

Magical Realism
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  • 1 Chs
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What is Robin12

Leia o romance Robin12 escrito pelo autor Md_Rohan_2976 publicado no WebNovel. ...


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游独流携带“签到系统”,以五岁之身,重生近未来平行世界的孤儿院同名幼年,本以为可以签到异能、科技,从此走上人生巅峰,怎料…… 【“龟游戏店”签到成功,获得“黑魔法使卡组”。】 【“海马娱乐集团大楼”签到成功,获得“青眼白龙卡组”。】 【“童实野市中心”签到成功,获得“灵光抽卡*1”。】 游独流:??? 没有更好的奖励了吗? 我重生来就是为了打牌的吗? 三年后…… 【“海马娱乐集团大楼”签到暴击,获得“青眼少女卡”!】 十年后…… 【“龟游戏店”签到1000次,额外获得“艾克佐迪亚五件套”!】 看着“决斗最高”的世界,看着以“决斗”为能源的近未来城市,看着在大洋彼岸的“新童实野市”、“心园市”,以及海外的“决斗学院”,并为三大圣地的世界,看着手里在童实野市签到获得的,诸多幻象社也没有卡牌、甚至各种神之卡。 游独流一边组起了毒瘤卡组,一边感叹着“决斗真香”! “不过一张同调和超量卡都没有,强力的融合卡组也都没有,果然……只在童实野市,是签不到全卡组的吗?是不是……该上个学了?”游独流一边在心里感叹,一边给海马集团寄了一封信,里面有一张【青色眼睛的少女】……

东与东灵 · ACG
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215 Chs

Masks & Statues

“A Devil’s Abode,” that’s how any sailor will reply if anyone in the continent questioned them about the island. Some will recount how their ships almost succumbed to the treacherous waves near the island; some will speak in volumes about their narrow escape from a thousand headed beast and some others will send shudder through the listener with tales of blood-curdling screams they heard from the island. Even though most of these tales seems to exaggerate the events and heroism of the narrator, there is no shortage for listeners. The island is a curious mystery for anyone who has heard of it, and what kinds of stories should one expect from a place named ‘Devil’s eye’? Yet the residents of ‘Shell’ Village, the only village on the island, would laugh at these tales. Amidst the protection of the witches, the villagers have only one word for describing their home; peaceful. In a sense it’s very true, the most dangerous thing the village faced in the recent centuries is a rogue wild beast that slipped the scrutiny of the witches, yet even that was dealt swiftly. Since most villagers pride themselves on earning their livelihood through farming or hunting, petty crimes are rare. ‘Shell’ truly is a village content with how their lives are. It must be this sense of security that turned the horrors of past into myths and fairy tales. To the young generation of Shell, tales of Urkeries were nothing but myths, bedtime stories for naughty children, a deterrent for the youth, a campfire story for some old bones who ‘miraculously’ survived after stumbling upon an Urkery. Nevertheless it was a story just like the myths of crimson ghost. But unlike the legends of the nine divine beasts, the myths of urkeries and the crimson ghosts are special to the villagers; they solely belong to them, to the island, nobody in the continent has ever heard of these creatures. So, where does these myths originate? The least popular answer, blames everything on the grandmothers who don’t want children’s near the ‘notorious’ yellow mist forest. However, the village’s conspiracy theorists have two more explanations. The first one gives all the credit to the village Chiefs, who use this fear to control the villagers for generations. But this theory got mediocre acceptance, primarily because it didn’t make sense, and mainly because of the third theory is much more enticing– the witches. Rumor has it that, before her unexplained disappearance, the first witch gifted a treasure to the witches. It’s this treasure that is responsible for their long life and youthful appearance. Naturally, the witches concocted stories to hide the treasure from the villagers. Many brave souls made their journey into the mist, seeking this mysterious fortune, never to return, adding more mystery to the myth. Along with these speculations and centuries of peace guaranteed by the protection of witches, the villagers were so relaxed, unlike the beast infected continent; they have nothing to fear on the island. However, everything fell apart one evening, it started with the screams of a farm boy at the border of the village. Then screams spread the entire village, along with many winged creatures. They dyed the sky and soil red. To the survivors Urkeries were no longer a myth but a nightmare that will make their spine shiver. They yearned to escape the island forever, but what had protected them until now becomes their cage - the coven. The coven and its witches were adamant in containing both the monsters and the villagers on the island. They would have been successful in this endeavour if not for the one witch that escaped the island, along with her six-month-old nephew. From that day forth, both the coven and the Urkeries are after them, in a relentless pursuit to bring them back to the island.

Neo_leo · Fantasia
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1 Chs

Dying Love

"If only I could still believe in you Your promises prove to be untrue If only there are actions too Then your words, perhaps I might believe you You think me clueless Someone you can easily deceive It pains me to watch your callousness My weighing pain and sorrow, you can never relieve" Francesca blankly stared at the piece of paper where she wrote her last poem for him. No matter what she did, all her pain and sorrows were carved into her bones rendering her helpless and with no way of escaping it. It's already been a month amd half that she stayed couped up inside her bedroom with nothing but empty bottles of whiskey lying around her bedroom floor. She wanted to make it all go away or even at least numb it but nothing worked at all. Drinking her last bottle of whiskey, she tried to stand up only to lose her balance and fall back on the floor. Her vision blurred, she could hear someone breaking down her door and people worriedly screaming for her to hold on and not close her eyes but she felt so tired and wary of everything. It felt like she was floating and her vision started being covered in black and she knew that her consciousness was slipping away, she only hoped that no one would wake her up anymore because it stopped the pain, it didn't hurt at all but rather, it felt like she was just going into a deep sleep. The last she heard was people screaming and an ambulance before she finally succumbed into darkness... 》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》 hey readers! This is my second book, I hope you like it. Go easy on me people hehehe I'm still new to writing. have a nice day!

GaretteBlue · Geral
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The night that changed our lives

Melody sat remembering the night she got her first kiss... with her best friend.... “Logan.....” It was New Year’s Eve and the new year was only five minutes away. They both hadn’t had their first kiss yet. The fireworks went off as they sat in silence on her upstairs porch. It was just them two. Everybody else had went in the backyard to light more fireworks. “Logan.....can I kiss you? It’s not like I have feelings for you... but I’ve never had my first kiss and it’s our sophomore year in high school. I want my first kiss before the new year begins. Is that alright with you?....” Suddenly, Logan’s lips smashed into hers and something changed that night in both of their hearts. That night, they both realized that they were in love with each other. They realized that they’ve both been in love with each other since the seventh grade. But none of them still confessed. They continued to kiss for a few minutes, before melody broke it off. “T—-t-hank you.” She whispered without opening her eyes. Blush crept onto both of their faces and they knew they couldn’t stop these feelings anymore. “L-ogan. I’ve gotta tell you something.....nevermind...ummm well...I just wanted to say... that you’re the best friend I’ve ever had!” Logan was happy, but not satisfied with her sentence. He was hoping for her to confess. But yet their unrequited love goes on. Will they confess to one another? Who knows.

Honokoasami · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs
Latest Update
Volume 1


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