
Rule of Kronos

Nyxia00 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 7

Kaiser pov:

"It's been few days since Aseira has been avoiding me. Everytime i try to talk to her she walks away. What am i supposed to do."

"Your Majesty, you have been letting it go for few days now. All you need is to apologize and everything will be fine."

"If it was this easy. I wouldn't have dragged it this long, Seth. Everytime i try to say something she just walk away."

"Then, Your Majesty you have to try harder to win the lady heart."

"Your Majesty, It's Helga may i enter."

"You may come in."

"What is it, Helga."

"Your Majesty, I can't believe it. I thought i should teach some basic etiquette to the lady so you won't disgrace you in parties but she's been avoiding the lessons like her life depends on it."

"You should leave her alone, Helga. She's not feeling well and i told her it's okay she can take it easy."

"But... Your Majesty."

"Not but. Leave her alone for awhile. She'll come around if there's nothing else you want to say you can leave."

"Your Majesty" , she said with shocked voice.

"May eternal glory be with you."

"His Majesty changed ever since that girl appeared before he used to listen everything i say." something in helga pocket rang a magical compact connect two two spaces.

"In a deep voice, how is everything. I believe everything is going according to the plan. an unknown person spoke from the other side."

"Things have been a little busy. It's hard getting that girl under control and kaiser is also changing day by day."

"Let him be just keep an eye on them just like you been told. Don't do anything unnecessary."

"I understand."

"I'm hanging up now."

Back in the office.

"Seth, can you take Aseira to the back garden."

"Your Majesty, why are you asking me to do something when this is what you should be doing."

"You just need to bring her to the back garden after that i'll take care of everything myself."

"If it's like that i understand. But when should i take lady Aseira there."

"Bring her there tonight."

"Your Majesty, also it's time for the meeting. Everyone has a arrived."

"Let's go."

Aseira pov:

"Why he still hasn't apologized to me, Lily."

"My lady, if you keep running away everytime you see his majesty how can he apologize to you."

"But my seniors told me to run away after you fought with a man. They said he should know what he's done wrong and after he does forgive him if he does something nice to you."

"My Lady, you should at least let his majesty approach you."

"Lily, why are there so many people coming today. Is there something important going on."

"My lady, today is the monthly heir meeting. Every demon family bring there heir or heiress to the meeting to introduce them."

"who is that lady with purple haired lady in the black dress."

"That my lady is Lady Seraphina from the vampire kingdom."

"Wait, wasn't kronos the only kingdom since you all refer to kai as the king."

"My lady, there are other kingdom but Kronos is the only family that can be truly rule the demon realm. The other kingdoms manage the realm along Kronos."

"What other species are there in Kronos. I know about demons, vampire and fenrir."

"We have dark elves, mermaids, dwarf, orcs, goblin, dragons, beast-folk and many more."

"Lily, take to the library i want to know more about demon realm."

"Yes, My lady i shall take you to the library."

The demon realm where many species resides. Before the first king the demon realm was filled chaos and destruction. The first king waged war against the many kind bringing them under his rule. The first demon king suffered from a which was down to his descendants.

"Lily, what this about the first demon king being cursed and it being passed down to his descendants isn't kai also the descendant of the first king."

"My lady, No one knows the details about the curse that in being passed in the Kronos family. There's a prophecy stating" An outsider will break the curse that's being passed down.The one with the scarlet will break the curse." And nothing else."

"Hm... That sounds complicated does that mean kai is also cursed."

"I don't know anything about this,My lady. Since you'll be here for awhile should i bring something for you to eat."

"Sure why not."

Time passed in a blink. It was  night time the moon was shining brightly in the sky.

"My lady, It's night time. Please retire to your room for the night you can always come back to read it again you been reading since afternoon."

"I understand. Oh my back my back hurts."

"That's what you getting for reading without a break."

"I'll lend you a hand,My lady."

The walk was quiet.

"My lady, there's someone in front of the room."

"How are you and what are you doing in front of my room."

"Greetings, My lady. My name is Seth. We met a few days ago. I know this might be sudden but there's something i like to discuss something with you. Would it be alright if i request your time."

"My lady, Lord Seth is his majesty personal knight". lily whispers in a low voice.

"Did kai asked you to do this."

"My lady, his majesty never ordered me to do something. I came here on my own accord."

"Fine, let's go, Lily you should retire for the night. I'll be fine."

"I understand, my lady."

"Shall we go, My lady."

"What is it so important that you have to say it at this time. Did kai told you to kill me. If it's like that i won't be going down without a fight."

"I assure you, My lady. It's not like that. I swear upon the first king that his majesty never ordered me to do anything."

"Where are you taking me then. We're almost at the back garden."

"We're almost there, My lady."

"Aseira." a voice called her out.



"Before you run away again hear me out."

"Fine let's hear what you want to say."

"I want to apologize for my behavior. I was rude to you and i shouldn't have talked to you like when we decided to treat with respect and i didn't. I'm sorry please forgive me."

"I accept your apology."

"Can i tell you something. Please don't mind it."

"I was never mad at you. I was just following what my senior taught me back when i was a kid. You never hurted my feeling i'm used to it."

"What do you mean you're used to it and what did your seniors taught you."

"My seniors taught me to never forgive a man right after a fight if you do he will become spoiled thinking he'll get away with everything. And the rest i'll tell you later."

"I want to ask you something to do too. Go on a date with me, Aseira."

To be continued.

I hope you all who are reading rule of Kronos like it and find it good since it's my first work i'm sure it's not amazing but i think it's good enough. if you all like it please leave a comment be it negative or positive.

Nyxia00creators' thoughts