
Chapter 1 - The Child And Magical Beasts

There was a big tree showing, all branches and leaves were glowing. It was the Universal Tree, the tree has so many Universes. Each branch has one single Multiverse, while each single leaf has one complete Universe.

Then the scene moves towards the one of the branch of Universal Tree. The branch was so beautiful, it had cosmic lights all over it. And the design on the branch was showing a Dragon, Phoenix, Tiger, Lion, Roc, many of the magical beasts were shown on the branch.

It was the Beast Multiverse, then it focused on a leaf, this leaf was the biggest leaf on this branch, it was thousand times bigger than the normal leaves.

It was the Beasts Universe, the core of the Beasts Multiverse. But then it goes on a planet, the planet is the same size as the sun of the normal Universe. And this place's sun was even ten times bigger than the normal sun.

As the scene shifted, it shows the Titan species were training with each other. Then again the scene shifted, it gave the scene of giants being. With it again the scene shifted, and that's time Goblin and Dwarfs were trading.

Then finally it shows a big forest, and inside the forest was a kingdom, and a beautiful place was inside. But around the palace, it was filled with so many trees and flowers. This kingdom was Sylvarion Kingdom.

It was such a beautiful scene, and from the inside of the palace, two people came out. One has a beautiful face. He has a little bit, but a beautiful beard and a little bit of a mustache. His hair was white and bluish, which looks so good. He wears a beautiful dress. He was the King of this Sylvarion.

The other one is female, she has green hair, while she herself is so beautiful. She also wears a green gown, which looks so beautiful in her. She is the wife of Elarion, Queen Celestia.

While all around them people were also beautiful, but there was one thing, which was more unique than even their dressing. Every person there has ears pointed, not in the circular motion like the humans. It revealed, this was a kingdom of Elves.

On a quiet morning, Elf King Elarion, and his wife, Elf Queen Celestia, were touring their Sylvarion Kingdom. They gazed upon the tranquil society where some Elves were busy enhancing their tree-homes' beauty. "Long Live My King, My Queen," echoed through the air as the people bowed in reverence upon the royal couple's arrival.

Some Elves were engaged in potion-making, a rare practice among their kind. "Long Live My King and My Queen! See, I've created a potion to aid in plant growth," they proudly presented their concoctions to the monarchs.

Elarion and Celestia continued their passage, inspecting the various aspects of their Kingdom. Some Elves were involved in crafting eco-friendly technology. They had recently made a remarkable invention: a green, air-powered bike that could fly, run, and even swim. With it their traveling to a long journey has been solved.

Building upon this innovation, they introduced the Nature Ship, resembling an open circular design. It, too, operated on air power, enabling it to travel on land, in the air, and through water.

"How is the training of drivers going, how many of them succeed?" Elarion asked, to Thalion. Thalion was incharge of the technology department and especially the driver training department. To pilot these Nature Ships, the Elves which were skilled in Air Magic can only undergo driver training.

"Long Live My King, Long Live My Queen," Thalion first saluted the Elarion and Celestia, "My King, we have got the result, and 100 of them were good at driving the Nature Ships," He answered.

"Goods, but we need more, at least 10,000 of needs for any emergency situation," Elarion advises.

"Of course, my King, we have already set up the benchmark of 5 years, we have planned to complete the 10,000 drivers in 5 years," Thalion answered.

Elarion and Celestia nodded as they continued their tour. In the heart of the kingdom, a majestic crystal fountain was erected, its water imbued with magical properties to enhance the vitality of the surrounding flora. The Elves always give their first priority to take care of nature, although the Elves cut the trees, but they only cut it, when the tree was left of no use.

The royal couple journeyed past the Elder Quarter, where some Elders diligently honed their Time Powers. Others sat on green chairs crafted from World Tree branches and adorned with World Tree leaves.

The intricate carvings on the Green Chairs depicted scenes of past, present, and potential futures, serving as conduits for the Elders to tap into the vast realm of Time Magic.

These enchanted seats allowed the High Elders not only to foresee potential threats to Sylvarion Kingdom but also to delve deeper into the mysteries of time, further enhancing their powers. The Green Chairs stood as one of the greatest achievements of the Elders, it was a perfect example of a blend of nature's essence and arcane wisdom.

Upon leaving the heart of Sylvarion, Elarion and Celestia strolled through a green area where young Elves played with animals, trained them, and giggled with delight. Some of the children even conversed with plants and trees while others honed their plant-based powers, under the guidance of Druids.

Celestia can't stop herself from laughing, after seeing some of them trying to ride the beasts, but they fall on the ground. But then they again do the same thing, and since they were children, their actions brought a smile to Elarion and Celestia's faces, "They were so cute, my King, it loves to see their funny antics," Celestia called out.

"Yes, but after time passes, they were able to learn quickly," Elarion nodded with Celestia, as they ventured towards the Warrior area.

Here, the training grounds were divided into specialized sections – the Archer Quarter, where Elves perfected their precision with bows; the Warrior Arena, where combat skills were finely honed; the Mage Sanctum, where magic practitioners refined their mystical arts.

Amidst this, young Elves engaged in playful training sessions with magical beasts, developing bonds that would serve them in future battles.

The Royal Section stood as a testament to the elite force protecting the kingdom – the Royal Archers, distinguished by their silver-lined arrows; the Royal Warriors, adorned with majestic armor; and the Royal Mages, wielding staffs crowned with crystal orbs. The harmony of specialized training areas underscored the unity and strength of Sylvarion's diverse society.

The Elves were divided into two types, one is Royal Elves, other one is normal Elves. If any Elves learn the Time Powers, their position is increased and from the normal Elves they become the Royal Elves. The time powers is benchmark for the Elves to become the Royal Elves.

Archer Elves meticulously trained with their air powers, skillfully honing their marksmanship to hit targets at astonishing distances with their bows and arrows. Some adept archers even innovatively created ropes using air magic, launching arrows at trees, then swinging gracefully from one tree to another using the magically conjured air ropes.

The Sword Elves, wielding their blades, combined air power with sheer strength to effortlessly slice through decoys crafted from hardened metal. Displaying exceptional prowess, some Sword Elves targeted distant decoys, utilizing their air magic to strike at challenging targets, showcasing precision and power in each swing.

Mage Elves utilized Air Magic not only to enhance their mystical abilities but also to master the art of flight and control over the air within a confined space.

This newfound control allowed them to manipulate their surroundings, creating environments tailored to their advantage as they delved deeper into the intricacies of their magical arts.

In the training grounds for young Elves, children engaged in collaborative exercises with their magical beasts. Together, they deciphered strategies for escaping challenging situations and harnessed the unique powers of their magical companions to gain advantages in various scenarios.

The symbiotic relationship between the children and their magical beasts fostered a deep understanding of teamwork and resourcefulness in the face of adversity.

The Royal Archer underwent specialized training, mastering the art of using time power-infused arrows that possessed the unique ability to freeze their targets. With precision and control, they could be useful on the battlefield.

Similarly, the Royal Warrior harnessed their Time Powers to temporarily pause the swinging decoys, wielding their swords with unparalleled precision to cut through the immobilized targets. The mastery of time manipulation added a good strategy to their combat skills.

The Royal Mage, on the other hand, delved into the intricacies of Time Power, employing it to reverse the cuts on the decoys. Collaboratively, the Royal Trio—Archer, Warrior, and Mage—explored and honed their powers, each contributing to the collective knowledge and mastery of their respective professions.

Among the warriors on the training grounds, Elarion keenly observed his daughter, Elysia, a remarkable Elf of 25, displaying exceptional talents in Time, Air, and Plant magic. It always required a century for Elves to become perfect, and then they will graduate from here. But, Elysia achieved this feat in her early twenties, a testament to her extraordinary abilities.

Now, she assumed the role of mentor to her younger sister, Freya, and other talented Elves, passing on her knowledge and skills to the next generation of skilled warriors.

Elysia and Freya noticed that Elarion and Celestia, they both greeted, "Long Live Dad, Long Live Mom."

"Good, good, continue the training," Elarion said, as he and Celestia felt with pride, elated by their daughters' impressive progress, warmly encouraging them to persist in their dedicated training and development. Their remarkable magical abilities reflect their parents' pride.

The Elves, known for their inherently peaceful nature and a distinct absence of greed for power, rarely experienced conflicts, fostering a harmonious coexistence within the serene boundaries of Sylvarion Kingdom.

Elarion and Celestia approached the kingdom's border area, and they were just ready to return back, but their attention was captivated by the presence of numerous magical beasts surrounding one particular area. Intrigued by this unusual gathering, the royal couple decided to investigate further.

Within the gathering, they were astonished to discover a two-month-old human child. It was really weird to discover the human child in the middle of magical creatures. The child possessed vibrant red hair, a rare sight in the human world. He was even more beautiful than the Elves species.

Despite his enchanting appearance, the absence of pointed ears, the hallmark of Elves, clarified to the Royal Couple that, while the child was beautiful akin to Elves, he was not of Elven origin.

The child, encircled by a multitude of magical beasts, experienced an array of heartwarming gestures as each creature offered various fruits in an attempt to soothe the inconsolable infant. Some pets playfully mimicked dogs, showering the child with affection, while others struck comical poses, attempting to elicit laughter from the distraught little one.

Despite their efforts, the child continued to cry, oblivious to the fruits scattered around him, as he was too young to consume them. The magical beasts, driven by their instinct to comfort, were unaware of the nature of human infancy.

"Who could be so heartless as to abandon a little child in the heart of the forest?" Celestia remarked to Elarion, her empathy stirred by the infant's persistent cries.

Elarion contemplated, "Perhaps he is now an orphan, maybe his family has fallen victim to animals or bandits."

Unable to bear the child's distress any longer, Celestia took the infant into her arms, gently rubbing his back in an attempt to console him. "Why don't we adopt him?" she suggested, her heart aching after seeing the child's plight.

Elarion thought for a few minutes, then agreed, "Yes, we will adopt him. From this moment, he will be our child." The Elves, renowned for their compassionate nature, couldn't bear to leave the child in his current circumstances, deciding to embrace him into their loving family.

With the infant in her arms, Celestia lovingly hushed him, trying to offer her milk. The child accepted it, since he was hungry and only a mother's milk would relieve her hunger. After drinking to his heart's content, the child crying has already stopped as he drifted off to sleep, cradled in Celestia's embrace.

The magical beasts, observing the child's have become calm, and now someone has taken over him, they gracefully retreated to their habitats, but two creatures were still looking over the child in Calestia's embrace.

Among them was a white tiger, the area around it marked by decaying grass. The other was a green turtle, its surroundings teeming with vibrant, life-infused flora. These two enigmatic beings lingered until Elarion and Celestia departed with the child, then they vanished into the depths of the forest, their purpose shrouded in mystery.

Elarion and Celestia, still cradling the child, returned to the Kingdom Palace. Their subjects, initially filled with joy at the sight of the infant, were swiftly overtaken by surprise and confusion as they noted the absence of pointed ears on the child.

"Sara, announce that a meeting will be held inside the Kingdom Palace," Elarion instructed a maid. Sara was the closest maid of Elarion and Celestia. Every important announcement is always given to her, so she will inform others.

And she was not just only a maid, but she is also a Royal Elf. She has the duty of taking care of the needs of the King and Queen, and she also always takes care of their children. While she also takes care of the physical needs of the King. When Celestia was pregnant, it was Sara's duty to take care of Elarion's physical needs. But she is not allowed to give birth.

Sara hastened to convey the royal command to the various ministries and authorities, sparking curiosity and whispers throughout the land.

The unusual circumstances surrounding the child had become the talk of the kingdom, as the Elves started gathering, and wanted to know what the King was going to announce.

As the news reached the Prime Minister Edward's ears, he couldn't help but wonder aloud, "What has happened that the King has called for a sudden meeting?"

His question was also the question of the rest of ministers, elders, warriors, technicians, alchemists, and blacksmiths, all of whom gathered within the heart of the kingdom.

The perplexed assembly drew the attention of the general populace, who also had gathered together. They were murmuring about the sudden summons and the secret of this summoning awaited them.

Assembly was waiting and questioning the purpose of the sudden meeting, Elarion exchanged a meaningful glance with Celestia, signaling her to reveal the reason.

In response, Celestia presented the red-haired human child, a declaration in itself. "We have chosen to adopt this child as our son. Henceforth, he shall be the Crown Prince of Sylvarion Kingdom," Elarion announced, taking the gathering by surprise.

The revelation sparked a cascade of reactions among the assembly, ranging from astonishment to anticipation. The announcement not only introduced a new member to the royal family but also hinted at the potential changes and challenges that lay ahead for the Sylvarion Kingdom.

The shock, a palpable wave of astonishment, rippled through the crowd, and the realization slowly dawned on them that the child was not of Elven origin. This unexpected revelation stirred murmurs and reservations among the people, creating an undercurrent of uncertainty.

High Elder Derry, a venerable figure with a storied history of leadership, gracefully rose to voice his opposition. "My King," he began with a tone of concern, "We want you to think again? How can a human child ascend to our throne? Only Elves will be right to become our next King."

While the High Elders held the authoritative right to challenge the Elf King's decisions, Elarion's illustrious reputation and numerous achievements had earned him immense respect among his people. For nearly a century, he had meticulously transformed their once feeble kingdom into one of the strongest and most prosperous Elven realms.

The Elves, bound not by fear but by genuine admiration, held deep respect for their king. Therefore, although the High Elder's words were important, they still waited for their King' decision. It was an unspoken trust in the wisdom that had guided their kingdom's ascent.

Elarion, unyielding in his conviction, emphasized, "My word is my rule, and my rule is the rule of the Sylvarion Kingdom." His proclamation echoed with a regal authority that left no room for dispute, solidifying the decisive nature of the Elf King's resolve.

Celestia, radiating regal authority, reinforced their stance with a promise that sent shockwaves through the assembly. "Should anyone dare to discriminate against or trouble my child, Azlan Starwind, they will not merely be expelled from the kingdom. They will cease to exist in this world. This is my vow, and it is final," she declared with unwavering determination, leaving no room for any discussion..

With the formal adoption and the resounding declaration of the Starwind surname, Azlan Starwind was firmly established as the Crown Prince of Sylvarion Kingdom.

His future ascension to the throne, once his father, Elarion Starwind, retired, marked a significant departure from the traditional Elven way, where kings were chosen based on worthiness rather than familial ties.

However, despite this radical shift, no minister, High Elder, or Elder dared to contest the decision. When the Queen spoke on matters of the kingdom, it was an unspoken rule that her decision was absolute, a testament to the unshakable authority she wielded.

Because the Elf Queen's didn't participate in a kingdom matter, but whenever she participated, she carried massive authority.

Her every word was immediately applied no matter if it was wrong or right. Because Elf Queens were also known for their wisdom, not anyone can become the Queen of Elf. Their authority was met with unwavering respect, underscoring the Elves' deep reverence for women in their peaceful society.

The gentle and egalitarian nature of the Elves translated into a profound regard for the Queen and women, especially the King's consort, it shows the Elves also put their women's authority more than men.

But it is also because the Elves' women understand the needs of their husbands, and only speak with authority when they find their husbands are going the wrong way, or else they always put their husbands' choice priority to them.

With the conclusion of the important meeting, the assembled Elves dispersed, returning to their quarters and their various duties, their thoughts filled with the profound significance of the day's momentous news.

Meanwhile, Elysia and Freya, the royal daughters, regarded their new brother with a delightful mix of curiosity and affection. The child's endearing appearance, from his tiny fingers to his striking red hair, made them yearn to hold him close and run their fingers through his soft locks.

"Mom, can I hold the baby? I want to play with him," Freya eagerly requested, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she expressed her eagerness to cradle her two-month-old brother in her arms.

Celestia, radiating maternal warmth, gladly handed Azlan to Freya. The two sisters, walking side by side, made their way back to their quarters, their hearts brimming with affection and anticipation. Ready to play and bond with their new sibling, the royal sisters were ready to accept the new addition in their families.

This is my own fictional story. This is the story of Azlan. How will he form a small character to become the Ruler Of Beasts Multiverse. For it he will travel in every Universe of Beasts Multiverse and win the territory.

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For the background of the story, you can read my Story, Journey of Sharky Tennyson.

Sharky_Monstercreators' thoughts
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