
Rise of The Nightwalker Clan

They call him by many names. Realm Destroyer. Leader of The Night Walkers. The Dark Alpha. The Dark One. These are all just titles given through fear and respect. At the beginning, his name was simple. Ambrose. **************************************************** Watch as an out of place teenager grows into a being beyond imagination. Watch the rise of the founder and leader of the greatest and most feared Supernatural Clan to ever exist. The rise of the first Night Walker!

BleedingHeaven · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Pack House

Ambrose's thoughts were chaotic as he pulled his hoodie up to prevent people from seeing his bloodthirsty eyes.

He quickly made his way into town and went to the diner. Ambrose hasn't eaten a single bite of food in almost 24 hours so it was understandable that he was hungry.

"What would you like today?" The waitress said.

Ambrose didn't speak for a moment and then said; "Pancakes, with butter and syrup please… and also a glass of water."

"Got it! Coming right up." The waitress wrote down his order and went into the kitchen.

Ambrose went on his phone and started texting.

[r u awake?]

[Brett: what's up?]

[I'll be at ur house in less then an hour]


[Brett: Cool]

Ambrose put away his phone as the waitress came back with his water.

"Here you go hon."



The bell above the door rung, signaling that there was a new customer. Ambrose raised his head and saw that it was Madison and her father.

Only a moment after she walked in, Madison noticed Ambrose sitting in a booth by himself. She quickly walked over to him with an excited look on her face.

"Ambrose I didn't see you at school, where have you been?" Madison asked while her big curious eyes were staring at him as if they were trying to see through his soul.

Ambrose replied concisely; "I was sick."

"Humph." Madison huffed but she knew Ambrose never talked more than he needed to.

Andrew Klein, Madison's father walked over as well and stretched out his hand; "Nice to see you again Ambrose."

"Nice to see you too, Mr. Klein." Ambrose shook his hand and greeted back.

Mr. Klein smiled when greeting the boy he'd known forever, but when he looked into Ambrose's eyes he saw something completely different. He was the eyes of a killer.

Mr. Klein couldn't help but swallow dryly as he saw the sharpness in Ambrose's eyes.

'Those are not the eyes of a teenager, those are the eyes of a warrior.'

As a former special forces soldier, his senses and intuition far surpass that of an ordinary human being. His intuition was telling him to run to the farthest corners of the Earth as long as it would get him away from this boy.

"Ahem, Madison it looks like Ambrose's food is here. Let's not bother him any longer he probably has somewhere to be." Andrew said as he forced a smile at Ambrose.

Ambrose also showed a fake smile that instantly disappeared when they went out of view.

'His senses are way sharper than I thought. I need to keep my bloodlust in check around him.' Ambrose assessed solemnly.

"Here's your food!" The waitress said with a bright smile.

"Thank you."

Ambrose started eating like a starved person and finished his 5 stack of pancakes in a few minutes.

'Wonderful.' Ambrose said to myself as he wiped his mouth.

He then took all the money out of his pocket and tossed it onto the table. He didn't know how much was actually there, but he knew it was more than enough.

Ambrose left the diner for Brett's house. Just after he left, the waitress came back to find the biggest tip she'd ever gotten.

She smiled brightly and said; "What a nice boy."

Ambrose took his time and walked to Brett's house. He took in the sights, smells, and sounds of life and tried to calm down his raging emotions.


Brett had just finished washing up, when he walked out of the bathroom the first thing that caught his attention was Ambrose, who was basically glued to the outside of his window.


Brett walked over with a deadpanned look on his face and opened the window.

"You know that you could use the door like a normal person, right?"

"We're not normal people Brett. I can use the window if I want to." Ambrose stated with a righteous tone.


Brett could feel his blood pressure rising, which should have been alarming considering Werewolves can't get high blood pressure.

"Anyways." Brett continued; "What did you want to meet me for?"

"I wanted to discuss the issue of our pack headquarters with my most trusted subordinate." Ambrose said.

"… I'm your only subordinate, Ambrose." Brett said with a weird look.

"Ahem, ignore the minor details." Ambrose looked away.

They started talking about where they could possibly create a headquarters when Brett's eyes suddenly brightened and came up with an idea.

"I just remembered, two years ago my father was dabbling with real estate and he bought this house in town, he renovated it and everything but he never got around to selling it. I think it had to do with property value or something?" Brett exclaimed.

"Interesting." Ambrose muttered; "Where's this house?"

"It's kind of in a weird spot for humans but it would fit our kind perfectly." Brett said; "There's not a house within a mile of it and it's very secluded so we won't have to worry about unexpected visitors."

"Let's go! Show me!" Ambrose almost pushed Brett out the door.

Brett and Ambrose made their way outside and got into Brett's car.


It took five minutes of driving just to get to the driveway. A normal human couldn't even see the property from the road, it was only after 10 seconds of driving up the driveway that you could see the 'house'."

Calling it a house didn't give it justice. Made of wood and stone, it looked like it was more than 10,000 square meters in space. It's left and right wings were already large enough to be called large houses by themselves.

"Holy shit Brett! Why doesn't your family live here?" Ambrose asked after getting over his shock.

Brett just smiled; "I don't know, I guess our current house has sentimental value."

The driveway rounded off at the foot of the house, the other side leading back down. Brett parked the car right in front of the large double doors.

They both got out and Brett took out a key to go in.


The doors opened and what greeted them was a sight to behold, there was a large master staircase leading up to the second floor and an open floor plan. Ambrose could see multiple rooms just from where they were standing.

"This will be out home." Ambrose smiled and said.