
Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Into the Past ( Final )


" It's been a long time... Brother. " Boris spoke with almost no emotion as if to show that he was not thrilled to meet the man in front of him.

" Who are these two? " Boris asked pointing to the two robed people beside his brother.

" They are your cousins. " As his brother said that, the two-robed people took off their hoods and revealed themselves to be twins, both fair-skinned like snow and having very cold intimidating appearances.

" She's Sasha and the other one is Anna. They are Uncle- " his brother pointed to his left and then to his right.

" I don't care about their names Victor. " Boris chided coldly, which got a reaction from the twins as they glared at him and summoned a dark dagger with the dark mist.

Even in such a situation, Boris did not seem to be bothered as he simply continued. " Why are you here? "

He bore his stoic glare to his three family members, which was getting more intense as seconds went by and they stood there in silence.

It was his brother Victor to broke the silence, " Sasha, Anna this is a family reunion. No Weapons. " He stressed the last words and the twins de summoned their daggers.

" Family? As far as I know, I no longer belong to " Our Family ". Didn't I make that crystal clear years back? So I will ask you again, why are you here? "

" Dedushka (Grandfather) is dead. "

" What? " Immediately Boris's complexion turned pale.

The sudden news shocked Boris, he knew his Dedushka was very old and close to death's door, but he never expected him to die so early. He never liked him that much, he loathed him, but his early death was not good news. It was something far worse.

" Wh-Who is the new Vessel? " Boris stuttered out a question.

" Papa has volunteered to be the new vessel. He is now the current Baba Yaga. "

" How? How is that possible? He is too old to be the Baba Yaga. " Boris could not believe what his father had done, he knew his father was a greedy bastard, but to this extent? That he was willing to sacrifice his remaining lifespan for that monster.

" Yes, as much as we both hate our Papa, that greedy bastard was the only one available. " Victor chuckled darkly, " Plus he killed all the other vessels, so that's that. " his family was messed up beyond anything one could imagine, he was once part of it and he was not any more surprised by his father's actions.

" But that does not answer my question. " Boris continued, " Why. Are. You. Here? " his patience was running thin and his brother's annoying grin was not really helping.

" You see my dear brother, we are lacking promising youth from our family, so I thought I came to you. "

" That doesn't make any sense. "

" Well, it will as soon as I explain it to you. " Victor extended his neck to the interior of the house, " Nice house, looks warm and toasty. "

Boris immediately blocks their vision of his cottage by using the large frame of his body.

" Come on brother, don't be like that. " Victor chuckled, " It would be better if we could talk inside your warm home right? better than outside in this freezing season. "

" No. "

" No? "

Victor was a little taken aback, by his immediate answer, " I always felt that you're cold-hearted, but to this extent? You want your family members to freeze to death? "

" I don't know what you want from me, but I want you to get the fuck away from my home and don't ever come back. " Boris was about to slam the door shut when Victor grabbed the door's edge stopping it dead on its track. Boris used his strength to force the door to close but it would not budge.

' He's gotten stronger. '

Seeing his older brother struggling brought some sick pleasure to him, evident from the maniacal grin on his face.

" How is my Sister-in-law doing, I even heard you have two kids. I would love to meet my nephew and niece you know, I hope they have not gone to bed yet. "

The door was beginning to crack at the immense strength the two brothers were applying to it.

" What do you fucking want Victor? This will be the last time I'm asking. " Boris threatened, " Otherwise I will kill you. "

Victor did not respond, he continued to grin at his brother and chuckled darkly.

" The Baba Yaga will need a new host soon, so why not volunteer your son for it? The Baba Yaga will reward you handsomely. "

Dark mist engulfed Boris's hand forming a gauntlet. He delivered a vicious punch in his brother's face sending him to the twins, who caught him.

Slamming the door, he placed his hand on it and began to chant a curse.




Boris used three layers of Curse magic for stronger effects and the door is now near impossible to open.

" What is that noise dear? " Aroha came to inspect the noise, she saw her husband with a serious look on his face and she realised that something was not right. " What is going on? "

" We have no time. Take the kids to safety NOW! " he urged. Just on cue for a loud knock that threatens to destroy the door off its hinges.

" My brother is after our kids, take them away, please. "

" Ok. " she immediately rushed to the kitchen and picked up Anahera, behind her followed Nikolai who was utterly confused at what was happening. A few minutes ago they were having their normal dinner, but all of a sudden everything was going downhill.

" Let's go were ready. " Aroha informed him, Boris nodded and was about to follow them, but all of a sudden the front door broke and was sent flying towards them.

Boris shielded them with his body as the door shattered on Impact. He turned towards the entrance to see his brother walking in with the twins.

" GO NOW! " Boris signalled Aroha who immediately picked up both her children and ran to the bedroom.

" Don't let them escape. " Victor ordered. The twins immediately rushed towards the bedroom, but Boris was not going to allow them.

The Dark mist formed long chains on both his arms and he swung them at the twins. Wrapped around their necks, he pulled them back towards him and delivered a vicious clothesline. The chains then shifted to a spear he aimed the spearheads at their necks going for a quick kill.


" Ahh! " Boris staggered back as he felt the force of the arrow that struck his shoulder.


Another arrow struck his thigh, which forced him to go into a kneeling position. He fought through the pain and glared at his brother who fired the two arrows at him. " Bastard. "

" I could have aimed for your head, but where's the fun in that right? "

Boris then willed the dark mist to envelop his entire body and formed a chainmail knight armour with a helmet and metal plates.

The twins used the short distraction to immediately rush towards the bedroom. Boris noticed this and was about to swing his chains at them again only for Victor to use his own chains and wrap his wrist.

With an inhuman strength, Victor pulled his brother and swung him outside the cottage sending him crashing towards the snow-covered ground.

" This brings back memories, doesn't it brother? " Victor slowly strode towards his brother, while forming a Zweihander on his free hand. " But I remembered you were always the one besting me in combat. This time It will be different. I will be the one who will win. When that is done, I will bring your corpse to the Baba Yaga and I will get more powerful. "

" So? You are going to kill your own brother for what? For power? " Boris glared at his brother, " That is why our family is dying! Our Greed for Power will destroy us all! "

" I don't give FUCK!!! HAHAHA! " Victor declared as he laughed maniacally, his face becoming more deranged by the second, " We are the Volkov family! The direct descendants of THE BABA YAGA, the sin of greed flows in our veins. There is nothing that can stop us, for there is never enough. "

Victor stretched out his hand as he gazed up directly at the bottomless void of the dark night, " Greed can never be stopped, Greed can never be reasoned, Greed can never be quenched, for it is never ENOUGH! "

The man in front of Boris had lost it. There was nothing left to reason with this monster in human skin.

Boris had no time to deal with this deranged savage that was his brother, his wife and children were still in danger. He needs to finish this fast... He had to kill his brother.

Brandishing his Zweihander, he dashed towards Viktor and aimed for the neck. He had to end this fight quickly and decapitation was the only solution.


Coating the blade with the curse, it pulsed as if mimicking a heartbeat. Boris swung the cursed blade towards his brother who was still staring at the dark abyss of the starless night.


Boris's attack struck a kite shield, that his brother had summoned but the blade sliced the shield clean. Victor narrowly dodged the edge by spinning his body and pushing the blade away from his body. He followed it up giving a vicious back kick to his brother's side, creating some space between them.

Victor inspected the shield and saw that it had developed five additional slashed marks on it. " You do love to use this curse on me don't you Brother? " He grinned, " Slicing up my opponents is also my favourite thing to do you know. After this is done I'll enjoy slicing your family apart Hehehe. The Baba Yaga will be very pleased. "

' LACERATE, a curse that gives any bladed weapon an increase in cutting power while cursing anything it touches, creating more slash wounds on the target. ' Victor mused as he summoned his armour and a long sword and applied the same curse his brother used on his own sword. " This is going to be fun~"


Both lunged at each other as their blades clashed, Boris took a step back aligning his blade for a vertical slash.


The blade descended with alarming speed, aimed at Victor's head the curse took shape and protruded jagged edges on the edge.

Victor managed to block the attack with his sword, but the curse was not something a sword could protect him.

The cursed blade shattered Victor's sword as if it was made of glass and was about to make contact with his armour, but he quickly side-stepped to his left just barely missing the dangerous weapon.

Boris was not going to him any chance to recuperate, he quickly swapped his Zweihander and summoned a spear and trusted the sharp tip at his brother's head whilst casting a curse on his weapon.


The tip was elongated by a few inches into a dangerous tip adding more reach, but Victor had already foreseen this. He quickly crouched as the spear tip harmlessly passed by his head.

Not wasting a single second, Victor capitalized on the opportunity that was presented to him... his Brother's defenceless torso.



Victor sprung into action, he lunged forward with a cursed dagger in hand, aiming at his brother's heart. He had a manic grin, already seeing himself victorious... finally, he was victorious.

" Too slow. "

What halted Victor's vision of victory was his brother's knee smashing on his face with a sickening crack, causing him to stagger backwards.

Seeing his brother staggering from his attack, he thrusted his spear again. But his resilient brother managed to stabilize himself and used a kite shield to deflect the attack, with a front kick Victor managed to push his brother away from him, creating some breating space between them.

Boris took a look at his brother's face to see that he had a broken and bloodied nose that was bent in the wrong direction.

Victor spat blood on the snowy ground, that also had three of his front teeth. Even with that much damage done onto him, he flashed his bloodied grin, seeming to find uncontrollable joy at everything that had happened.

He grabbed his robe and tore them exposing his bare naked body to the chilling night. Extending his arms he showed his brother all the scars that was riddled all over his body. His eyes were fixed on Boris's with dangerous and hungry intent.








" I will devour you brother. "

" I would like to see you try. " Boris challenged.


The time has come, they both knew that their fight was going to come down to this moment. Both of them know that what ever happens after this... One of them is going to die.








Nikolai was confused and scared, everything just happened very fast. One moment he was having dinner with his family, the next moment he was running away from his home with his Mama who was carrying his distressed sister. ' what is going on? '

" M-mama? Why are we running? Why is Papa not comming with us? " Anahera asked her mother, who simply gave a reassuring smile to her daughter.

" Don't worry, Papa will join us soon. "

It was difficult to run in the heavy snow storm that had covered the land with thick snow, but still they tried, running from something that Nikolai knew that was after their life. He was scared.

He wanted his Papa to be with him.

His presence always gave him courage and hope. That no matter what dangers or monsters came their way, he will always be there to chase them away.

But he was not with them, that filled his heart with dread.








And so they continued running.



















He heard laughter echoing though the dark forest.

A laughter of a malevolent predator stalking defenseless prey. And it was getting closer by the second.






All of a sudden two hooded creatures stood In front of them, it was as if they have emmerged from the trees.

They removed their removed their hoods and revealed to be female twins who had an evil and bloodthirsty aura emmiting from them. They had a predatory spine-chilling grin that horrified Nikolai to the point that his knees felt weak. Anahera was the most affected by it as she wept uncontrollably.

" Ah look sister, we have found our family. He has such beautiful children. " The one to the left said snarkily.

" Indeed sister, we have traveled a long distance to meet them. " The one to the right replied.

" Lets have a family reunion shall we? " They both spoke in unison as their voice contorted into something inhuman, almost demonic like.

Aroha was in a big precarious situation she knew that these two were after her children and Gods know what they will do to them.

She had to protect her beautiful children. She will not let these evil creatures to touch them. She had to kill these monsters.

" Nikolai? " She called her son.

Nikolai was snaped back from the intense killing intent and turned to his mother. He was utterly confused when she handed him his sister who was still crying and begging to stay in her mother's safe embrace.

" Run and don't look back. " She ordered.

" W-what a-are you saying? I don't understand? " Nikolai pleaded for answers, but his mother simply gave a warm smile.

" Promise me that you will protect your sister no matter what. "

" W-what? " He could not understand what she was asking from him.

" Promise me please. " She pleaded. " Promise that you will not let any harm come upon her, can you do that for Mama? "

His voice cracked, not able to form words, tears flowed from his eyes, he knew that something was very wrong and everything will never be the same again.

His Mama tried to stop her tears from from falling, but it was too much for her. She gave her children a tight hug, wanting to never let go of them.

O how she wish that could come true.

" I will never let anyone hurt my sister Mama. This I promise you. " Nikolai wispered and she heard it.

I brought a smile to her face. " Thank you my son? Now go. Run. "

" Mama? " Anahera looked at her mother, with tears on her eyes knowing that this was probably the last time she will ever see her again.

" Don't worry my little angel. Your brother will protect you. " She said as she separated from her children and faced the twins.

These two spawns of darkness will get close to her children, this she will make sure of it. Rage filled her mind as she tapped into a power she had not used in year. It was then in her mind she heard a sound that might the coutcome of this situation. It was then she hear the sound in her mind...


And then there was carnage.




" MAMAAAAAA!!! " Nikolai jerked up from the bed he was laid, he took deep breath to calm himself down as he looked around the empy room. His mind was a muddled up with images and voices that hurt the more he tried to focus on them as if his mind was tring to block them from resurfacing, but was not too much for it to handle.

He then immediately noticed his family was not there.

" Where is Papa? Where is Mama? Where is Anahera? "

" I must find them. I must find my family. "

He tried stand up but his legs were feeling weak, so he fell face first to the floor.

" No! Get up! I must find my family! " He pushed himself up and staggered towards the door. It was dark outside and he hated the dark, it reminded him of that night.

" Papa? "

" Mama? "

" Anahera? "

" Where are you? "

He started to walk aimlessly, mutter his family's name over and over again hoping that they will answer him, that they were safe so that he could see them an so that he could go back to them.

" Where is everyone? " He was getting really desperate.







Being the only caramel skinned man in the enitire village, brought a lot of attention. A few of the villagers who were still awake noticed the odd looking man walking aimlessly around their village like a crazy felow muttering about his Mama, Papa and someone named Anahera. It didn't help that he had numerous scars on his body and face that basically screamed dangerous.

It was getting soo concerning that they had to send one of them to the Einherjar Erik to deal with this crazy man.

" They are not answering me! "Nikolai muttered. Everytime he repeated those names, the more desperate he became as no one was answering to his pleading. He began to raise his voice louder and louder hoping that they could hear him, hoping that could answer him m, telling him that they were fine and come back to him.

But they never did.

" PAPA!!! "

" MAMA!!! "

" ANAHERA!!! "


" ANSWER ME PLEASE!!! I'm begging you, please say something. "







Erik rush towards the scene the moment he heard from the villager that the Russian man was roaming around the village. He could have informed his wife first, but the villager also said that he was behaving like a crazed man. He had to protect the villagers first, maybe he could pacify the man in the process.

As he arrived at the scene, he saw the Russian man on his knees sobbing. Repeating the same three words continuously, over and over again. What ever happened to him did not not look good at all. " I guess that Sigrun girl punched him a little too hard. " He chuckled a bit before casting translation magic so he could speak Russian.

The temperature at night in this part of the world was quite low, so he had to wear a black cloak with a hoodie to keep himself warm. He aproached the man as slowly as possible not to spook him.

" Hey, You're Nikolai right? Are you alright my friend? You need a little help? "

Nikolai immediately looked at him with teary eyes, but something was very wrong and it happed so fast.

Almost like a flip of a switch those teary eye turned wrathful, filled with rage and bloodlust. His face contorted to a intimidating glare it portrayed soo hatered that made his hair stand on its ends.

" A-are you alright buddy? You seem a bit hateful you know. I'm not here to hurt you ok, I'm just trying to help you that's all. " Erik tried to place his hand on the man's shoulder to reassure him, but Nikolai did not seem to like it.

Nikolai summoned his sword and swung at Erik. The Einherjar narrowly dodged the sharp blade from cleaving his throat by jumping back a few feet away from the Russian man.

" WHERE IS MY FAMILY! " Nikolai roared. With his mind being a muddled mess, everything seemed blurry, he could not see the man clearly but the man especially seemed to have worn the same black cloak those twins has that night.

' He must be one of them. '

Nikolai summoned his armour and equipped his Dane axe. Everyone gasped in horror visibly alarmed by this sudden development. He wearing the same armour as those undead and it brought fear to every villager who were present at the scene.

Nikolai pointed the axe head towards Erik as he tilted his head in a psychotic demeanor, " Tell me where my family is right now, or I will Kill you without mercy. "



Hello everyone, I'm back after a full month with another update. Good news it that my hand is all good except from a few minor inconvenience. Well I hope you guys enjoyed the latest updates, please do give give some comments and a review if you like my story or not and I will see you in the next update.

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