1 Prologue

In the deepest depths of the cosmos, there existed a room. It's dimensions incomprehensible for the human mind. Within that room lay an orb of equally impossible proportion which seemed to reflect an infinite amount of images. In one of the countless images within the orb one could see a young girl in an average modern apartment walking around going about her day. Something about this girl though was quite peculiar as she seemed to have multiple snakes coiled around different parts of her body.

Then suddenly as soon as the image had appeared on the orb it vanished. In the room two humongous eyes opened looking like galaxies themselves as a powerful voice echoed destroying the nearest star systems and galaxies "Another Timeline has fallen". The universe itslef seemed to shake from the beings voice as it slowly closed its eyes.

Lucia was just a normal young adult going about her day. Well, apart from the fact she had snakes curling everywhere on her body. She seemed completely unfazed by this fact or by the weight of said snakes as she just went about her cooking while seemingly talking to herself.

"What do you want to eat today Bessy?" from around her neck one of the snakes raised her head and hissed lowly. Lucia just noddeed "Understandable" and opened a cupboard taking out a box of live mice. As she struggled to open the box a deafening crack sound resounded and darkness fell over the world. She looked out her window. A giant pure black being with countless limbs and eyes was floating above the Earth. Lucia along with most of the humans in the world began feeling excruciating pain. A chorus of voices resounded around the entire world. The cries ranged from pure agony to begging for death as their bodies slowly melted. Lucia could feel nothing but pain as it dominated her mind although in one tiny corner of her brain she worried for her babies and wished for them to not suffer the same fate.

Just like that within a minute of the horrifying creature appearing all life on Earth was wiped out and countless cracks appeared on what seemed to be the fabric of the universe itself.

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