
Ryu's Tale Of Negelect

Raising From The Abyss Of Negelect

TheRyuu · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

An Obsession

Ryu's fascination with the tales of legendary dragons deepened with each passing day. He clung to every book he could find, hoping to escape the torment of his own life and be transported to realms where magic and courage ruled, far removed from the darkness that cloaked his existence.

The more he read, the more he identified with the dragons. He saw in them a reflection of his own longing for strength and purpose, a yearning to escape the chains that bound him to a life of relentless neglect and despair.

One evening, as Ryu read beneath the flickering glow of a single, frail candle, he stumbled upon a passage that struck a chord within him. It spoke of a dragon who had been imprisoned, its wings clipped, and its fire extinguished. Ryu couldn't help but draw a painful parallel to his own life. The words were like a cruel taunt, a reminder of his own helplessness.

The realization that he was that imprisoned dragon, confined by the shackles of his past, the circumstances of his birth, and the relentless neglect that had burdened him for so long, cast a darker shadow over his existence. Ryu felt a hopelessness settle within him like a stone in his chest, suffocating his dreams.

As time passed, the weight of despair became heavier. He tried half-heartedly to clean the dilapidated house, but it felt like an exercise in futility. The dust and decay seemed to multiply, mocking his meager attempts at reclamation. His sanctuary had become a prison, a constant reminder of his isolation and the cruelty of his circumstances.

The world outside was a terrifying enigma, and Ryu's encounters with it only intensified his desolation. He ventured into the backyard, discovering a desolate garden overrun by weeds. He tried to cultivate a few flowers, but they withered and died in the harsh, unforgiving soil, mirroring his own hopes.

Instead of surrendering to the despair, Ryu made a decision. He would become that dragon in the story, the one who defied the odds and broke free. With newfound determination, Ryu set out to transform his life, to prove that even in the bleakest of circumstances, one could find a path to freedom.

In the chapters to come, Ryu's journey of self-discovery and transformation would continue. His obsession to break free had been rekindled, stronger than ever. He no longer sought solace in the company of others, for he believed that his destiny was to break the chains that bound him, much like the dragons he admired. His life had transformed from a relentless cycle of misery into a journey marked by an Uknown Obsession and Determination For Freedom