
Rolling the Heaven's Dice

Miles O'Connor overslept the morning the apocalypse came. Everyone in his dorm and most of humanity were turned into zombies. Also, those who were alive awakened a system like a player to strengthen themselves for the new coming age. However, Miles did not receive a system. He killed zombies to try to awaken a system and after killing a thousand zombies, it finally arrived. But it was different from what he imagined. [ You have accumulated 1,000 points. You can now roll the Heaven's Dice. ] Cover credits to the owner.

ArchionFate · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Raid and Drops

There were a total of seventeen people in Miles' group. They left the two non-combat classes on the third floor of the faculty dorm.

They passed by the first floor and saw the bodies of zombies scattered around.

Some people in the group vomited at the sight and smell of the rotting corpses, particularly the women. It took them some time before they got used to the smell.

All of them were wearing masks covering their mouth and nose to prevent the ingestion of the blood of the zombies but the smell was just so strong.

"You guys killed all these zombies?" William asked in awe.

"Yep." Miles replied casually.


"We should get going. Come on." Miles said.

They moved in formation with all those with high defenses in front. Although they don't have decent equipment, their skills could be still activated with the aid of the basic weapons they have.

Miles and William were at the most front side because they have the better weapon among the group.

They eventually left the building and saw the zombies outside. There were fewer and fewer zombies around the area because Miles' group killed most of them.

"Let's go!" William bravely jogged towards a zombie and swung his axe at its head.


The head of the zombie was split open.

"Oh! I got some exp!" William exclaimed.

The people heard this and it gave them a bit more push.

Dante moved and stabbed a zombie in its head. The other melee classes also used their skill to attack the approaching zombies while those who don't have any strong attack skill but a few stabs of the head of a zombie could kill it.

Miles also pressed forward and killed the zombies.

When the others saw how he swiftly killed the zombies, they were really amazed and relieved that someone strong was in their group, giving them a feeling of safety and security.

Julia and Michelle were also handling themselves very well.

The assassin Julia was using her Stealth skill to sneak into zombies and kill them before she disappeared again.

Michelle also turned the brains of the zombies into paste every time she swung her bat.

They moved slowly but surely into the dormitory building 3.

"Let's clear the first floor and move to the second floor!" William announced.

"Yes!" The team was in high spirits despite their exhaustion.

After all, they were all level one and still normal humans.

With the lead of Miles and William, the group finally reached the second floor. There was a crowd of zombies waiting for them.

"Kill them!" William moved forward and the others followed.

The zombies fell one by one as blood splattered the walls of the hallway.

About an hour later when the killing stopped.

"Secure the entrances and exits. We'll rest here for an hour before we move to the third floor." Miles ordered. He wanted to rest. Although he still had the stamina to continue, his injured body was holding him back. He couldn't even use his Heavy Strike skill afraid that it would tear his arm apart.

"Oh! I levelled up!" William shouted.

"Me too!"

"Yeah! I also levelled up."

All of the people, except Miles of course, levelled up at least once. William and the others that were in front, levelled up twice.

Above Wiliam and Dante's head, Miles saw the number.

[ 15 ]

'Level 3, huh.' he thought. 'How about Julia and Michelle?'

[ 25 ]

[ 25 ]

'Oh! Both of them went up to level 5. That's good.'

He sat in a lotus position and activated the Serene River Meditation to recover his stamina.

Meanwhile, William was looking at his character window with a smile.

'At last, I levelled up. This is thanks to Miles. Now, where should I put these points? I'll just put them in strength, speed and defense. Then I'll use the skill points to level up Hard Fist.''

{ Name; William Class: Fighter Level:3

HP:130/130 MP:70/70

STR:13 SPD:12 MGC:7



Skill: Hard Fist(E-Lvl.2), Arm Block(E-Lvl.1), }

'This is better. I feel stronger than before. What an amazing system.'

Before the apocalypse happened, William went often to the gym to maintain a good body. He could lift 100 kg in deadlift but now, he felt he could do it without any difficulty.

'And Miles' group should be higher level than us, right? How strong are they now?' he asked himself as he looked at Miles who was sitting there calmly.

"Uhm, William, could you help us distribute our points?" some of the middle aged people approached William.

"Sure, no problem." He then helped them with their points.

The system already explained to them about the status points and skills.

STR or strength is the physical power that the body can exert.

SPD or speed is how fast a body can move.

MGC or magic is the magical power that one has and could affect how powerful skills and spells are.

DEF or defense is the resistance to physical damage.

MDEF or magic defense is the resistance to magical damage.

DEX or dexterity is the control over one's body and reflexes.

LCK or luck is the probability of good opportunities and greater chances.

From looking at the character window and skills, William saw that the skills were divided in ranks and levels.

He has the skill Hard Fist(E-Lvl.2) meaning it was an E-rank skill and its current level was 2.

From the information by the system, the skill ranks were divided from lowest to highest into E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, and SSS ranks.

'I also don't know how to get new skills. Two starting skills was too low for a game. At least there should be more.'

William helped the people settle their points.

Julia and Michelle were in the corner and also distributing their points.

However, they were still hesitating about where they should put them.

They levelled up twice today and have six stat points and two skill points.

"We should just put them where Miles told us to." Michelle said. She then distributed her stat points to strength, defense, magic defense and speed and then levelled up her Heavy Slash skill.

"Yeah. Let's do that." Julia said as she put her points into strength, speed and dexterity while levelling up her Deep Puncture skill.

They walked towards Miles and when he heard them approaching, he opened his eyes.

"You guys done?" He asked.


He stood up and called the group to assemble.

At that time, one of them shouted. "There is something beside this zombie's body!"

They turned and went to look at what Paul discovered.

The group surrounded the body and stared at the small green glass bottle that was lying near the body of the dead zombie. Inside it was a light green liquid.

William picked it up.

{ Low level Health Potion(E) - Could recover 20 HP points in five seconds. }

"Oh!" William shouted. "It's a health potion!"

"What?!" Miles was the first one to react and shout.

"Here." William handed it over to him.

Miles held the small bottle in his palm.

'Damn. How did they identify this as a health potion?'

He was looking at the bottle and there was nothing that said it was a health potion.

'Don't tell me they have something like 'identify' or something!'

'I wish I had that too!'

"Mm. This is good." He passed it back to William and he showed it to the others.

"This is really a health potion and it's an E-rank, so it's the lowest grade." Julia confirmed.

Miles listened to her words and analyzed.

'So they really have something that can identify or appraise items. And based on her words, the rankings of items are based on letters. So E-rank should be the lowest and the highest should be…SS or SSS-rank. Damn, why is it so different from the grades of the Heaven's Dice!'

'Man! I hope that I also have that identify skill!'

"This must be a drop from the zombies! Let's search the bodies if we can find more drops! Let's go!" William said with excitement.

The others immediately ran around and searched the corpses of the zombies. They were getting used to the look of dead bodies and smell but rummaging on the scattered corpses was not that easy.

"Uhm..William." Miles approached the man.


"Ahh.. Can I have the health potion?" he asked.

"Oh? Are you injured somewhere?" William narrowed his eyes.

"Well, yes. But I'm not bitten or wounded, please don't misunderstand." Miles cleared up.

William looked at him suspiciously and asked. "You are injured?"

"Yeah. I have a little torn arm muscle."

"What? Are you serious?" William asked in surprise.

"Mm. I'm just enduring it this whole time." Miles smiled awkwardly. "Plus, this."

He removed his glove and showed his palm full of blisters. William's eyes widened.

"Man, you're fighting in that condition? Unbelievable. It's a miracle that you can still lift that axe despite having that condition. But I can't just give it to you without telling it to the others first." William said.

Miles nodded as he wore his gloves. "No problem."

The group assembled again and placed what they found on the table.

One low level health potion, two low level mana potion, a ring and a small pocket book.

{ Low level Mana Potion(E) - Could recover 20 MP points in five seconds. }

{ Soldier's Ring(E) - Increases STR, SPD and DEF by 3.

Requirements: Warrior Class Lvl 5 }

{ Strong Shield(E) - You and your shield's defense will increase by 10 for five seconds.

Requirements: Shielder Class Lvl 5, Shield equipped }

"A Warrior's ring and a skill book for shielders. This is amazing!" William said.

'So this is how we can learn new skills. Of course, drops.'

"The zombies dropped items and we can use it. But the question is who will receive it?" William asked.

Dante raised his hands. "You should give the Soldier's Ring to Miles, William. He is the main fighter of the group except you and the skill should be given to Michelle. Their team shared to us a huge portion of their supply so let's think of it as a payment. But that's all my opinion."

The other agreed to his suggestion.

"I don't want the ring but I would love it if you could give me one of the health potions." Miles said as he showed them his blistered hands and told them about his torn muscles.

The group was shocked to see his condition and even Julia and Michelle were surprised. He was wearing gloves all the time so they naturally didn't know about it.

"Sure, I see no problem in that." Dante and the others nodded.

William gave one of the health potions to Miles and gave the others to Dante for safe keeping.

He let out a sigh. "Why is there no item storage in the system? Storing these things would be easier that way."

'Oh! So you don't have an item storage! Heh. I have one!....' Miles thought but suddenly stopped.

'But could I put items in there?'

He knew he could take items out from the storage space but doesn't know if he could also store items from the outside into it.

'I'll just have to figure it out later. The raid is my focus for now.'

He opened the health potion and drank its content.

"Not bad. "

He then felt that his injuries were slowly healing overtime until they finally disappeared.