voice authoritative. "sensors are picking something up."

"Understood," another person replied, moving to operate a console adorned with glowing buttons.

"Sensors?" I thought.

Unbeknownst to me, their advanced technology easily detected my presence, raising suspicions among the inhabitants of the facility. As the people continued to discuss their findings, I sensed something shift in the air, as if unseen eyes turned their full attention towards me.

"Someone's watching me," I thought, feeling a chill run down my spine. "But how? I've been so careful!"

As I continued to explore, I moved away from my current position. The sensation of being watched sent shivers down my spine. My heart pounded in my chest, the adrenaline coursing through my veins.


"Alright, team, move out," their leader commanded a hint of excitement in his voice. "We have a visitor to track."


Determined to keep my cover intact, I decided to change tactics. I flew higher and faster, hoping to distance myself from the facility and its inhabitants. My muscles strained as I fought against the weakening sensation that plagued me since my arrival in this world.

As I darted through the sky, I caught sight of a dense thicket and dove towards it, hoping to use the foliage as cover. No sooner had I concealed myself than a group of hunters from the facility ambushed me. They appeared from all directions, weapons at the ready.

"Gotcha!" one shouted, lunging forward with a net in hand.

"Stay still, intruder!" another barked, brandishing a gun-like weapon that emitted an eerie glow.

As the net neared me, I instinctively dodged, narrowly avoiding entanglement. Even in my weakened state. The net sailed past, snagging on a nearby tree.

"Who are you? And what do you want?" I demanded, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Doesn't matter who we are," one hunter retorted, his steely gaze unwavering. "You're the one invading our territory."

"come with us, we will bring you out of this site," another added, a menacing grin spreading across his face. "Or we'll make you regret ever setting foot here."

I summoned the last of my strength and launched myself into the air, speeding away from the ambush.

"Hey, she's getting away!" one of them shouted, but I was already out of reach.

"Let her go," the leader said, his voice laced with frustration. "We'll track her down again soon enough."

As I flew further away, I stumbled upon a trio of familiar faces I remembered watching when I was younger back on Earth. Toriko, Coco, and Zebra. who was investigating the disturbance? They were much younger, around my age of 5, their eyes wide with curiosity.

"Whoa! A flying girl with a tail!" Toriko exclaimed, clearly impressed by my aerial abilities.

"Are you okay?" Coco asked, his concern evident. "You look like you're in pain."

"what are you doing here?" Zebra added, his voice a low growl.

I looked into the eyes of Toriko, Coco, and Zebra, knowing that I had to be honest with them. My heart raced as I prepared to reveal the truth.

"Listen," I began, taking a deep breath. "I'm not just an intruder, I'm from another universe entirely. I came here through a portal after punching a symbol on a Dragon Ball." My voice wavered, but I pushed onward. "My people, the Saiyans, are in grave danger, and we need help."

"Another universe?" Coco whispered, his brow furrowed in disbelief.

"Help?" Zebra growled, skepticism etched onto his face. "What kind of help do you mean?"

"I need a place where I can bring some of my race to live," I said, my voice firm despite my weakened state.

The trio exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of doubt and curiosity.

Toriko rubbed his chin. "That's… certainly something we've never heard of before."

"True," Coco agreed, his eyes narrowing as he was staring at me intently. "But it's not something we can decide on our own. We'd have to talk with our teacher at Food Corp."

"Food Corp?" I asked, unfamiliar with the term.

"An organization dedicated to exploring and protecting the food resources of this world," Zebra explained, his tone gruff yet informative. So they taught those guys that were tracking me.

"Can you take me to your teacher?" I asked, meeting each of their gazes. "Let me plead my case for the survival of my race."

"Alright," Toriko agreed after a moment of consideration.

"Agreed," Coco and Zebra chimed in unison, their expressions resolute.

With our plan in place, I followed them through the lush landscape, my heart pounding with anticipation and anxiety. I wouldn't let my race drop to just a handful. As we approached the Food Corp headquarters, I marveled at the enormity of the structure before me. its sleek architecture blends seamlessly with the large walls.

"Welcome to Food Corp," Toriko announced, his eyes reflecting pride in the organization he was part of. "This is where our teacher makes decisions that impact the entire gourmet world."

"Stay close to us," Coco warned.

"Understood," I replied, my heart pounding with anticipation as we entered the building while I felt sluggish.

The inside of the Food Corp was no less impressive than the exterior, filled with bustling activity and a myriad of exotic scents that made my stomach rumble.

I was led to a large, luxurious conference room, where there teacher and a few other people awaited us. Coco moved closer and pointed to each one as he introduced them. Ichiryu, the leader of Food Corp, and their teacher. Beside him, Mansam and Setsuno regarded me with curiosity and caution, their expressions impossible to read.

"Allow me to introduce myself," I began, taking a deep breath. "My name is Celera, and I come from another universe. I am here to save my race from extinction."

"Extinction?" Ichiryu raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "What is it that you have to offer in return for our help?"

"First and foremost, I can assure you that the Saiyan race possesses incredible strength," I answered confidently, flexing my arm to demonstrate. which causes them to chuckle "Our skills in combat would be invaluable in times of crisis, such as defending against powerful gourmet beasts or other threats."

"Moreover," I continued, reaching for my scouter and holding it up for all to see, "we have advanced technology that could greatly benefit your universe. This device, for example, allows us to detect and measure power levels from great distances. It can also be used for communication among our ranks. And this is just one example of the technology we possess."

The Food Corp leaders exchanged glances, their expressions giving away nothing. I could sense their skepticism, but I was determined to prove myself and secure this alliance.

"Allow me to demonstrate our power," I offered, locking eyes with Ichiryu. "If you have any doubts about what I've said, I will gladly put my strength to the test."

"Very well," Ichiryu agreed after a moment's contemplation. "We shall see for ourselves whether your claims hold true."

I continued my negotiations with the Food Corp leaders, but I couldn't ignore the persistent weakness gnawing at me. With each passing moment, it felt as though my energy was being siphoned away, leaving me more vulnerable than ever before. My hands trembled as I tried to maintain a confident posture, but I knew these people could sense my faltering strength.

"Are you alright, Celera?" Setsuno asked, her eyes narrowing with concern. "You seem... unsteady."

I gritted my teeth and forced a smile. "I'm fine. Just a little tired from all the excitement."

"Your power has been weakening since your arrival," Coco interjected, his voice tinged with suspicion. " What is happening?"

I hesitated, unsure of how to answer. In truth, I didn't know what was happening to me, only that my once formidable power was waning at an alarming rate and at this point, I was feeling as strong as Raditz at birth. Frustration bubbled within me, but I knew I couldn't let it show. I had to remain strong, for the sake of my people and this potential alliance.

"Perhaps it's something in the air," I suggested weakly, desperately grasping at straws. "Or maybe I'm still adjusting to this universe."

"If you are from another Universe like you claim then your body won't have gourmet cells," Mansam explained, his tone grave. " And you were in a place with many gourmet beasts that high quantity of gourmet cells which could be putting your body in danger. even the very air has gourmet cells."

"Could that be what's causing my weakness?" I asked. If this were true, it might explain my sudden and inexplicable loss of power.

"Perhaps," Ichiryu replied, his gaze locked onto mine. "Unfortunately, we don't know enough about your race to determine its exact effects on you."

My mind raced as I considered the implications of this revelation. If the Gourmet cells were responsible for sapping my strength, then our trade might be jeopardized. How could I convince the Food Corp leaders of the Saiyans' value if I myself was crippled by gourmet cells?

The atmosphere in the negotiation room grew tense, and I could feel the weight of their eyes on me. My hands clenched into fists as I struggled to maintain my composure. I knew that my weakness was apparent, but I couldn't let it undermine the importance of our alliance.

"Your struggle is clear to us," Coco said, his voice filled with empathy. "But we might have a solution for you."

"Really?" I asked, hope flickering in my chest like a candle in the wind.

"Indeed," Toriko chimed in, his voice strong and reassuring. "You see, the Gourmet Beasts of our world possess unique cells called Gourmet Cells. These cells not only provide the beasts with immense power and adaptability but they can also be introduced into the bodies of other beings, granting them similar abilities."

"By consuming Gourmet Beasts, you could acquire these Gourmet Cells and potentially counteract the effects of the gourmet cells on your body," Coco explained.

I raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "And how would that work? hell how exactly, would I go about consuming these Gourmet Beasts?"

"Leave that to us," Zebra said, grinning confidently. "We'll help you hunt down the necessary ingredients to create a dish containing Gourmet Cells. Once you consume the dish, your body should start adapting to our universe."

My heart pounded in my chest as I considered their offer. It sounded risky, and there were no guarantees that it would work. But what choice did I have? If I didn't try, I risked dooming my people to extinction. And so, with a deep breath, I made my decision.

"Alright," I said, determination lacing my voice. "I'll do it. Let's hunt down these Gourmet Beasts and get me the strength I need to continue these negotiations."

"Excellent," Toriko replied, clapping his hands together. "We'll make sure you have the best chance at success, Celera."

The sun had barely risen, casting a warm glow over the dense forest as I prepared myself for the daunting task ahead. the anticipation of the upcoming hunt coursing through me. Toriko, Coco, and Zebra led the way, each offering their expertise on the Gourmet Beasts we sought.

"Remember, Celera," Toriko said, glancing back at me with a reassuring smile, "the key to consuming Gourmet Beasts is preparation. Each beast offers unique flavors and properties, but only if prepared properly."

"Right," I replied, nodding my head this was not at all how I had planned this to go when I came here.

As we ventured deeper into the forest, the sounds of exotic creatures filled the air, each one foreign and bizarre to my ears. I couldn't help but marvel at the vibrant colors and intricate patterns of the flora surrounding us. It was unlike anything I had ever seen in the Dragon Ball universe.

"Over there," Coco whispered, pointing to a large, moss-covered creature blending seamlessly into its surroundings. "That's the Moss Bear we were telling you about. Its meat is rich in Gourmet Cells, perfect for your first taste. Don't worry it's a capture level 2"

"Alright," I murmured, feeling excitement. "What's the plan?"

"Zebra and I will distract it while you and Toriko go in for the kill," Coco explained, his eyes never leaving the Moss Bear. "Once it's down, we'll prepare its meat for consumption."

"Understood," I said, steeling myself for the attack. With a silent signal, Zebra and Coco rushed forward, drawing the attention of the massive Moss Bear. As it roared in surprise, Toriko and I charged from the opposite side, I raised my hand and shot out a weak small breaker shot.

The battle was embarrassing, had I been at full strength I could have flicked this thing to death. As its lifeless form lay before us it smelled oddly yummy.

As Coco and Toriko prepared the Moss Bear's meat, I watched their Gourmet cooking techniques. Hmm, Gine was better at cutting I couldn't help but think. The aroma that wafted from the cooking fire was intoxicating, and my stomach growled in anticipation.

"Here," Toriko said, handing me a steaming plate piled high with tender Moss Bear meat. "This should provide you with a sufficient amount of Gourmet Cells."

I sat down, eagerly anticipating the first bite of the dish in front of me. The aroma alone was enough to make my mouth water, as the rich scent of perfectly cooked meat wafted up to my nose. As I took my first bite, the flavors exploded in my mouth.

The meat was juicy and tender, oddly enough it tasted like vegetables. But what really set this dish apart was the subtle hint of sweetness that underlined the savory flavors. It was a taste that was both familiar and exotic, oh yeah Saiyan would love it here no doubt.

As I savored each bite, I could feel the warmth of the dish spreading through my body. It was like a comforting embrace, filling me with a sense of contentment and satisfaction. Each bite was a moment of pure joy.

In the end, it was more than just a meal at least compared to what I had eaten in both lives. It was a meal that I would remember for a long time to come and one that I would be eager to experience again.

"Feel any different?" Zebra asked, watching me curiously.

"I... think so," I replied, flexing my muscles experimentally. It was subtle, but there was no denying that I felt stronger and more capable than before.

Over the next few days, we continued our hunt for Gourmet Beasts, each one bringing me closer to my goal. With each meal, I could feel the steady increase in my power, my body adapting to the strange new world around me. while Their teacher had taken my scouter, not that I minded and there was no way in hell I'd bring it back with me in case it had recorded any data about this place.

Returning to the negotiations, I could sense the surprise in the eyes of the people as they took note of my strength. Their skepticism had begun to fade, as they were reading a report from the scouter.

"Your progress is truly remarkable, Celera," Ichiryu said, his voice heavy with sincerity. "however what we have come to learn from the data records in your scouter has us a bit worried."

oh boy, time to explain a lot for shit.

As the sun sank below the horizon, it bathed the sky in hues of orange and purple, marking the end of the three-day negotiations. The teachers around me nodded in agreement and spoke in low but confident tones.

"Then it's settled," Mansam declared, his voice filling the room as he turned to look at me. "We hereby establish an alliance between the Saiyans and us. As we agreed you will be allowed to bring those from the cooking group who refused to fight as well as any children and babies. As for your Aunt, we will have to put her in lock up for a bit until we are sure she won't go on a rampage."

"Agreed," I responded, this was the best I could do. As I looked around at the gathered faces – Toriko, Coco, Zebra, Setsuno, Ichiryu, and Mansam.

Over the course of the following last day of the week, plans were set into motion for the integration of Saiyan settlements within the Toriko universe. we would start with the babies as I would need to open a portal in the medical room for their members to come and grab them. They had handed me a device that looked like a taser, claiming it was a knocking tool. When they had used it on me I ended up passing out. Also, I had to rip one of the pods for the babies and a healing pod out of the ground for them to take back when the time came. then would come the non-fighting Saiyan's. then my aunt and finally me, my team and Gine.

The sun dipped low in the sky, casting warm hues of orange and pink across the landscape of the Toriko universe. I stood at the edge of the open field where we had first formed our alliance, my heart heavy with the weight of goodbyes. The scent of exotic flowers danced on the breeze, a reminder of the unique beauty of this world.

"Before I go," I said, turning to face Toriko, Coco, and the others who had gathered to see me off, "I want you all to know how much this means to me." My voice wavered slightly, but I held their gazes, wanting them to understand the depth of my conviction. "I have faith that our partnership will bring prosperity and growth."

Coco nodded, his black hair catching the light as he kept his distance after the time he ended up poisoning me by mistake. "We feel the same way, Celera."

Zebra, standing a bit apart from the group, grunted his agreement. "Just make sure your people stick to their end of the deal, and we won't have any problems."

"Of course," I assured him, my determination unwavering. "If they don't ill kick their ass."

With a deep breath, I raised my fist, pressing it against the symbol of the four-star Dragon Ball that shimmered before me. A surge of energy pulsed through me, and a portal materialized, swirling with the familiar colors of the Dragon Ball universe.

"Goodbye, guys see you soon,"

As I stepped into the portal leaving this world and its incredible inhabitants behind, but also hoped for the survival of my race. And as the last traces of the Toriko universe faded from my vision, replaced by the familiar landscape of my home and room.