
Chapter 8 Starting fires and tending to them.

The next evening, Mr. Edusei lit the campfire and kept it at bay so it does not spread.

"Have you ever worked with the fire service?" asked Frema.

"No," he replied. "These are basic survival kills every individual must know. I want you to watch how it's done once again." After several demonstrations, Mr. Edusei encouraged Adobea to light a fire by herself and reinforced that action by congratulating her for doing so well. The whole family took turns to do the same routine. It worked so well the instructor decided to make a concession and allow them to cook some fast food on the remainder. The idea to teach them came spontaneously although it was part of the survival skills they needed.

Soon, they were keeping warm by the fire as they told stories and laughed heartily. Baafour saw another side of his father he had never seen and was glad they had chosen to take up this new challenge.

"We must consult the meteorological department so they give us a perfect time for our climb," said Mr. Agyei. "We wouldn't want the weather to ruin our great expedition." The next morning, Frema made some sandwiches for the whole family using the skills she had learnt.

"You deserve a prize, Frema," said Mr. Edusei "You have done so well." Everyone enjoyed the food.

"I agree with you," said Mr. Agyei. "Considering the amount of time it has taken her to learn the art of cooking. Can you make some tea for us too? So we don't waste the rest of the fire." Reminding her that she had left out something significant. "That would make for a perfect breakfast."

"Yes Daddy. Just give me a moment."

"You can let Adobea help you if you want to," said Mr. Agyei, encouraging her. Mr. Edusei soon found out that the team had run out of water after spending several days on the mountain. It was Frema's duty to find water with the help of her brother, Baafour. Fortunately, the two found some at an obscure place, fetched some and placed it on the fire they had made. The water was soon hot. With the teacups ready, Adobea helped her sister pour the hot water into the cups and then placed them on a makeshift table so everyone could reach out and take sips.

"I wonder how the real competition will be like," said Frema.

"Me too," said Adobea.

Mr. Adjei delegated responsibility to the two big girls to cook for the whole family the entire time that they were on the mountain. It was a great learning experience, working together as the only women. Occasionally, Baafour would hunt for some game and bring the proceeds back to their temporary structure for dressing and grilling.

"I wish we will never leave this mountain," said Baafour. "I enjoy it here more than at home"

"It seems we have the same mind," said his father.

Soon, it was time to leave the summit for home. The climb down was much easier than their way up. Mr. Agyei treated a muscle pull he had developed on the way whilst they all waited for him, chatting, and playing.

"Imagine this happening to us on the day of the competition! That would be too bad for us," said Baafi. The trip was worth it. Every one of them had good things to say about it, leaving Baafour content.