
Rising of the Knight King

KujoJin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Forest, rivers and caves

Three months had passed since Gunther's departure, and Wielchstone village stood rebuilt, its residents honing their combat skills under Karthas's tutelage. Despite the progress, Karthas's impatience grew, his desire for action burning fiercely.

Unable to contain his frustration any longer, he bellowed inside his temporary lodging, "Gunther, why have you not returned yet?!"

With a frustrated curse, Karthas stormed out of his house into the bustling village. Under his leadership, the village had been fortified and surrounded by traps, a testament to their readiness for any threat.

"Captain!" he called out to the knight in charge.

"Yes, my prince!" responded the stalwart knight, clad in iron armor and armed with a hammer and shield.

"Prepare for departure," Karthas ordered, his tone resolute.

"Immediately!" saluted the knight captain, readying the troops for their next mission.

Karthas walked back to his house to retrieve his equipment before heading to the village plaza, where his men were to gather. It didn't take long for everyone to assemble. Among them were the six knights who had fought orcs with Karthas before, as well as ten newly recruited villagers armed with hammers and leather armor.

Standing before the group, Karthas announced, "From today, we will be patrolling the area around the village to ensure that situations like the one before do not repeat." With an evil smirk, he added, "And if we encounter any orc scum, I trust I need not tell you what must be done."

The small battalion saluted their prince and marched out from the village. They traversed through the nearby forests, checked the rivers, and explored some caves, but they found nothing except some wild boars and bears, which served as food supplies for the battalion. The rest of the meat was distributed among everyone to share upon their return to the village.

Despite the lack of orc presence, Karthas was not satisfied. His thirst for revenge burned within him, and he eagerly awaited the opportunity to confront and defeat the orcs.

Upon their return, Karthas gathered his knights and the villagers, his voice tinged with frustration. "We found no sign of the orcs," he announced. "No camps, no tracks. Nothing."

The knights exchanged glances, understanding their prince's frustration. One of them spoke up, "Perhaps they've moved on, my prince. We could expand our search further."

Karthas shook his head, his jaw clenched. "No. We stay vigilant here. The orcs will return, and when they do, we'll be ready."

The villagers murmured in agreement, their resolve strengthened by Karthas's determination. One of them, a young man who had joined the training, stepped forward. "We'll be ready, my prince. We won't let them take us by surprise again."

Karthas nodded, his eyes flashing with determination. "Good. We'll continue our patrols. And if the orcs dare to show their faces again, we'll be waiting."