
The RP System

Adrian was born into a normal family with loving parents, two siblings, and a stable household income. Despite being fairly normal, he always felt like something was missing. Even while in high school, he never truly felt like he could enjoy life. Upon starting a part-time job, he soon realized that this routine would be his life after graduating. It would soon become a dull cycle, wake up, eat, work, sleep, repeat. Sadly, by the he would finally have the chance to fully enjoy his life, he would no longer have the energy to do what he wanted. 

Adrian lived walking distance from the school and his best friend lived next to him. As he exited his house his friend Ramir waved to him as he crossed the street. "Hey, did you see this video?" Ramir reached in his pocket and showed Adrian his phone. On the video was a worm like creature hatching from an asteroid. "Thats obviously fake." Adrian shook his head. his friend was always overly interested in sci-fi and fantasy anything to keep him believing there's more going on in life. Adrian was like him once but soon realized reality continuously pushes against delusion.

"But we don't know what's out there, so we can't say it's not real." Ramir retorted. Adrian turned towards Ramir. "The same thing can be said about what you believe." Soon, they were at the school. Adrian went to a private school, with the income his dad and mom make, plus his grades and activities, he was able to make it in. It wasn't really a prestigious private school, but it was still a private school. Both Adrian and Ramir waved to each other before heading to their first period class.

Adrian sat down at his desk, and next to him was Layla, another one of his friends. "Did you bring your signed paper?" Layla tapped Adrian on the shoulder, then pointed to a stack of papers. "Put it over there." Adrian got up and placed the paper on the teacher's desk. Today, they were going to a historical museum. The teacher clapped his hands, gathering everyone's attention. "Everyone, quietly get up and follow me outside to the buses." everyone stood up and headed outside and entered the bus.

On the way to the museum Layla and Adrian talked about weekend plans. Once they were there the docent took the students and headed towards an exhibit. Adrian and his friend, Layla, Anthony, and Ramir followed the guide. Soon the docent stopped at an exhibit. "When the first settlers from Europe arrived in America and met the natives of its land, they managed to establish a peaceful and cooperative relationships with the indigenous populations. After that there was The New World War where there was a fight between the Americas and Europe. At the end of this war lots of lives were loss, but we also gained something. Does anyone know what we gained?" at student raised his hands "W.A.R.P" The Docent then pulled up a holographic image of what W.A.R.P is. The woman then pointed to the acronyms "World Alliance for Resourceful Progress. That is W.A.R.P they are responsible for most of our technological advancements such as our renewable energy source...." 

Adrian turned around, not hearing what else the woman had to say, and saw a red sky. Something was falling, it was like a meteor made of flesh, a "meateor." Soon, everyone turned around to see it. It finally hit the ground, and a deafening boom followed. The glass on the window broke as debris flew through the air. Everyone was on the ground, covering their heads. Adrian and his friend headed to a more enclosed room. Then he heard a sound coming from his pocket. What he thought was his family was actually an email. 

Subject: Exciting News: You've Been Accepted as a User!

Hi Adrian,

I hope this email finds you well. I have some incredibly exciting news to share with you! You have been accepted as a user and have been given access to the Roleplay System. Congratulations!

Wishing you loads of fun as you embark on this new adventure!

Best regards,


As Adrian read the email, the only thing he could say was "HUH?" Something he signed up for when he was ten replied seven years later. He had received a random email asking if he wanted a system, and he signed up for it using his parent's credit card, even entering personal information about himself. He was grounded for three years after essentially paying for it with his college fund and his parent's retirement money. it's something they will always hold over his head.

Then, a screen popped up in front of his eyes: [In this system, users can earn experience points (XP) by engaging in activities and overcoming challenges, ultimately leveling up and unlocking new abilities through roles. Character customization plays a crucial role, allowing individuals to shape their unique paths by selecting skills and traits. Would you like to roll for a role?]

"Is this for real?" Adrian thought to himself. "I can't deal with this right now. I have to deal with this situation first."

"Adrian, are you okay?" Layla called out.

"Yes," Adrian heard a ding sound in his head. [Rolling for role] Soon, Adrian saw something like a slot machine appear in front of him. "WAIT!" [Once role rolling has been made it cannot be stopped you can change this in settings] His friend looked at him with alarmed faces and at the same time said, "Are you ok?" The machine finally stopped and landed on the role monster. [Congratulations you have landed the role monster physical changes will happen in 10 minutes].

Adrian bolted out of the room and exited the building, heading for an enclosed spot without people. When he left the building, he saw monsters and a street flooded with blood with creatures that looked like they came from nightmares running in them. In the distance, he saw a being as tall as a skyscraper.

[7 minutes remaining]

Adrian didn't have time to think; he needed to get away from the monsters and the people.

Adrian quickly ran to an empty store. [Transformation has started] Adrian held his body. He felt a warm sensation envelope it felt like he was going to explode, and he did. [Transformation Complete] Adrian looked around and he was shorter it felt like he was the height of a dog. He ran around to look for a mirror. The way he moved was agile he could scale the wall in seconds it felt like he was born in this body. he looked in the backroom of the store and found a mirror and looked at himself. He had inky black skin, sharp teeth, long black nails, and sharp tendrils on his back. He though he must've been a baby because even with all that he was still kind of cute. 

[Creating Monster Species Name... Creating Abilities... Creating Evolution Path...]

A screen popped up in front of Adrian containing all his stats and skills.

[Species Name Noctilith Thrall]

[Abilities Shape Shifting, Night Stealth, Telepathic Species]

Although the world was changing Adrian couldn't help but be excited. But right know he needed to find his family and friends. 

[Mission Started: Kill friends and family] 

"WHAT? No!"

[Are you sure you want to reroll mission the rewards will boost you to your next evolution and reward you with one thousand RP points]

"I'm definitely sure."

[Rerolling Mission...]

[Kill Five Humans and Ten Monsters]

"Do I have to kill humans?"

[This system rewards points for becoming your role you can reroll the mission, but you will keep rolling the same one, right now monsters are killing humans and each other you have to do the same]

"Can I really bring myself to kill a human?"

Adrian stopped thinking about it and headed outside right now his family and friends are vulnerable.

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