This is a Spark who gained a soul on his own because of that he was sent to another world and given 7 wishes. HP/DC/M
When Jason opened his eyes he appeared in a World of white with only a single chair that he was seating on, A Table with a Letter and a massive wheel with a Number of Worlds on it.
Rising his eyebrows Jason groans and Says '' Really I'm guessing I died and instead of Heaven or Hell I get Limbo and I don't even get someone to explain to me ''.
Groaning in annoyance Jason grabs the Piece of paper.
'' Hello Jason Kelly you are A spark meaning you are a creation created by Chaos himself ( Father and creator of the God and Darkness and the Endless and A Force of creation) as a Spark on Death you are suppose to return to Chaos where he consumed you but you Spark on your own developed a soul for your many accomplishments and manage to gained a hint of Chaos's power back so congratulations you must be reborn as a Divine Being so that on death you can be consume by Chaos but Divine Beings can't be consume as such Chaos in his Kindness has allowed you to be an agent of his and as such you may spin the wheel which will send you to a new world one that is either one or more worlds with 7 wishes''.
Finishing reading Jason sighs in relief then he gets up and walks up to the wheel and grabs it and spins it.
Stopping the World said combination of 3 Worlds
Pleased Jason watches as the Wheel shimmers and stop allowing him to spin it.
Doing it the first world he got was Percy Jackson
Second was Marvel Comics and Movies combined
Third was DC/ Harry Potter.
Staring at the three worlds Jason pales and gulps at the threats the Marvel and DC worlds will bring never mind the Harry Potter world added to it.
Seeing the Wheel shift to show 12 characters Jason stares at the names Tony Stark, Captain America, Poseidon of Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson, Peter Parker, Thor, Loki, Odin, Jason Grace, Hawkeye, Ego, Harry Potter.
Gulping Jason looks at 4 names hoping to get one of them.
Grabbing the Wheel I spin it.
Stopping Jason stares at it with Horror the Wheel stopped in Poseidon and Harry Potter
Staring at it I frown and ask myself '' What does that mean ''?
The table shines once causing me to turn walking over I pick up a page and it says
'' In this world a terrible war came and the Gods were destroyed and essence scattered leaving their children to become gods who went to war with the Celestials and Titans winning the Descendents grew Arrogant and have pretend to be their Parents now the Essence of Poseidon has been reborn into Harry Potter in a world with Marvels, demons, Monsters, and Magic Harry Potter must Defeat the Dark Forces of Wizarding Kind and Regain his throne of the seas and father a new Race of Olympians alongside his Older Sister Hestia who still lives to aid Zeus made it so the Gods essences would gather into the Reincarnated God making Poseidon have all the powers of the Fallen gods.
Eyes wide Jason places the Letter down stunned Jason turns to the Paper which says '' You have 7 wishes to make choose wisely ''.
Gulping Jason knew what 4 Wishes must be sighing Jason says '' First I want the spital Farm and for it to be upgraded to hold every Plant, Herbs, Animals magical and otherwise, and for their to be a Library inside a 3 story Manor in that world that will be connected to my soul and Mind allowing it to organize and defend my mind and if needed the Farm can heal me, I want the Library to be expanded and hold every book and scroll ever written in that world including both Magical, Muggle and Alien''.
The Paper glows '' Done''.
Jason continues '' 2 I want the Magical world to be structured like Heru Kane and Mark Ward's worlds, 3 I want the Gods to each to have Vaults and for Me to be able to use them inside the Vaults I want every gods' procession inside, 4th I want the Power of Golden Superman combined With Demon Superman this way I will have none of Superman's weaknesses but have the Power and Magic added to my core also I want my god power to upgrade my Magic core but that should be Obvious, 5TH I Would a Gamer Body and Mind and for this to be a Gamer world, 6th I want to be able to use Dimensional magic without a sling ring and for the Sea to be a Dimension by their being a Dimension of Pure Sea and Lake Water which I command, Last but not least I wish to keep all my memories and for Hestia to sense my birth and be able to remove from the Dursley's before they find me ''.
'' Done, and Good luck you'll need it ''.