282 Mole in the kingdom

"What do you need to supply these bulbs to every home?"

After hearing the long scientific talk of how these bulbs work, Don asked Ken the obvious question.

"Providing the light bulbs to Agoria will not be a problem considering the dam is in Agoria, your majesty"

"I sense a but, Ken"

Knight said,

"But, your majesty, transporting the electric energy to Emir and Ishikara is quite troublesome,"

Don couldn't help but rub his chin for a few moments

"If I heard you right, without this electric energy, these bulbs are just glass filled with Nitrogen right?"

"Yes, your majesty"

"Then build your generator and the rotating wheels near where we rooted the water spirit since the place will soon turn into a lake. Dam, lake, you can work around"

"I can work around that your majesty if you tell Amaryll to raise the budget for my works"

"I will tell her, you start the groundwork for producing these bulbs"


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