
Roses, Explosions & Delusions

KisuraKasuda · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Little Red Shingan

Rikka's POV:

Last night after returning to my apartment from Yuuta's room I had made myself some tea and prepared a bath. While in the bath I had thought of the time I spent with Yuuta, but once these thoughts came to me I tried hiding under the water which wasn't the smartest idea. Ever since our trip last year Yuuta and I have been stronger than ever, but our strengthened bond came at a cost. I gave up my chunibyo. When I gave up my chunibyo before it wasn't what I wanted, but what Yuuta thought was best for me. This time it was my choice. I will say it is kinda hard to live a normal life when I had been "The Eye of the Wicked Lord" for so long. As the night passes on memories of when Yuuta and I first met pan through my mind. Once the sun blossoms I crawl out of bed still quite obviously tired. Finding my way to the kitchen I grabbed a mug and poured some coffee with a bit of cream in it. After taking a sip I had set the mug down and walked to the living room. As I stood in the middle of the living something came over me. I held out my hand and looked forward.

"The Eye of the Wicked Lord will not be silenced!" I said while freaking out in my mind. A few seconds later I heard a knock on the door.

"Rikka are you okay in there?" Yuuta called out sounding concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said still trying to figure out why I went into my chunibyo for a second. I walked over to the door unlocking it and opened the door.

"So you decided to put it back on?" Yuuta looked at me with a soft smile.

"Put what on?" I asked confused.

"Your eye patch." He pointed to my eye. I looked at him still confused and put my hand over my right eye. My eyes widened as I tried to figure out how this even got on my face.

"No wait I took it off," I tired to explain, "I dont even remember putting it back on!"

"Rikka," Yuuta gave me another soft smile, "I told you to do what makes you happy. If you wanna be chunibyo I'll love you either way."

Yuuta always knew exactly what to say when I didn't know how to feel, and because of this I couldn't help but to hug him tight. From this moment on my mind slowly reverted back to my chunibyo phase. I went from wearing my eye patch to believing I had powers of darkness, the only thing that was different this time, Yuuta accepted me for me.

A few weeks had passed and my chunibyo was back in full, even though I still felt embarrassed I tried using my "power" in public. My phone buzzed as I looked to see who was calling me. It was Yuuta.

"Hey Rikka I wanted to know if you could meet me at the park?" He asked seemingly out of breath.

"For an exchange of power?" I asked.

"Please don't say it like that," Yuuta said regaining his breath, "but yeah kinda."

"Understood we shall converge shortly." I smiled and hung up excited to see Yuuta. Yuuta has been my boyfriend for about 3 years now though we only recently started kissing, or should I say exchanging packages. About an hour later I met up with Yuuta at the park and we walked around for a while. Once we found a bench we decided to rest and Yuuta looked at me.

"Remember the time we first met?" Yuuta smiled lightly.

"Yeah I used a rope to climb to your balcony." I giggled lightly.

"I know it didn't seem like it at the time but ever since I seen you I had a small crush on you." Yuuta said softly.

I blushed lightly and looked down.

"These past 3 years have been the best years of my life and I don't want them to end anytime soon." I started tearing up a bit. Yuuta got up from the bench and as I looked at him he got down on one knee.

"Rikka Takanashi" before he could say anything else I hugged him tight.

"Yes." I started crying. Yuuta smiled and put his arms around me. That night I decide to stay the night with Yuuta. Once he got in bed I cuddled up next to him and grabbed his arm falling into a deep sleep. This was truly the best day of my life.

I slowly started to open my eyes as I noticed I wasn't in Yuuta's room but on some strange land mass. I stood up and looked around.

"Yuuta!" I called out. No answer.

"Yuuta where are you?" I started to tear up and fell to my knees.

"Halt!" A random voice called out. I looked up and noticed four girls all of them sporting a different color. There was a girl in Red, one in White, another in Black, and the last in Yellow. The girl in yellow had long blonde hair with some type of strange gauntlets on her arms. The girl in Black had cat ears with a strange sword and a ribbon on the end of it. The girl in white had what looked like a fencing sword with different colored dials on it. Lastly the girl in red, which is also the one who stood out to me the most, had a cape and hood with mechanical scythe which looked like it could possibly be a gun as well.

"Tell us who you are," the girl in red said to me, "we won't hurt you I promise."

I looked at them for a bit and raised my head slowly. I clenched my fists together. My heart started racing until I realized I can try to intimidate them.

"We don't have all day." Said the girl in yellow. I slowed my breathing.

"I am Wicked Lord Shingan wielder of the Tyrants Eye."

After trying to intimidate those four girls we all just stood there staring at each other. I tried to hide the fact that I was kinda scared I mean theses girls look like they've been in real fights. The girl in yellow started laughing as the girl in red looked at her.

"Yang what are you doing?" Said the girl in red.

"I can't take this girl seriously." The girl apparently named Yang laughed.

"We don't know what she's capable of." The girl in red said with concern.

"Ruby she's wearing a school uniform," said Yang, "she can't be that dangerous."

I stepped forward and the four girls stepped back a bit.

"The Eye of the Wicked Lord is not to be trifled with" I took a step forward as they backed up once again.

"Well if you have power," the girl in white said hesitantly, "then show us."

I grabbed my eye patch.

"Very well." I started to pull off my eye patch as the sun reflected on my yellow contact making it look like my eye was glowing. Once I pulled of the patch the rock I was standing on broke and I began to fall. My contact dropped out of my eye, falling down and shattering upon hitting the ground. I was able to catch my balance but once I looked up I noticed a fist coming straight for me then blacked out.

What had seemed like a few days had passed when I finally woke up. Once I sat up I seen the girl in red, who I believe was called Ruby, siting in a chair beside the bed I was in. I looked over and tried to get her attention. She looked over at me and smiled.

"You're finally awake." She said.

"What happened?" I asked putting my hand behind my head.

"My sister kinda knocked ya out," she said looking like she felt guilty, "Yang is kinda straight forward."

I put my hand up to my right eye only to feel the eye patch covering it.

"Listen I need to know where you came from and who you really are." She said concerned but stern. I sighed and looked at her. I started to explain to her who I am, where I came from, about my life, and of course my chunibyo. Shortly after she started telling me about this world and her friends. To start off is Ruby Rose, the leader of her team and the wielder of a weapon called the Crescent Rose. Next is Weiss Schnee, who has a fencing sword that lets her use different elements I think. Then we go to Blake Belladonna, a faunus which is half animal half human oh and she also has a cool sword thing. Lastly is Yang Xiao Long, Ruby's sister. Yang has a bad temper but she's cool and uses shotgun gautlets. Together they form team RWBY.

After talking with Ruby she took me out to the rest of her team. Before anyone said anything I looked at Yang then back at Ruby. Ruby let the rest of her team know that I was no threat and that I'm from a different world. After explaining both Weiss and Blake walked up to me and started talking, but Yang didn't seem to be all that interested in me.

"So before you ended up in this world your boyfriend proposed to you?" Blake asked.

"Affirmative." I said looking at her.

"Wow that's awful," Blake showed concern, "You must miss him terribly."

I nodded in confirmation. I was about to try to say something to Yang when the house we were all at started shaking. I looked around and asked if they ever get earthquakes, Ruby told me no. The front door slammed open and a strange black and white creature rushed at me. I clenched my eyes tight thinking that this was it when I heard what sounded like a sniper. I opened my eyes and looked behind me noticing Ruby holding a red sniper that resembled Crescent Rose.

"It's also a gun." Ruby smiled.

Another one of the creatures broke in followed by at least 3 more. Ruby and Weiss ran at the beasts. Weiss stabbed on of the creatures through the chest and slashed out making the creature disappear. Ruby on the other hand pulled out Crescent Rose and spun around slashing a few of the creatures down. She threw one into the air and turned her weapon into the rifle as she blasted the creature into non existence. Ruby then put her weapon away.

"Good job Weiss!" Ruby said with enthusiasm. One final creature came out of the doorway and went to stab Ruby with it's claws. Everyone started rushing at Ruby. The creature then fell down with a hole through its head. As I stood there holding out my had everyone stopped and looked at me.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I said starting to cry.

"You saved me!" Ruby ran up and hugged me tight.

"I thought you said you didn't have powers." Weiss questioned.

"I don't," I said in fear, "it's supposed to be made up."

"Maybe since you're not from this world," Blake stared at me, "you're aura could be stronger."

Aura is what gives everyone their special ability, but it's more than that. Once a person's aura depletes so does their life force and since I'm from a different world my aura is stronger than most people's. Ruby, Weiss, and Blake decide to help me use my aura properly and help me find a weapon that best suits me. After a few days of training I felt like I had mastered my aura. After we trained my aura we went to go find some grim to fight. All went well until a grim dragon showed up. Ruby explained that a dragon similar to this on destroyed Beacon Academy, a school for hunters in training. I pulled out my weapon and started walking towards the dragon.

"Rikka what are you doing?" Ruby said with fear.

"Reality rejected." I clenched my fist tight.

"Synapsis shattered." I grabbed my eyepatch

"Be banished."

I started to pull off my eye patch

"From this."

I looked at the dragon.


My eye glowed bright. It was time to prove that Wicked Lord Shingan is the most powerful.

After pulling off my eye patch I had felt I could take down any threat that came my way, unfortunately this was not the case. As the smoke from the blast cleared up I noticed the dragon still standing. My eyes widened as I realized my power had no effect on it. Ruby and the rest of her team ran toward the dragon, and all I could do was sit and watch. After killing the beast everyone looked pretty worn out but Ruby, still with high energy, walked over to me and sat down.

"That thing was not easy to kill." Ruby giggled.

"Yeah I bet." I said looking down.

"So what if you couldn't kill a dragon," Ruby started, "those things are hard to kill anyway."

"That's not the point, Ruby." I looked at her with tears in my eyes. She nodded and hugged me.

"We'll help you become stronger." She said holding me tight. The thing is I really didn't care about wether I was powerful or not I only wanted one thing, and that one thing I want is something I may never get back.

When my chunibyo first developed I was a master of darkness, but ever since I came to Remnant and gained real power I realized they are harder to control than I thought. About a month had passed since I found out I have actual power and honestly it's only been getting harder to control. Ruby offered to help me try to control them but she's not the best teacher, so I decided to ask Blake to help since she has more control. One morning after I woke up I went straight to the kitchen. After I got there I noticed Blake eating some cereal.

"Good morning Rikka." Blake said softly.

"Morning." I yawned.

"Are you ready to start your training today?" Blake asked. Right before I answered Yang came stoping in staring straight at me. Yang pushed me against the wall and held up her fist. Blake stood up quickly and tried to push Yang away.

"What are you doing!?" Blake exclaimed.

"We can't trust her!" Yang stared me down.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"Don't play dumb Rikka!" Yang dashed at me before she could get near a black rope-like thing wrapped around her. Yang turned to Blake and tried blasting at her. Blake ducked and  kicked Yang back against the wall.

"Rikka pin her arm to the wall." Blake ordered.

As Blake and I held Yang to the wall she started screaming bloody murder. Ruby and Weiss ran in seeing Yang pinned to the wall.

"What are you doing!" Weiss exclaimed.

Yang's eyes started to glow red and her face started turning pale. After a few moments I realized a Grimm took Yang's apperance. After the beast turned back to its regular for Blake slashed it's throat open. Ruby and Weiss both stood in shock trying to process what happened, but to be honest I can't blame them.

"So was Yang a Grimm this whole time?" Weiss questioned.

"No," Blake stated, "but I could tell something was up when she refused to get along with Rikka"

Ruby clenches her fists and looks at Blake.

"Whoever did this will pay." Ruby said in anger.

A few moments later Ruby stormed out and all we could do was just watch. The thing about Ruby is she rarely gets mad but when she does there's almost nothing that can actually calm her down.

"Maybe I should go check on her." Weiss said she she started to walk away. I put my hand on her shoulder and she looked back at me.

"Let the Eye of the Wicked Lord converse with her." I said.

Weiss nodded and I followed the path Ruby went. Once I found her I sat down beside her. Before I spoke Ruby threw her head into my chest and started crying. I hugged her back and tried my best to comfort her. Before I got powers I never thought I'd want to protect anyone, but now I want to make sure Ruby stays safe and I'll do everything I can to make sure that happens.

I stood in the field with Grimm rushing at me. Once they started getting even closer I clenched my fist.

"Reality rejected" I grip my eye patch.

"Synapsis shattered" I pull off my eye patch.

"Be banished" my eyes starts to glow.

"From this" A spear made of shadow forms in front of me.

"World." As the spear launches through at least 5 Grimm I grab my weapon and smack down a few more. I tried to form another spear but quickly realized I have a limit on what I can create. As a few more Grimm rushed at me I gripped my weapon tight and smashed each ones head into the ground killing them instantly. I fell to the ground out of breath as I put my weapon away.

"Workin' hard?" Ruby walked up smiling.

"The Eye of the Wicked Lord," I said trying to regain my breath, "works hardest."

Ruby giggled and held out her hand to help me up. Once I got up Ruby hugged me tight. I know what you're probably thinking and no she hasn't fallen in love with me or anything it's just that ever since we found out a Grimm was posing as Yang, Ruby only felt comfort in me. I didn't understand why but then again it made me happy to know that she felt safe clinging to me.

"Ruby" I said looking at her.

"Yes?" Ruby looked back at me.

"As the wielder of the Tyrant's Eye, I Wicked Lord Shingan will do everything in my power to keep you safe," I stated, "and I will retrieve your sister no matter the cost."

Ruby's smile grew bright as she hugged me tighter.

"Thank you Rikka." A tear slowly crept down her face. I nodded and hugged her back. No matter what happens I need to keep my word, even if it mean never returning home. Even if it means I'd never see him again. No. I need to do this not just for Ruby, but also for him. I need to do this for Yuuta.

It's been a week since Yang went missing and in that time I must have searched everywhere in Remnant. There had been times when Weiss and Blake wanted to give up but I told them we had to keep going for Ruby. Though I wanted to give up I made a promise and I knew I had to keep that promise. Ruby always stayed behind because she was scared that she'd get in the way. I didn't think she would but she was in a weakened state and needed to train back up. I must have killed hundreds of Grimm on those search missions, but at least I felt stronger. One morning after I had woken up I went to the kitchen only to notice Ruby sitting at the table asleep. I smiled and walked over to her putting my hand on her shoulder. She slowly started to wake up and looked at me.

"How long was I out?" She asked.

"The Eye of the Wicked Lord does not carry this information." I said sitting down next to her.

"Rikka I..." Ruby was cut off when a Grimm ripped the roof off of the house exposing us all. My eyes widened as I tried to stay calm.

"Ruby get back!" I exclaimed as I gripped my eye patch.

"Reality rejected." I started to pull off my eye patch.

"Synapsis sha...." I got slammed straight into a wall by a Beowulf. Ruby's eyes widened as I started to black out.

"Rikka!" Ruby ran over to me and gripped my hand. The last thing I remember is Ruby starting to cry.


Ruby's POV:

It happened again. One of my friends got hurt and I did nothing to stop it. I stopped crying and looked at all the Grimm rushing toward us. I stood up and clenched my fists.

"Ruby are you okay?" Weiss asked in a concerning tone.

"I'm not okay," I grabbed Crescent Rose from my lower back, "I'm Angry"

As the Grimm started to get closer I changed Crescent Rose into its scythe form. I started to dash as the Grimm gripping Crescent Rose tight. It was time to stop acting weak it was time to prove to everyone that I'm the world's greatest huntress.

I started twirling Crescent Rose in my hands and as I got closer to the Grimm I had already planned my attack strategy. Before I tell you what happened next I want you to know what my semblance is. It's speed. I turn into this red ball with rose petal following behind. I blasted in between a bunch of Grimm and realized that they all looked at me once landed. I whip Crescent Rose around clockwise slashing into the chest of a Beowulf once I hear it's growl I smirk and pull the trigger blasting straight through it. The thing about Crescent Rose is even when it's changed into its scythe form I can still use the sniper part. Once I blasted through the Beowulf more Grimm started trampling toward me. I flung Crescent Rose behind me and shot at the ground propelling myself forward. As I get to the center of the Grimm I start spinning Crescent Rose around slashing at every Grimm around me. Once the Grimm started turning into smoke from slashed I throw Crescent Rose infront of me and snipe the remaining Grimm. I take a deep breath and put Crescent Rose away and looked back at Weiss and Blake.

"Oh my god Ruby that was amazing!" Weiss exclaimed.

"Oh it was nothing." I said putting my hand behind my head.

"You've gotten better." Blake said smiling.

"Wicked Lord Shingan agrees." Rikka limps towards us. I smile brightly and started talking toward her. Before I could reach her a black mass started forming between us. I went to grab Crescent Rose when I noticed who came through the mass.

"Hey there Little Red." Said the woman.

"Cinder." I clenched my fists. She looked directly at Rikka.

"You must be the disturbance I was informed about." Cinder smirked.

"Stay away from her." I demanded.

"I know your tricks Little Red nothing you do can surprise me." I grab Crescent Rose but before I pull it out Rikka falls to her knees.

"My eye!" Rikka exclaims, "my eye!"

Cinder and I both look at Rikka.

"Well," Cinder pushes me down, "This should be easy then."

Cinder forms a sword out of fire and starts walking toward Rikka. Rikka starts to stand up as her eye patch looks like it's burning off. Cinder backs up a bit as Rikka's eye patch completely burns off.

"Ich werde mich nicht zurückhalten." Rikka's eye glows bright as a spear starts forming infront of her.

"You face judgement before the wielder of the Tyrant's Eye."

It must have happened quickly cause Rikka started to bleed from her chest as she fell to her knees.

"Are we done here?" Cinder asked mockingly. She smirks and holds her sword up and slashes at Rikka. Before she could land a hit her sword was knocked out of her hand. I stood there holding Crescent Rose tightly.

"You've been a threat to team RWBY for long enough Cinder. This time there's no holding back."

Rikka looked up and me as her Tyrant's Eye started to fade. She smiled and me laying down slowly. I clenched Crescent Rose tight ready to kill Cinder for everything she put us through. Cinder smirked at me and created a spear from fire which was aimed for my chest.

"You've been a pain to me long enough you little red brat." Cinder snarked. She threw the spear with force lunging it at me. I knew I had to think quick. I started spinning Crescent Rose like a little electric fan, once the spear came in contact with Crescent Rose it flew down immediately. I looked up at Cinder and dashed at her while swinging Crescent Rose around. As I reached Cinder, Crescent Rose impaled her in the side and Cinder screamed. I walked a bit closer staring her dead in the eyes.

"Where is Yang?" I questioned.

"Who?" Cinder smirked, "oh you mean the Raven wannabe."

I dug Crescent Rose deeper into her side and she screamed louder starting to bleed severely.

"Where is she!?" I demanded.

"Oh you won't be seeing her any time soon." Cinder snarked.

"Why?" I asked angerly.

"Let's just say, I took care of her." She smiled and started laughing. My eyes started glowing. I yanked Crescent Rose out of her side and looked her in the eyes one last time. I swung Crescent Rose toward Cinder's neck making a clean cut. I watched as her now lifeless body fell to the ground. Never again would I let anyone else threaten my friends, and if they do I'll be waiting for them.

I can't believe it, I just killed a human. No I can't think of it like that. Cinder was no human, she was a monster. I stared at her lifeless body as it slowly faded away. I turned and rushed over to Rikka falling to my knees. I looked at her and started to tear up.

"Rikka I'm so sorry." I said as a tear dripped onto her arm.

"Wicked Lord-" She starts coughing, "I'm fine I promise."

Just hearing those words made me sigh in relief. I let Rikka lay her head in my lap and she smiled up at me as I smiled back. Rikka's smile was innocent like she had never been in battle before. I asked her how much pain she was in but she said that it seemed to have subsided. After getting Rikka to safety Weiss and I headed out on a quest to find Yang, Blake decided to stay behind so she could help treat Rikka. I knew that finding Yang would not be an easy task, but I need to find my sister and there is no one who can stop me from reaching her.

A while after Weiss and I headed out I got a message from Blake on my scroll letting us know that Rikka is making a successful recovery. Relieved to hear the news I had in formed Weiss as well thankfully this had calmed my anger down a bit. Weiss and I had reached Beacon, well atleast what was left of it.

"It looks like everyone left as soon as the dragon attacked." Weiss stated.

"I still can't believe I stopped that thing." I said softly. Oh yeah something I forgot to mention is that I stopped a dragon with my eyes, let me explain a bit. Grimm can take about any form of animal or beast such as wolves, horses, elephants, human, and even Dragons. Back when Beacon Academy was being attacked by Cinder and her forces a Grimm Dragon was awakened and found its way to Beacon. Cinder killed one of my friends and I was to late to stop her, but when I had witnessed Pyra being turned to ash something strange happened. My eyes glowed bright. I found out that I stopped that dragon by seeing one of my die because of my eyes. Apparently I have silver eyes which are very rare but very powerful. Once someone knows how to wield the power of their silver eyes they are unstoppable, unfortunately I still have a lot to learn. As Weiss and I walked through the ruins of Beacon I heard a scream, but it didn't sound human.

"Ruby." Weiss said quickly. I nodded and dashed to where the scream cane from. I was ready for almost any possibility, but nothing could prepare me for what was before my eyes.

Yang, my sister, was being consumed by those monsters. I fell to my knees starting to tear up, and in that moment all the confidence I created for myself was blown over like a tent with no stakes in the ground. Yang looked at me and screamed my name but I didn't know what to do. I'm supposed to be the fearless leader of team RWBY but right now I wanna cower into a corner and cry.

"Ruby what wro-" Weiss looked at the monstrosity before her.

"R-Ruby! W-Weiss! H-H-Help." Yang said faintly as she she'd a tear. I couldn't bear to watch her like this. She was in pain and I couldn't do anything to help her, I was so weak. I'm not fit to be a leader, I'm not fit to be a warrior, I'm not fit to be the daughter of Summer Rose.

"So, you now know what I'm capable of." I looked up only to notice Salem standing before me. "Time and time again you thwart my plans to cleanse this world, but no more. I will ga e control over your team and as you can see I already have your sister."

"I will stop you." I look at her with tears in my eyes.

"But Ms. Rose I've already won." Salem said Mockingly. I stood up and grabbed Crescent Rose from my lower back quickly changing it to it's scythe form quickly.

"I know your tricks Ms. Rose, please just give up. If you join me I will make it worth all the while." Salem offered.

"I'll never join you!" I exclaimed.

"You really do have the courage of your mother." She said softly, "to bad courage didn't save her life."

After those words came out of her mouth something deep inside of me snapped. My mother was the most important person to me and when she didn't come back from her last mission I didn't know what to think granted I was at a very young age. Once I got older her death impacted me as I realized what had happened and I knew I had to protect the rest of my family so the same fate doesn't fall upon them. I swung Crescent Rose back and blasted at the ground propelling myself at Salem. Once I got closer I flung Crescent Rose around trying to land a hit, but as I got close as possible Crescent Rose fell from my hands. My life started to flash before my eyes as I spit out some blood, Salem used her power over the Grimm to form a type of darkness where my heart was.

"Like I said Ms. Rose courage was not enough to save her life and it will not save yours." She smirked and walked towards Yang.

"Ruby!" Weiss exclaimed.

"My apologies Ms. Schnee but Ruby will no longer be joining you." She looked over at Weiss. Weiss started to tear up as she ran toward Salem in anger.

"W-Weiss stay back or she'll k-kill you!" I exclaimed.

"I don't care Ruby she must perish." She dashed at Salem ready to form something from the dust in her weapon. Before she reached Salem the last thing I heard was a different language of some sort and a dark entity grabbing at Yang. I wish I could have done more but I was truly to weak to do anything. Was this truly the end of my story. Was I the end of the Rose's story?

Everything is black. Am I dead? No I can't be. Though my mom didn't make it I promised my mom I wouldn't let it end this way for me. One thing I don't understand though is how am I not dead? Salem slowly started to corrupt my body so she could use it against my team. When I opened my eyes I noticed a girl with very long pigtails and weird ball things on the end of them, but there was also a guy in black with bandages around his arms he looked pretty cool if I'm being honest.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a concerned tone.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said rubbing the back of my head. "Who are you?"

"My name is Yuuta Togashi." He said proudly. So if this is Yuuta he must be looking for Rikka. I stood up and studied his figure.

"So do you have chunibyo too?" I asked still studying in him.

"Well not really," he then stopped and looked at me, "wait did you say chunibyo? You know Rikka? Rikka Takanashi?"

"Yeah she's a good friend." I looked over at the other girl.

"Please you must take me to her." He persisted.

"We will find my master without this little girl, yes" said the girl.

"Little girl? You look younger than me." I got a bit irritated.

"The wielder of the Mjolnir Hammer is not to be-" she was cut off.

"Dekomori!" Yuuta shouted.

"I don't have time for this." I list my patience.

"Wait, I need to find Rikka please take me with you."

"Alright follow me."


Rikka's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes only to find myself in an unfamiliar room. Once I sat up I looked over and noticed Blake reading a book. She looked over at me explaining what had happened. My eyes widened as I quickly jolted up and started changing back into my normal clothes. I asked Blake where Ruby and Weiss might have went, and I should have known they would go to the remains of Beacon. As I got closer I noticed a dark energy surge blasting at my direction. Once I got closer I seen some woman holding Ruby with some shadowy arm stuck inside her chest. I knew she had to be in danger so I had to think quick which is when an idea popped into my head. I pulled off my eye patch as my eye glowed a bright yellow. I started to walk towards where Ruby was, the dark energy from the air was being absorbed into my body.

"Schattenform der Schattenklinge" a blade made from shadow formed in my right hand. I had also formed a type of hand from the remaining shadow power I had left. I blasted the hand at this beast attached to the wall pulling it toward me and holding up my sword.

"R-Rikka h-h-help." A voice came from the beast and I slashed it open to see what was inside. I dropped the sword and covered my mouth upon the horror before me. Yang was torn to pieces.

Yang laid before me with only one arm and her face torn up and all I could think of doing was look at her. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes holding my hand out infront of me.

"The Eye of the Wicked Lord is most powerful." My hand started to glow creating a small purple ball. "Heile dieses wehrlose Mädchen." I opened my else and blasted the ball of energy at her. Once the energy reached her something strange happened, it healed her. This proves my power is infact real and I could probably cause some real damage with it. Yang slowly stood up and looked at her hands then over at me.

"Rikka you saved my life." Yang stated, "most importantly you healed my arm."

"Didn't it get ripped off by that thing?" I questioned.

"My arm got cut off 2 years ago." She smiled and hugged me enthusiastically.

"Sorry to cut it short but we need to save Ruby from that woman." I clenched my fists and turned only to find Ruby missing. I looked around then back at the woman in black noticing she was starting toward me.

"Remain where you are or face the wrath of the Eye of the Wicked Lord." I exclaimed.

"I know that you are just a mere mortal Ms. Takanashi." My eyes widened as she said my name. Fear took over as I was motionless infront of this woman who uttered my name.

"I thought you only wanted Ruby, Salem." Blake said grabbing at her weapon.

"There was a bigger goal that I knew would shape this world to how it should be." Before Blake could pull out her weapon a beowulf appeared.

The beowulf jumped onto Blake pinning her down as she couldn't move. Seeing Blake pinned down by that beast snapped me out of my fear because I quickly formed a spear. I aimed the spear for the beasts head but Salem caught the spear with some type of force around her. She darted the weapon back at me. Gripping my eyes tight I prepared myself for a fate I never expected, but when I opened my eyes there was a type of shadowy wall infront of me. Salem screamed as

I heard her start to fight whatever made the wall before me. Right before I looked to see who it was there is something I heard that my heart stop.

"Be enveloped in the flames of darkness and disappear!" A blast of dark energy came from his hand as he harmed Salem severely. I poked my head around the wall seeing a wounded Salem and standing infront of her was the one my heart ached for.

"Y-Yuuta." I said softly. He jolted around staring directly at me.

"Rikka." He started to tear up. I ran to him and jumped into his arms starting to cry.

"I missed you so mu-" Beowolves started surrounding us. If I die right now, atleast I'll die happy.

Hundreds of Grimm started to rush at us as Yuuta let go of me. I wiped my tears away and helped Blake off the ground. As they started to get closer I clenched my fists starting to form a type of sword. Once one of the beasts got close I went to swing at it but to my surprise it fell down with a hole straight through its chest.

"You're not starting the party without me are you." Ruby said with a smirk.

"Wasn't planning on it Sis." Yang stood up readying her gauntlets. I looked at everyone before me and smiled, I was lucky to have such an amazing group of teammates. No. An amazing group of friends by my side. Today was the start of an all out war.

As the Grimm started surrounding us, Dekomori, started to loose the confidence she had built for herself. Before I could say anything Ruby slammed Crescent Rose into the ground.

"Right now is no time for us to doubt ourselves." She said confidently, "we've come to far and been through to much to give up now. Today we will defeat Salem. You can bet on that!"

Dekomori looked up at Ruby in a starstruck sort of manner as she quickly gained her pride back.

"The wielder of the Mjolnir Hammer will lend a hand, yes" Dekomori stated. I gripped my weapon tight and looked at Yuuta. Today we will come out on top, because we have one thing Salem doesn't. Hope.

As the Grimm charge us, I create a type of barricade out of the dark energy flowing  through the air. The barricade stands long enough for everyone to ready their weapons. The Grimm start slashing at the barricade starting to leave small cracks in it. Ruby throws Crescent Rose behind her and blasts at the ground propelling herself forward. I lower the barricade quickly, directly after Ruby flings Crescent Rose around slashing through one Grimm. Once she lands, Ruby smirks and swings Crescent Rose around spinning herself cutting through multiple Grimm. Every Grimm that gets near her is killed almost instantly. Before she kills another it freezes before her and she stops in her tracks.

"C'mon Ruby I can't let you have all the fun." Weiss smiles. Blake throws her ribbon sword around like a boomerang wrapping around all the Grimm in the area. After they are all together Yang slammed her fist into the ground killing all of the ones Blake captured.

"It feels good to be back!" Yang exclaimed happily.

"It's really good to have you back." Blake said shyly.

"Now that we're are all here," Ruby started, "Let's show Salem what team RWBY can do!"

As team RWBY fought off the Grimm I looked at Yuuta. Before I could say anything Grimm started to surround us. It looked like we were outnumbered.

"I shall hold them off master, yes" Dekomori said.

"Lend your power to team RWBY." I said softly. She pounded a few Grimm back with her hammer, running to Ruby and the others. The Grimm started to form around us more numerous than before. Yuuta grabbed my hand, I grabbed his back tighter.

"What should we do Yuuta." I looked at him scared.

"We fight!" He exclaimed. Yuuta formed a blade slashing it at the surrounding Grimm killing them instantly. I tighten my grip looking at the remaining Grimm. I let go over Yuuta's hand and start walking forward.

"Rikka what are you doing?" He questioned.

My eye started to glow faintly.

"Reality rejected." My body started to form a barrier of darkness around it.

"And synapsis shattered." My eye started glowing brighter. The Grimm that rushed at me burned into nothing before they could lay a claw on me. Yuuta looked at me in fear.

"Banishment!" I looked up seeing all the Grimm starting to overpower Ruby, Blake, Weiss, Dekomori, and Yang. As I got closer my dark aura got stronger.

"From this!" Yuuta walked up beside be and grabbed my hand. The aura grew stronger as we put out conjoined hands in front of us. Yuuta looked at me and nodded then forward.

"World" the aura around Yuuta and I went straight to our hands. A blast of darkness shot directly at Salem.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" She screamed.

"Showing you why you should never trifle with the Eye of the Wicked Lord." My weapon formed behind me as I propelled myself at her and slashed her chest open. She screamed bloody murder as her body started to turn to dust.

"I will return Ms. Takanashi!" She exclaimed.

"I won't let you." Ruby walked up behind me. Her eyes started to glow. I looked at Ruby then back at Salem grabbing her hand.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Let's do it." Ruby nodded. We put our hands infront of us as a dark rose started to form.

"Fear the power of the Eye of the Wicked Rose!" Ruby and I exclaimed as the power blasted into Salem. Salem was sucked into a a strange type of black hole sucked what remained of her into it. As Salem was reduced to nothing the remaining Grimm started to disappear. We had finally won.

"Wait hold on a second." Said Nibutani, "that's what happened?"

I looked at her and sighed.

"I don't really wanna get in much detail." I said. Nibutani stood up and looked at Yuuta and I.

"Well that's a terrible way to end a story and Togashi hardly did anything at all!" She exclaimed.

"That's not true Nibutani!" Yuuta defended himself.

"I'm kinda shocked you didn't say 'Rikka I love you I'll protect you with my dark flames, kiss me.' or something." She said jokingly.

"That's embarrassing!" Yuuta exclaimed. I stood up quickly and pointed at Nibutani.

"The Eye of the Wicked Lord commands you to sit down!" I ordered. After I said this Nibutani sat down and looked at me.

"Now to tell you how we got home." I started.

As Salem's body was reducing to ash a, ball of dark power lay in the remains. I reached out my hand and picked up the ball observing it thoroughly. The ball started to glow a bright purple.

"Rikka!" Yuuta ran up, "what the hell?"

He stopped, looking at the weird ball.

"Yuuta this is it." I said.

"Huh? What is it?" He asked.

"The way to get home." I smiled. Ruby looked at the ball concerned. I looked at Ruby.

"Trust me we'll be okay." I smiled softly. She nods.

"Then this is goodbye?" She asked.

"Not for good, I promise." Ruby hugged me tight one last time.

"Till we meet again Rikka Takanashi." Ruby smiled.

"Till next time Ruby Rose." I used the rest of the power I had to axtivate the ball as it started to turn into a portal. As Yuuta, Dekomori and I walked through the portal the scenery changed from the mountains of Remnant to the blue skies of Japan. It was truly good to be home. After about an hour of walking, Yuuta and I finally reach home.

"And that's about what happened." I said softly.

"I hope we can meet Ruby some time," Kumin smiles, "she sounds nice."

"From the time I knew her she was very nice, yes" Dekomori said. I was about to agree with her until there was a knock at the door. We had all stopped. I stood up walking to the door and turning the knob to pull it open. Behind the door was a guy in a green track suit. Standing next to him was a girl wearing a strange hat with a face on it.

"Um who are you?" I questioned.

"My name is Kazuma Sato and I'm looking for Yuuta Togashi."