
Chapter 14

I heard the voice clearly through the loud hall, and it sent shivers down my spine. That's when I looked to my past self to notice the expression I wore then. My face was that of pure terror.

"Who is she?" I said as if my past self could hear me, but I knew she couldn't. I looked at the person I once was and saw the fear in my eyes as she held Senata tight in her trembling hands.

"I see you found my prize... and I want it back now." The woman's voice was heard from all around the ballroom.

I looked to my former self. She summoned her staff, and she looked pained and frightened. I wanted to run and find the voice but I was frozen. She told Father to take Senata, and I felt pity for Senata as Father dragged her away from the spot where they once stood with me. I saw the tears falling down her cheeks, yelling for her sister to not leave her, like she did. I looked at the me that was standing there and saw her crying. Her sister and I felt pity for her, but that pity didn't last long.

I saw her wipe her eyes as she stood up strong and said, "I love you Mother, Father, Senata, and Eclipse," before raising her staff and shouting "I, Luna, Princess of Eclipsis and Solaris, fight in the names of my mother and father, and to protect this land. For I carry the sacred royal stone of Eclipsis. For that I will stand and fight anyone or anything to protect anyone and everyone. No matter the cost."

She looked as if she was going to murder the woman before shouting "BORANG DIRAJA" I watched as she was engulfed in light. When it dispersed, she was not wearing the dress from earlier but instead was wearing a short purple dress much like the ones she saw in her closet.

But that was all she saw. She didn't see the other woman clearly, but the girl she once was did, there was something blocking the woman form being seen. I looked at the girl that I was once and something pulled at me like I was drawn to the girl in front of me that I had no memory of being. I saw myself and the sorrow I had, still some how i still stood against this woman. "I cant be her" i said to myself as I fell back into myself. All of a sudden everything was changing. She stood alone the images of the past surrounding her, her memories flooded her vision.

Ghosts of who she was ran about the memories, a space so nostalgic but sad. She saw nothing in the memories but her own sadness and loneliness.

"Where am I" Luna said to her self as she wandered around the space looking at all the visions of the past.

"Your subconscious Princess." Luna didn't see the child until it had talked. the child looked to be made from pure light shining like a gemstone.

"I can see why you'd rather forget these memories. They are tainted by the dark king, unlike those of the moonstone" the child said. The child was like that of an angel, but to Luna the child felt powerful.

"W-who are you?" Luna asked. the child just laughed, there was something about this child that seemed so familiar.

"I am Solaria, the spirit of the Solaris. I humbly greet her highness Princess Luna crown princess of Eclipsis" said the child.