
Rune Possessor

Growing up with a loving family, Yasuo was enjoying a normal life. However, one day the world changed. The thing that was portrayed in numerous manga series became reality. Interdimensional portals started appearing on earth and monsters came out of them, taking the lives of many people. The lives of Yasuo's parents were also taken on that day. Luckily there was still hope for humanity as a phenomenon happened, known as [God’s Gift], which gave powers to humanity and [awakened] them to fight back the monsters. Having also gained the [Gift] in this phenomenon, Yasuo swears to take revenge for his parents, but this isn't as easy as it sounds. Even though he has the [Gift], he just can’t [awaken]. Desperately trying to gain power, his determination is rewarded and he even got more than he could have wished for. Follow Yasuo on his journey to take revenge for his parents and make an enemy out of every single monster that tries to harm humanity. *** Other novel - Senseless life

unfadable · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


With the night relatively young, and Yasuo still being in full spirits, he quickly sat down at his desk, took out a notebook and began to make a schedule for the coming six days.

In these six days that Yasuo wouldn't be training together with Nari and Beom, Yasuo wanted to make the most out of it.

With the notebook in front of him, containing all the new achievements that Yasuo had written down from the library, Yasuo started to make a new list, containing the achievements he thought would be possible to obtain in the coming six days if he worked hard and got a bit lucky. Some being easier than others.

With this new list of realistically obtainable achievements in front of him, Yasuo noticed that the most achievements were related to rune drawing, second most for dagger wielding and the least were for general achievements.

Knowing this, Yasuo wanted to make a time schedule that would best help him in obtaining these achievements.

Yasuo was self-aware that he needed more knowledge about rune drawing to improve the quality of his runes and to gain a few specific achievements, so he made sure to divide his time in a such way that he had enough time to both gain knowledge and get the chance to actually obtain achievements.

A lot of time went into this, and the best distribution of time that Yasuo had come up with was to spend a total of six hours a day to gain theoretical knowledge, where four hours would be dedicated to lectures and two hours would be dedicated to self-study in the library. After that, Yasuo had decided to set aside eight hours a day for physical training in his training room and actually getting achievements.

If Yasuo would keep to this time schedule, he would have ten hours a day left for eating, sleeping and taking care of himself, which would be enough time to rest so that he would be in top condition during training.

'Okay, progress!' Yasuo thought excitedly. 'Now that I have schedule of how I will be spending my time, the only thing that is left to do is to look at what classes I want to follow this week.'

The two classes that Yasuo wanted to follow no matter what, were the dagger wielding class and the rune drawing class. Because both lectures were categorized as primary lectures, which were daily lectures that lasted for one or two hours.

Even though these two lectures would take up most of Yasuo's scheduled lecture time, he was happy with it as these lectures were most important for him. Other lectures he could follow besides these two, in the four hours he set aside for lectures, Yasuo saw as a bonus.

Having made a schedule for the lectures for the coming six days, Yasuo now had a clear plan he could follow that would ultimately yield him the most achievements as possible.

As Yasuo thought that his plan was solid, he could go to bed with peace at mind, a little earlier than normal for there would be a busy week ahead of him. And within less than a minute, Yasuo had entered a deep sleep.


*Beep - Beep - Beep*

Hearing the alarm clock go off early in the morning didn't annoy Yasuo, as he was looking forward to today.

Before Yasuo even got out of bed, he grabbed his notebook which he had placed on his nightstand, and looked at what he had planned for himself that day. Not having to think, Yasuo could just blindly follow his schedule.

'First class of the day, dagger wielding class!'

Quickly washing up and eating breakfast, Yasuo was first to arrive at the lecture hall, fifteen minutes too early…

Looking at all the empty seats, the privileged seats in the first row caught his eyes again. 'They do look comfy…' Yasuo thought to himself, having never sat in one of them because he didn't want to stand out too much.

'I will sit in those seats from now on!' Yasuo thought determinedly with a new mindset.

'Not only will those chairs be more comfortable, which will help me recover faster, but they will also help me follow the lecture better by being able to hear the teacher better and it will allow me to ask questions easier if I want to.' Thought Yasuo, trying to justify his reason to himself.

Yasuo sat down in the chair, and slowly closed his eyes. 'Wow, that feels nice. It might even be more comfortable than my bed.'

'Wait! Focus Yasuo. This is all for getting stronger!'

While comfortably sitting in the seat, fifteen minutes passed quickly and around fifty students had entered the lecture hall, before the teacher finally came in and started the lecture.

Yasuo attentively listened to everything the teacher said, and with a notebook in front of him, Yasuo neatly wrote down every piece of information he heard.

For the first time, Yasuo truly learned about what the role of a dagger wielder was and how they could best fight while in a group. And what Yasuo heard surprised him, in a negative way, saddening even.

The summary Yasuo wrote down was:

- A dagger wielder's main job in a group isn't to defeat monsters, instead they are best utilized for assisting the main damage dealer and/or ranged attacker.

- With dagger wielders having more manoeuvrability, they are best at immobilizing monsters by attacking them in the tendons and such to create opportunities for other group members to safely and more easily defeat the monsters.

Hearing this for the first time made Yasuo look at his role from a different perspective, as he was now in a group with two other strong people who were traditionally better suited as the main damage dealers.

'But I just can't agree with the teacher… I was the main damage dealer when I solo cleared monsters, which went just fine, and even with Nari I took on the role of the main damage dealer. The only thing I fell short on that time was against one monster, a golem. Defeating the rest of the monsters went just fine the way I did it.' Yasuo thought, not wanting to give up a position he worked so hard for.

Yasuo felt a bit sad about this, thinking about the group dynamic. 'With Beom in the group now, will I really be replaced as the main monster defeater?'

"But, of course, that is not always the case." The teacher said, which immediately caught Yasuo's attention.

The teacher began explaining more about what he meant, emphasising that what he just told was the traditional role for a dagger wielder. "Most of you will probably take on the traditional role as a dagger wielder, but this isn't the only role you can take on. Just take Ro Sohan for example."

When the teacher mentioned Ro Sohan, students could be heard talking about him. Apparently he was one of the most famous dagger wielders in the world, but Yasuo having lived in a bubble, didn't know who he was.

When the students quieted down, the teacher continued. "I don't think I have to explain who he is, but this is just one person that broke out of the traditional role, and is now the lead attacker in his group and is probably the person who has single headedly defeated the most monsters in the entire world."

The teacher went on to talk about what Ro Sohan for quite a while, talking about what role he had in the group and how it worked so well for him.

Yasuo was closely listening to every word of it and the more he heard about Ro Sohan, the more clear one thought in his head became: 'I want to be like him.'

*Ring - Ring - Ring*

Before even the teacher knew it, the one hour lecture had ended while getting carried away talking about Ro Sohan. "Ahum- Class, next time I will be discussing further on how a dagger wielder can best utilize their strengths. Dismissed!"

With Yasuo still being fixated on Ro Sohan, he mindlessly walked to the next lecture hall, where the rune drawing class was going to be held. On his way there all he could think about was Ro Sohan.

Having arrived in the new lecture hall, Yasuo quickly looked around to see that no one was there yet. 'Oh right, the lecture starts in 30 minutes… Well, I will just sit down and wait.' Yasuo thought before sitting down in a privileged seat again, and started reading the notes about Ro Sohan he just took in class.

Having read his notes multiple times, Yasuo came to a conclusion. 'He is just like me, but better.'

With no other information about So Rohan being public, besides that he uses a dagger and that he is the main 'monster defeater' in the group, Yasuo came to the conclusion that his class must have something special to it that allows him to play this 'non-traditional' role.

'…Well, I also have a special class. So, there's nothing stopping me from becoming like him, the main monster defeater of the group!' Yasuo thought optimistically, knowing his own class and the dynamic of their group, Yasuo was sure that he could break free from playing the traditional role of a dagger wielder as both Nari and Beom's awakener classes, and the composition of their group, was also non-traditional.

With a wide smile on his face, Yasuo grabbed a new notebook and started to write down possible combat strategies that would be perfect together with Beom's raw strength and Nari's ranged attacks. His head was full of scenarios, and he could even picture the fights against different monsters unfold in his mind.

Some strategies allowed him to be on the forefront and defeat monsters, which Yasuo wanted the most. But with some fights Yasuo could picture himself better suited to immobilizing or distracting monsters with his manoeuvrability to assist Beom, just like the 'traditional' role of a dagger wielder, which were also fine in Yasuo's eyes.

'It doesn't matter who defeats the monster as long as we defeat it.' Yasuo thought, now really thinking of himself as an integral part of a portal clearing group, something that he had never thought about before, only having fought alone so far.

'I can't wait to go into augmented reality again with Beom and Nari to try these strategies out!' Yasuo thought enthusiastically, putting a smile on his face.

Suddenly loud footsteps could be heard coming directly toward Yasuo. "What are you doing!" A person who came up to Yasuo yelled, while slamming his hand on Yasuo's notebook, smudging the ink of the newly written down strategies, which instantly ruined Yasuo's positive mood.