1 Rule 1: Don't Kill Your Classmates

Aizawa sighed, he had just left the principal's office, in his hand is a large file that had the large word 'PENDING' stamped on it's cover. He was already stressed out with grading his student's tests, now he had to do more work just because of their recklessness. Opening the door he was greeted with almost all hid class already in their seats, but something was off...

They were silent

Aizawa then walks to the podium and slams the file onto the table causing them to flinch, "I don't know what you thought during the accident but let me tell you-" He took in a deep breath as his quirk activated making his hair float and his eyes snapped open glaring at them, "-Rule number one of Class 1-A, DON'T KILL YOUR FUCKING CLASSMATES!!"

He flipped over the poduim and launching it towards Kirishima who used his quirk to harden his body to nullify the pain. The other students looked elsewhere, "YOU ARE FUCKING HEROES IN TRAINING, YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHEN YOUR QUIRKS ARE ACTIVATED"

The documents on the floor opened to reveal a familiar freckled boy smiling at them. If they looked closer they would see the words 'Status: Dead' right below his name. Everyone's expression became sheepish as they were reminded.

"It's a good thing that we found someone with a respawn quirk or else problem child would stay dead." Aizawa lowered his voice as he rubbed his forehead, "How many times had this happened again? 4? 6?" He asked

Iida shakily raised his hand, "27 si-" He couldn't finish as Aizawa punched the wall with so much strength that it cracked, the students who saw this broke out in cold sweat.


"Deku!" Ochako shouted as she slapped Midoriya's back, "Good luck on your internship!" She then ran off completely forgetting about a floating Izuku who called out to her with no avail, "Uraraka-san? Uraraka-san!?"

After training Ochako released her quirk as the rubble from the destroyed house in ground Beta plunged back to the ground. When she went outside she saw Izuku's mangled corpse on the floor dead. She screamed and promptly fainted.


"It was an accident" Ochako muttered under her breath then kept her mouth shut when Aizawa glared at her, "Uraraka, you are responsible for twenty of his deaths. Please be more careful" Ochako flinched but nodded.

"Everyone else, please fucking control yourselves, now let's start with the attendance and get this shit over with" Aizawa took out the attendance sheet and school continued like normal.

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