
Rise of the eclipse clan

neonghostkid_kid · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

The class of the forgotten ones

HI Class, as a 5'9 "redhead woman, walks through the door, with her women suit that emphasize her dd size emphasize her bust her pump ass. looks all grumpy and with messy red bun. With bags under her eyes and her shoulders slump over like she had a bad night.

She continued walking to her dest to place her brief case down. Doing so, she shook her head. Then straighting her hair from looking like a messy hair do Then walk in front of the class. HI Class as of now I'm your your new  teacher. My name is Shina ariichikashi. Just call me shina or shina sensi Also class my nieces and nephew go here to the school here as well.

Big bro do you know this teacher is ask sun as she made a mental link for herself ,moon,and eclipse. Based off her last name she came from our ex-clan. Rinmomoto clan from our farther side but what throwing me off after sensering her power that she have a little of mom's power. Neon said as he lean back and Continue on what he said. Although she might  be for that clan. I have a strange feeling something  going happened. ( litte did he know he wa right) Hey moon did you find out about that weapon location I ask you about.

Well the yea the problem is  that we going have to go through this competition to get it. Moon said as she  she looking  at the teacher do the lessons on the new system and how you must register your team name and the members you have up to five but three is the minimum. 

Did you find the weapon i ask for moon. She sighed  heavily yes but it safe garded with inly one key she said to him. To be fair sis I was just hoping you found the Location. I know who holds the master spell to the prize room Neon  said through the link the three was having. While the teacher was handing out devices. The three thank the teacher and continued with these mental conversation.

Well sisters what is our group name. True eclipse with our logo being black fox with golden outline Sun said. sounds good I like it both neon and moon thought. Neon held up the device and registered all three them. Team name golden night assassins. Logo a golden wolf laying in a circle biting the sun with the night sky behind it. The a Black fox biting moon with the golden back drop.  (A/n: I was trying to describe the yig-yang symbol only the fix is Ying and the fix is yang.)

Well class for this point on you and  your team mates must earn points stay in this school. Next each one of you are giving 100 to start with. You can earn points three ways. Frist way is through helping teachers such as cleaning up,helping sort papaers, and etc this will give you the max is 25 points per day. The second way is to do missions that will give 45 or more  points depending on mission and rank.

The third way is to fight with other teams there more to is but for now. This is a fast way to get points. Oder to go up a level 4 to 3 you and you team team have to earn your points individually. But teams  points  are total  to one each team must at leat have 1,800 by the end of the mouth or you will be warn then expelled  also you school grades does count. Well know any questions?

Well i do one male student said with an all black hoodie on was wearing sun glasses with a star shape tattoo under his right eye. His hair coving his left side not showing that side of his face. Aww Mr... the teacher said as she was hitting at for him to tell his name. My name is Dol Teir. What would like to know Mr.Teir ? She ask with a interesting eye brow raised. Well first  off what are the other part of the rules when fighting. Aww yes.

I almost forgot. Well fist off you can only challenge up to one rank above  you unless it's a special case. The second  rule is who ever you form a te with will be stuck with the entire year. There form you will be living  with your team.  Rule three both Teams must put up equal or more points. The last rule no killing util the last day of  year were there are two rules. Points are double and life's are taken or a slave or death.

Everyone, including me, looks at the teacher thinking  she was crazy or something. Then she bust out laughing so hard. Well that last part was a joke and see the look on all yall faces. Was priceless. Anyway  to be serious  there is a no limit mach at the last week of school the only one reason double points. That all.

Well, now that the blue Cabbage patch kid over there finish with his question. What if  we want to leave a group or form a temporally team. Then Shina look at the girl who are you young lady. She ask in a sweet voice that calls for pain.

My name is isiry woods. A white hair girl with a green tips. With a plum like face with green eyes. Soft strawberry  lips was 5'8 with female athletic with a c-cup breast. She was well developed for teenage girl. Well miss woods to form temporarily team you can use to go mission or practice duel and the conditions.  Shina said anymore questions.

look I know this not be one of my best work but give some tips and tricks to improve but enjoy

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