
Rogue Cultivator

[Fantasy Carnival Entry] Mo Shatian is a sheep herder who lives in a village in the middle of nowhere. The village he lives in turns out to have another side he doesn't know about, along with the arrival of someone from outside the village, things are bound to happen. With a phenomenon that has never happened around the village, he begins to know the secrets of the village he lives and its inhabitants little by little. In the middle of all this what will Mo Shatian do next? cover isn't mine

Guillotinecutter · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Xiao Village (2)

It had been almost a week since the Elder came to this village, but Shatian had not seen him since then.

'Well, I knew it wouldn't be that easy to see him again, after all he is the village head's important guest who came from outside.'

While walking herding the sheep, Mo Shatian kept thinking about the Elder he met at that time.

'I wonder if everyone from the outside is like him?'

A violent flash of lightning suddenly appeared on the top of the Misty Mountain, so powerful that it could not be compared to any lightning he had ever seen in his life.


The roaring sound can even make the eardrums buzz.

"Unlucky…. It looks like there's going to be a storm today, I should hurry back to the village before the storm arrives."

The panicked Mo Shatian quickly brought the flock back to the village. Suddenly he felt something coming towards him from the Misty Mountain hill.

Looking behind him, he saw something large ambushing the flock of sheep. It was pitch-black with a pair of blood-colored eyes and a body similar to that of a wolf, but twice the size of the wolves he knew.

Taking a closer look, he also noticed that there were several more following the monster behind him, Mo Shatian subconsciously started cursing in his heart as he dashed towards the village like his life depended on it.

'Damn… damn… damn… where did those monsters appear, I never heard anything about them.'

Realizing that he no longer heard the sound of the sheep behind him, Mo Shatian felt an intense killing intent rush towards him, cold sweat running down his back.

Only a few meters before the sharp fangs swooped in from behind, Mo Shatian felt a gale rush past him.


In an instant the intense killing intent he felt behind his back suddenly disappeared.

Unable to help but look back, Mo Shatian couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

'How could a pack of monsters that looked like wolves of more than ten heads suddenly fall…. as if an invisible sword would pass through and cut everyone's throats?'

Still in a confused state due to the sudden change of situation, Mo Shatian didn't feel someone approaching him from behind and said, "What's with the confused face... Hurry back to the village because there will be many more to come."

Aware of the sound coming from behind, Shatian turned his head back to see the source of the sound. "E-elder what are you doing here?"

"I'm the one who should ask that... what are you doing here son?"

Still confused, Mo Shatian replied, "I was herding sheep, but suddenly there was a violent thunderclap on the top of the mountain."

The Elder just sighed and said, "come back, Xiao Ling is worried about you because you're the only one who hasn't returned to the village yet." While looking towards the top of the mountain.

"Thank you for saving me Elder… I will return to the village soon." said Mo Shatian as he lowered his head before going running towards the village.

Trying to look back one last time, saw a strange phenomenon where only the sky above the mountain was only filled with thunderstorms. Shatian heard a small whisper behind him.

"Hmm… did he know that I saved him even though I didn't say it. After all it is my first time to see the heavenly tribulation in decades."

Arriving at the village, Mo Shatian saw the residents gathering in the main square.

"Has anyone seen Shatian?" one girl asked.

"Has he still not returned to the village?" someone replied with another question.

"Don't worry, I asked the elder personally to take a look." Someone said while comforting the other villagers.

Arriving at the main square, the villagers finally saw Mo Shatian who just came back out of breath.

Someone immediately ran towards him and hugged him, "are you okay?" asked a girl with a worried look on her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine… it seems that the Elder came to save me." he replied to Xiao Lin while smiling awkwardly.

"I'm glad you're safe." Village head Xiao Ling said as he patted him on the shoulder.

"Uncle Ling, do you know what's going on at the top of the Misty Mountain, there's a thunderstorm, and strangely there are lots of monsters running around." Shatian said.

"If I'm not mistaken, that phenomenon is called Heavenly Tribulation... it's a phenomenon that occurs when a magical beast tries to evolve into a demon beast or a demon beast that tries to rise to a higher level."

"…or it could be called demon ascension. This is also my first time seeing it, that's why we have all gathered here to prepare in case something bad happens." Xiao Ling said while looking at the Misty Mountain.

Not understanding what a bad situation meant, Mo Shatian only looked at Xiao Ling to wait for his explanation.

Seeing that Mo Shatian didn't understand, Xiao Ling continued to explain.

"When Heavenly Tribulation occurs, an incredible amount of spiritual energy will descend from the sky and the energy surge will attract the attention of monsters ten kilometers away. That's why monsters that shouldn't be seen around the village suddenly appear attracted by the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Tribulation."

Continuing, "We have all gathered here in case the monsters try to break through and enter the village."

Recalling the monsters that chased him earlier, Mo Shatian couldn't help but pale in thought

'Are they really going to fight those monsters? …these crazy monsters are so scary and terrifying I don't think a normal human can fight with them… unless someone like an elder has an aura that isn't like that of a human'

As if he could tell what Mo Shatian was thinking just by looking at his face, Xiao Ling said with a comforting smile.

"Don't worry, maybe you don't know but almost everyone in this village is cultivator. Even though most of them are just to help with their daily lives, but that doesn't mean they can't fight… the fact is that some of them focus only on fighting for example like a group tasked with hunting."

Adding, "Their real job is to guard and protect the village by killing every monster that is around the village area. That's why you never saw them before."

"Then what about Elder... I last saw him heading towards the Misty Mountain?" Ask Mo Shatian

"You don't need to worry about him… because after all he is much stronger than everyone else in this village."

"He told me he would go there to check on the Heavenly Tribulation." He added.

Mo Shatian finally got to know a little about the elder and the other side of the village he had lived in all this time.

'Cultivator, they really are amazing… can I also be like them?'

Seeing Mo Shatian's expression change one hundred and eighty degrees, Xiao Ling couldn't help but sigh and feel a little regret knowing that everything he tried was in vain, but he also knew that sooner or later the child would find out too.

'But, why did everything happen all of a sudden... whether it's a coincidence or destiny, I think only the heaven knows the answer'