
Prologue: Devil Blade's Crisis 3!

Shit... I done fucked up didn't I?

Devil Blade was contemplating on what to do next as the monster began laughing.


"Never have I seen an idiot such as you!" His laugh was considered not soothing to the ear of the person listening to it. In fact, if a baby heard his laugh, the baby's ears would start dripping out blood!

"So what if you got some strange power? It doesn't mean jack shit if it can only last the same as a virgin releasing it the moment he's inside!" The monster sneered.

"And here I thought this dude was a hero in disguise." The monster thought to himself, "It'd be pretty troublesome if he was but it turns out he's just a good for nothing having a little bit of potential."

Devil Blade's face turned red from what the monster said. "Fuck! I thought I was supposed to gain a cool new superpower to defeat this ugly ass monster and show off to the kid!" If the monster could hear his thoughts, he'd be dead from laughter.

Devil Blade had no idea on what to do now, his only hope that he put into his new power diminished. He didn't want the kid next to him to die from such an ugly monster at an early age, as a young adult, his responsibility was to lead kids to the right path.

He looked up to the monster once more. "Hey... a hero's going to show up and beat your ass. Bet on it!"

Devil Blade said that without the slightest embarrassment, what hero? No one's even around this area for a good hundred meters! His new plan was to actually scare the monster away but this idea was unrealistic. Even more unbelievable than Devil Blade getting a girlfriend!

The monster looked at him with an expressionless face. The look he gave was 'Did this human hit his head on a rock and is now going cuckoo?'

The monster sighed before raising his right arm towards Devil Blade, his fingers clenched into a fist which seemed as big as a rock.


Just before the monster's punch could hit Devil Blade's face, Devil Blade sensed danger and immediately raised his arms to his head.


The monster and the kid could hear Devil Blade's bones shattering from that punch. He flew a few meters into the air before colliding into a brick wall.


Devil Blade's scream made the kid's eyes burst into a stream. The kid's knee collapsed onto the ground and covered his face with his hands. "No more! Stop! Heroes, stop this bad monster!"


Devil Blade spurt out a mouthful of blood before he spoke once more. "Some cheap move from someone as strong as you. Hehehe!"

"Shut it!" The monster replied. The monster was furious right now, not only has this man still been alive from one of his attacks but he also disturbed him like a bug!

Devil Blade thought in his mind, "I'm done for real now! No amount of my shitty power can save me as well as anyone else. Shit.. where are the heroes? People should have scattered like flies and report to the hero association about this monster appearing."

He closed his eyes awaiting death but something unexpected happened. The monster stopped moving.

A voice could be heard as clear as day. His voice was calming to the heart but also sounded emotionless too.

"Oi... this man is seriously injured, you should stop attacking him. And also, the kid is crying out waterfalls."

Devil Blade looked to where the voice was coming from. His eyes widened in disbelief.

He saw a man in a yellow jumpsuit with red gloves, carrying a grocery bag. His bald head glimmering in the sunlight with his empty eyes looking at the monster without any worry in his eyes.

"I know I said I wanted a hero to come but... what's this bald hero gon do? Boi if dont..." Devil Blade thought. "Don't tell me it's those cliche scenes where he single-handedly kills him and doesn't want attention?"

Man, I just wanna get this prologue over with.

JexRekkcreators' thoughts
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