
Rotating System in a New World

[Question: Describe some of the notable Calamities that attacked humanity.] [Answer: The Blond Knight, The Blindfolded Man, The Devil of Domination, and The World Breaker.] These familiar titles left Lin Fan a bit... concerned. "Just what have I gotten myself into?" If it weren't for the fact that Lin Fan's system can rotate every so often, there's no way he would be able to survive what is to come! [War System: Repel the Calamities and reclaim mankind's soil!] [Technology System: Develop AIs, obtain computational power, advance mankind!] [Expedition System, Sign-In System, One Piece System, Simulation System, Livestream System, Trope System, Cosplay System, MMO System, NPC System...] [System will keep updating with new selections for rotation.] -------------------------------------- AN: This is not a translation. This is a serious fanfic I've wanted to write for 2 years before finally pulling the gun. It will start off with some serious, some slice of life, before moving onto serious arcs with minor arcs dedicated towards SOL. The fanfic has elements of kingdom building, advanced technology, expedition into the unknown (Dark Continent HxH-style), sacrifice, omegaverse (multiple series inside of a single world), and of course, a rotating system. I've read too many fanfiction and originals off 69shu and mtlnovel that I've decided to just start writing some again. If you want to know just what type of story this is, you can check my inspirations below. Inspirations: One Piece, OPM, Fate, HxH, Kingdom, Lord of the Mysteries, Embers Ad Infinitum, Cyberpunk, The Mech Touch, Global Game: AFK in The Zombie Apocalypse Game, Arceus Pirate Tour (MTL FF), Warhammer 40k, Gundam, Made in Abyss, Naruto, I have a Super USB, World's Best Martial Artist, Final Fantasy 14, and more. I have always had a bad history with continuing novels due to my atrocious college situation but I'm nearing graduation so it shouldn't be an issue(?).

Robot9001 · Anime e quadrinhos
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7 Chs

The Weight of the World

"As responsible adults, it has always been our duty to secure a peaceful future for the succeeding generation. Regrettably, it is with great shame that we must admit that we have failed you all." The teachers assembled at the podium lowered themselves in shame, their heads bowed in parallel to the ground, deliberately averting their gaze from the grim countenances of the students.

The large screen looming behind them, which unveiled the harsh reality of the world, finally dimmed, akin to the closing of a somber curtain on a tragic performance.

As the magnitude of the recent events sank in, the students grappled with the weight of the unfolding reality. The teachers slowly raised their heads, their eyes meeting the gaze of the students once more. "While the footage is still fresh in your minds, we would like to test whether or not you have fully understood the severity of our situation."

The teachers beckoned at the students to reach under the chair, pulling out a short single-sided sheet of paper with questions on them.

"Please take as long as you need."

Towards the rear of the room, a young man retrieved the pen provided with the paper, positioning it against his chin while his brows knitted together in response to the questionnaire's directness.

Lin Fan shook his head, weariness etched across his face as he rested his head against his palm. His gaze fixed upon the ceiling, his dark brown eyes reflecting a sense of burden. A heavy sigh just barely escaped his lips as if the weight of the world had settled upon his shoulders, leaving him feeling as if he had aged a few years.

"Just what world had I gotten myself into?"

[Question 1: As of July 12th, 2243, what is the current population of the world?]

[Response: 3.5 billion with projected growth of 100 million a year.]

[Question 2: Describe the differences between The Technological Renaissance and The Great Annihilation time periods]

[Response: The Technological Renaissance was characterized by significant advancements in technology. During this period, notable developments included the introduction of brain implants, life-prolonging serums, genetic optimization treatments, designer babies, cybernetic implants, neural interfaces with technology, quantum technology, and the emergence of sentient artificial intelligence, among other innovations.

In contrast, the Great Annihilation was marked by a series of catastrophic events. It began when our planet underwent an unexplained expansion, resulting in the formation of what is now referred to as New Earth. Consequently, satellite communications and other space equipment were rendered inoperative. Additionally, portals materialized across various regions of the former countries of Old Earth, giving rise to entities known as Calamities.

While the Technological Renaissance saw progress, prosperity, and, in some cases, excessive indulgence, the Great Annihilation brought about regression and hardship. The population experienced a devastating decline, with over 75% perishing within a few decades. The Great Annihilation period concluded 53 years ago in 2190.]

[Question 3: Describe the physical characteristic, abilities, and a brief recount of The First Calamity.]

[Response: A young European lady with blonde hair tied into a bun with eyes of green. Donning what appears to be medieval armor with an old-fashioned blue dress underneath. She exhibits the ability to manifest a sword-shaped entity composed of what resembles to be 'wind.' However, our analysts have confirmed that during her encounter with one of the Great Generals, her weapon was identified as a Western-style sword measuring ninety centimeters in length and twelve centimeters in width.

Known as The Blond Knight, she made her initial appearance on March 27th, 2153 along the western coast of the United States. Commencing her onslaught, she progressively targeted nearby cities, eventually slaughtering her way into the Midwest. The extent of her impact was most devasting to our technological center, effectively setting us back several decades as she obliterated multiple cities utilizing a powerful beam of light that penetrated through our defenses with ease. The estimated human casualties attributed to The Blond Knight currently stand at 200 million lives. Combat rank of S- or below should immediately evacuate.

It was through The Blond Knight that we realized that we understood nothing about the world we lived in.]

[Question 4: Describe the physical characteristic, abilities, and a brief recount of The Second Calamity.]

[Response: The Second Calamity is a middle-aged European man of immense stature, estimated to be approximately 22 feet tall. He possesses shoulder-length blonde hair, but his most striking feature, aside from his monstrous height, is his white beard, which extends across his face in a crescent-like manner. Adorning a skull-adorned hat that mirrors his distinctive beard, he wields a naginata, although his notoriety stems from other factors.

The individual, known as The World Breaker, has been assigned the highest combat rank of EX, surpassing the S+ rank due to his unparalleled capacity for destruction. He made a singular appearance along the former border between Russia and China on December 23rd, 2154. Video evidence captured him visibly "shattering" the air, reminiscent of broken glass, resulting in widespread devastation across the affected regions. Subsequently, he proceeded to manipulate the atmosphere, akin to drawing curtains, culminating in a cataclysmic Magnitude 10 earthquake that decimated a significant portion of Eurasia. The estimated death toll attributable to the actions of The World Breaker currently stands at a staggering 5.07 billion lives.]

[Question 5: List some of the notable Calamities after the First and Second Calamities.]

[Response: Following the initial Calamity, a total of 13 subsequent catastrophes have transpired. The Blonde Knight holds the record for the highest number of appearances, totaling three instances. While not deemed the most potent, she exhibits a well-rounded skill set. Among the noteworthy Calamities is the Devil of Domination and The Blindfolded Man, both posing formidable challenges despite their relatively lower death tolls, owing to their exceptional abilities.]

[Question 6: What happens after graduation from High School?]

[Response: Unlike the 2000s era, compulsory education extends to the university level with tuition funded by the government. Students could pick from multiple colleges to enroll in with the exception of military colleges. While a STEM degree is encouraged due to the extenuating circumstances, the United States of the World acknowledges that without creative expression and a love for the arts and entertainment, we would have no reason to keep existing. Thus, the ratio between those pursuing STEM to the Arts is roughly 1:1 in the 23rd century.]

While the last question was a bit odd, Lin Fan made sure to fill in every detail on the questionnaire. After double-checking his answers he stood up and joined the queue of students waiting to hand in their questionnaires. They were all wearing black and white blazer uniforms with ties just like him. Some of them nodded at him when their eyes met, the others seemed lost in their own world.

It didn't matter though, because, after a month of transition period, they would be officially enrolled into college and walk their own paths. This was a good thing because Lin Fan's memory was still a bit jumbled.

'A month to figure out what the hell is going on.' Lin Fan muttered to himself. This sudden and unexpected shift to a whole new world caught him off guard. Before he could even comprehend what was going on, a strange sound echoed inside his mind.

[Rotation System Activated.]

[Host: Lin Fan]

[Race: Human (Carbon-based)]

[Current System Selection: Sign-In System]

[Time before next rotation: 06 OLD EARTH DAYS AND 23:59:59]




Wanted to write this fanfiction for a solid 2 years now with ideas festering in my head nonstop to the point where I finally decided to write it.

I am writing to tell a story that I want to share with the world and will use any tool I can to make the reading experience more enjoyable for the readers.

Check the story synopsis section for my inspirations!

Robot9001creators' thoughts