
Rolling the Heaven's Dice

Miles O'Connor overslept the morning the apocalypse came. Everyone in his dorm and most of humanity were turned into zombies. Also, those who were alive awakened a system like a player to strengthen themselves for the new coming age. However, Miles did not receive a system. He killed zombies to try to awaken a system and after killing a thousand zombies, it finally arrived. But it was different from what he imagined. [ You have accumulated 1,000 points. You can now roll the Heaven's Dice. ] Cover credits to the owner.

ArchionFate · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs


The roar put the team and Miles in huge shock.

They could never imagine that there would be two Berserk Zombies in the university.

With one putting them in a lot of trouble, adding another one would truly make their life miserable and in grave danger.

Looking at the small bright side, at least, Miles was already entertaining one of them. If they fight the two at the same, it would be near impossible for them to win.

Still, the first challenge that came to William and the others was the new incoming wave of enraged zombies.

And just by looking at them, William knew that they were even stronger than the enraged zombies created by Jason.

He glanced at his team as they stared at the swarm of zombies with a hint of fear in their eyes.

Gritting his teeth, he talked to them. "Let's just hold them for some time while Miles is fighting. He'll surely assist us the moment he finishes his business."

The team nodded and gripped their weapons.

They took their formation and waited for the zombies to arrive.

But what happened was different from what they were expecting.

The enraged zombies, who they thought were raging to tear them apart, turned to the left and rushed straight into the Administrative Building.

In the meantime, the Berserk Zombie was still overlooking the area from the second floor of the Broadcasting Building. It was very calm as its navy blue bomber jacket fluttered with the wind.

The team quickly realized what was happening and rushed to intersect the swarm of zombies going into the Administrative Building.

"They're going for the people!" William shouted.

He had some goosebumps while thinking that the second Berserk Zombie was not targeting them but the weaker and vulnerable people in the building.

This displays the higher intelligence of the Berserk Zombies although they already changed into a different creature.

And added to the fact that they could control enraged zombies puts them on a whole new level.

The team panicked as they watched the zombies continuously enter the building.

Although they didn't know much about people, they would not want them to just abandon them and feel guilty at the end and regret it, if they discovered that there was someone in there that they know.

They got closer to the running wave and the enraged zombies continued to ignore them.

Finally, they reached the enraged zombies but at that time, many had already entered the building.

"We're here!" William brandished his axe at a zombie's head.

The others followed him, killing a few zombies near them.

Even so, the zombies still kept rushing towards the building.

William glared at the second Berserk Zombie, who was still calmly staring at them.

"We need to get him." He pointed at the Berserk Zombie.

"But what about these zombies?" Dante asked.

"We just need to kill that Berserk Zombie as fast as possible." William said. "If we kill him, the zombies might lose their enraged state and return to normal."

"Still, that would be too late for the people above." Paul said.

Michelle raised her hand and spoke, "I'll get the attention of these enraged zombies. You guys go kill that Berserk Zombie."

Julia turned to her and asked, "You gonna use that skill?"

Michelle just nodded. "Leave the enraged zombies to me. I'll buy you five minutes. After that, I'll be powerless."

The others looked at her.

"Attracting all these zombies? Are you sure you can do that?" William tried to confirm.

"Mm. Go! I'll buy you five minutes." Michelle shouted.

After a quick glance at her serious face, the team rushed to the direction of the second Berserk Zombie.

"I'll be back really quickly. Just hold on!" Julia said.

Before she disappeared with the team, Julia shouted to Miles, who was still fighting Jason, "Michelle is sacrificing herself for five minutes! End that fight quickly and help her!"

Then, she left to fight the other Berserk Zombie.

Miles heard her and couldn't help but take a glance of Michelle who was jogging alone to a different direction from the team.

'What is she doing?' he thought.

Miles raised his arms and blocked another attack from Jason.

Bit by bit, he was getting accustomed to Jason's speed and pattern.

Still, each attack was powerful and his body would not hold on if he received a few more direct attacks.

"Jason! Just let me give you peace! Please!"

With a shout, he finally landed a punch to Jason, sending him just a few meters away.

'From my observation and what just Julia said, the team will attack the second Berserk Zombie and Michelle will do something that will last for five minutes. Sacrifice? Is she attracting the attention of the zombies?'

'Whatever it is, I have under five minutes to get my business done.'

'Come on!' Miles rushed towards Jason.

Michelle jogged to the front of the admin cafeteria and turned to the enraged zombies still rushing into the Administrative Building.

She exhaled and thought, 'I can do this!'

With both her feet firmly rooted on the ground, she raised her axe up in the air.

"Domain Charm!"

Her body was enveloped by a pinkish light in the next second.

Then, an aura burst out from her body and expanded to about a hundred meters around her.

The enraged zombies were hit by the aura and they stopped for a second before turning to Michelle.

In the next moment, they began to rush to her direction like wild beasts.

'Here they come!' Michelle nervously waited for the zombies to arrive.

'It should be fine, right?'

{ Name: Michelle Hudson Class: Shielder Level:21

HP:460/460 MP:90/210

STR:37 SPD:21 MGC:12

DEF:38 MDEF:15 DEX:6


Skill: Self Shield(E-Lvl.1), Block(E-Lvl.2), Heavy Slash(E-Lvl.3), Thick Skin(E-Lvl.3), Strong Shield(E-Lvl.1), Shield Bash(D-Lvl.1), Domain Charm(SS-Lvl.Max) }

{ Domain Charm(SS-Lvl.Max) - Attract all the attention of all enemies within a desired distance from ten meters to ten kilometers, for five minutes. During the activation of the skill, the user will be Invincible from all incoming attacks.

Cost: 10-1,000 MP Cooldown: 48 hours

Requirements: Michelle Hudson }

{ You have activated the skill Domain Charm. }

{ You are now Invincible from all incoming attacks. }

{ Invincibility duration: 4:50 }

{ Invincibility duration: 4:49 }

As she received the system notifications, Michelle was slightly relieved.

Still, the real event was just coming.

The first zombie reached her and bit her arm.

However, there was like an invisible barrier on her skin that prevented the teeth of the zombie from piercing her arm.


Seeing that she was not hurt, Michelle felt that she could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

'I just need to get their attention for the next five minutes.'

Of course, she was not giving the enraged zombies an easy time either and let herself be an open feast to them.

She gripped her axe tightly and swung it over and over again.

While the charm and invincibility were active, Michelle was killing zombies.

There were times she was being bitten and scratched but thanks to the invincibility, it didn't have any effect on her.

It was truly a very powerful skill.

For the next five minutes, she could do what she wanted without worrying about anything.

But what will happen next would be the most dangerous part.

The moment she loses her Invincibility, the enraged zombies would surely tear her apart.

Now, Michelle was putting all her trust in her team that they would finish quickly and come help her.

On the other side, Miles saw that Michelle was getting swarmed by the enraged zombies and also discovered that she was receiving no damage from their attacks.

'Is that her skill? Like invincibility or something. And that aura burst was like a taunt.'

When Michelle activated her skill, all the surrounding zombies were attracted to her direction.

Even the two Berserk Zombies were not an exception. Fortunately, Miles was there to keep Jason preoccupied.

'Five minutes. That should be the duration of that skill.'

'I should help her.'

The fight against Jason was proving to be more difficult as time passed.

Although Miles was getting used to Jason's speed and pattern of attacks, the problem was that his strength was not enough to immobilize the Berserk Zombie.

There was also the constant taking of health potions that distracts him from the fight.

'Damn, Helen would surely be very useful at this time.'

Added to the challenge was that Jason was also being drawn to where Michelle was. He was trying to ignore Miles and rushing to Michelle.

Miles has to keep him busy and continue to attack him so that he won't get away. If Jason reaches Michelle, she would surely have a hard time, more than what he was currently having. Although she was not receiving any damage, the exhaustion would soon catch up to her and the following moments would be dangerous.

'Look at me!' Miles shouted inside and punched Jason.

On William's side, they eventually met the second Berserk Zombie while it was coming out of the Broadcasting Building.

"Michelle's skill will attract all the attention of all the surrounding zombies for five minutes. She will keep the enraged zombies busy and we have to deal with this Berserk Zombie before the time runs out." Julia explained.

"Another time pressure?" Dante commented. He gripped his weapon and said, "Just what I like."

"Let's try our best to defeat this guy. If we can't, I just hope that Miles will arrive and save us." William said with a smile.

Now, they were all putting all their trust to Miles that he will come and save them.

As the Berserk Zombie rushed outside, William and Dante directly attacked him.


"No way…" Paul muttered as he and the others stared at the Berserk Zombie, who just caught the two axes by its bare hand like they were nothing.

He held the two blades and there was not a single scratch on his hands.

"Damn.." William whispered with shock.

Dante pulled his axe with his one arm to try to take it back but he was not able to do so because of the Berserk Zombie's strong grip of his weapon.

William did the same and the result was the same.

Seeing the two locked in with the Berserk Zombie, the others used this chance to attack it.

Paul and Lilia rushed to each side and attacked the Berserk Zombie with their skills.

""Heavy Slash!""

Both of them used the same skill.


The Berserk Zombie was directly hit on the side by the two attacks.

However, this time, the edges penetrated into its flesh. It was not that deep and just about a quarter of an inch, but it was still enough to give the team a slim hope of defeating the Berserk Zombie by themselves.

The Berserk Zombie let go of William and Dante's weapons and retreated a few steps.

"We can do this!" William shouted and chased after the Berserk Zombie.

"Feet Lock!" Brent casted a skill onto the Berserk Zombie and its movement was halted.

{ Feet Lock (E-Lvl.2) - Cast a skill on a target's feet that will halt their movement for five seconds.

Cost: 30 MP Cooldown: Ten minutes

Requirements: Enchanter Class Lvl 5}

Unlike the Stand Still skill that could halt the movement of the whole body, the Feet Lock could only freeze the movement of a target with its feet. Although the latter was inferior to the former, the skill was useful enough to give the team a chance to catch up to the Berserk Zombie to continue attacking it.

Helen and Brent gave the team some buffs before they reached the zombie.

Julia appeared behind it and thrusted her knife.

"Deep Puncture!"



Her knife penetrated about half inch deep into the back of the Berserk zombie.

The others got closer and also activated their skills, each one leaving small damages onto the Berserk Zombie's body.

After five seconds and the Feet Lock duration was gone, it retreated quickly into an empty side and stared at the team with its red eyes.

"Chase!" William shouted and ran into the zombie.

While they rushed into the Berserk Zombie, it opened its mouth so wide that its jaw dislocated.

William and the others saw this and he shouted, "It's doing something! Be careful."

Dante quickly thought of something and raised his voice, "Cover your ears!"

The others heard him and stopped their steps to do what he said.

However, Dante, with his one hand could not cover both of his ears leaving one open to the air.

Right then…


… a quick yet very loud shout sounded, leaving the others stunned and disoriented for a period of time. Some of them knelt on the floor with their bodies shivering while still covering their ears. More so for Dante, who had one of his ears fully exposed for the attack. His right ear bled and his body seemed to become devoid of energy that he almost collapsed to the ground.

While everyone was trying to get themselves together and doing their best not to pass out, the Berserk Zombie moved towards them.