
Rise of Gods: Felix

The journey of the son of a demon queen and hero from a cabin to exploring the continents and gaining friends, bringing back his parents having an adventure through his journeys of the world only to end up leaving the world through a mysterious portal to defeat the greatest villain in the multiverse and gaining friends and having an adventure through his journeys just to discover that he has one of the strongest artifacts and gets help from strangers to control it and to discover another artifact when fused will give a person the power and knowledge to control the fate of universes

Sai_Anilok · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Chapter 1


[8 years later in the same cabin]

Felix: "Dad are these the ones you told me to bring"

Leo: "Yeah son, now we can make the rabbit roast that you keep asking for

[Leo makes a few confused expressions and says]

Leo: "Son, you are old enough to know this"

Felix: "Is it how babies are made"

Leo: "No"

Felix: "Is it what are stars"

Leo: "No"

Felix: "Is it "

Leo: "I am going to die soon"

Felix: "What do you mean"

Leo: "Son I am going to be gone like your mother"

Felix: " No, you can't"

Leo: "Son there is nothing I can do about this"

[Felix starts crying]

Leo: "Son stop crying"

[Felix stops crying and says]

Felix: "How long are you going to live"

Leo: "For a few months"

Felix: "Can't we do anything about it"

Leo: "Son, I am going to train you to become the strongest out there and you will understand later why did I do this"

Felix: "Okay then I will do what you tell me without questions and what will you be teaching me"

Leo: " Do what I do best"

Felix: "Uhh, making rabbit stew"

Leo: "Son, you don't know me in my glory days"

[Leo closes his eyes for 2 seconds and a sword appears]

Felix: "What is that"

Leo: "Oh, this baby was made from core metals"

Felix: "No no no, not that, where did you get it from"

Leo: "Oh I forgot I never showed this to you, it is an uncommon skill"

Felix: "But I thought no one knew spatial magic for a few centuries"

Leo: "Well, yes but there is no well-defined line between spatial and weapon storage skill, and son, I am a warrior, not a mage or alchemist to know this"

Leo: "Where are mother's old books"

Felix: "They are in that cupboard"

Leo: "They are all in demon tongue"

[Felix goes over to the cupboard, opens it, and starts reading the titles]

Felix: "Magic control, summoning technique uhh, I'll read this later"

Leo: "How can you read demon tongue"

Felix: "Aha spatial theory, dad where do you think is a good spot to read that book"

Leo: "Son it's not the way to read when you have magic, you can learn to memorize magic and uncommon analysis"

Felix: "Then I'll wait"

[Leo shows all his other skills which left him dumbstruck]

Felix: "What!!! are you going to teach me all of those skills"

Leo: "Yes, hopefully before I die"

Felix: "Am I capable of doing those skills"

Leo: "You are my son, and the reason I am able to do this is because my body is way more sensitive and more resistant, for example, I can hear a bird a few miles away and I once took a sonic wave right next to my ear without a lot of pain"

Felix: "That seems nice but there are probably some issues right?"

Leo: "How the utter lack of the ability to use magic"

Felix: "What !"

Leo: "I know right that was one of the main reasons that I trained under master Gale but don't worry you probably won't have those kinds of problems because of your mother's mastery of magic"

Felix: "So she knew spatial magic"

Leo: "No"

Felix: "How is that mastery then"

Leo: "Mana is like a stick for her, when she was one year old she was able to cast mid-level spells"

Felix: "Damn looks like her affinity could neutralize your lack of mana control"

Leo: "Yeah, it's getting late anyway so let's have dinner, vegetable stew"

[When they are eating Felix says]

Felix: "Dad, I remember you telling me that people from the H+ level can do these skills"

Leo: "Son, you don't have to worry about that it's not like those rankings are accurate, they are set by the narrow-minded standards of the guild and nobody can prevent you from learning these"

[They finish their dinner and the next morning]

Leo: "Son starts your training by finding the materials you need for your weapons"

Felix: "That seems hard"

Leo: "Get 50 Kg of iron, 1 log of ironwood, and 1 spider string"

Felix: "50! where will get that much iron from"

Leo: "Just go get it"

Felix: "No, I can't do it"

Leo: "You said no questions"

Felix: "That was not a question, I just can't do it"

Leo: "I can't win an argument against you so just go"

[Felix leaves mumbling and finds an ironwood tree and a burrow filled with spiders]

Leo: "I found these two but where is the iron"

[A piece of metal from Felix's pocket gets stuck to a rock]

Felix: "What the hell, father told me not to lose this"

[Felix tries to pull it out]

Felix: "Uhh, I can't pull it"

Felix: I guess I gotta drag it all the way but I can barely lift this rock

[Felix is now at a river bank, rolls it down, and starts dragging it]

Felix: Why is this rock getting heavier?

[Felix doesn't see the red sand gathering at the bottom of the rock and after taking it out of the river says]

Felix: "The hell is this red sand"

[Felix drags it to his house and Leo comes out]

Leo: "You gave up so soon"

Felix: "No, but that metal thing you gave me got stuck to this rock along with this red sand"

Leo: "You mean this"

[Leo pulls that object out and says]

Leo: "This is the reason I was able to track your mother into the demon world and fall in love with her"

Felix: "This junk has that big of a significance"

[After 1 minute]

Leo: "Hah, this is the first time I viewed it as junk, you keep it with you, and by the way that red sand has iron"

Felix: "Are you serious"

Leo: "Yeah"

Felix: "So how do I get the iron out"

Leo: "You melt it, yourself"

Felix: "No wood or coal burns that hot to melt iron"

Leo: "Did you forget magic"

Felix: "But I don't know how to make fire and it is hopeless I don't even know how mana feels"

Leo: "Look even though I don't know how to do spells but I do know how to make fire"

Felix: "Wait, so I just have to think of fir and push the mana into my hands"

Leo: "Simple as that and I recommend you to hold some in your hand and focus on it while cutting ironwood"

Felix: "Thank you, for the advice and my head is pulsing like with lead in my veins"

[ Felix goes back to sleep and wakes up 2 days later]

Felix: "I feel like I can punch through an ironwood tree"

Leo: "Good because you slept for 2 days"

Felix: " 2 days??"

Leo: "Yes and surely you can go and punch through as you said"

Felix: "Ah, about that"

Leo: "No ah's and but only I'm ready"

Felix: "I'm ready?"

Leo: "That's the spirit, take this sand"

[Felix takes it and heads out to the ironwood he found it and started to punch it ]

Felix: huh, I expected some pain but I guess I am punching it slowly and this won't work. I'll just

Start punching harder than ever before

[Felix starts punching it harder at his maximum strength and endures the pain]

Felix: "I gotta keep doing it for father and I already feel stronger after rolling the boulder so I should be able to strengthen my hands doing this and I can't stop it because it won't be enough"

[Felix does it with increased pace and power and is forcing his mind to focus on destroying the tree]

Felix: I must do this as quickly as possible and return to father

[Felix loses his memory and when he wakes up he sees the tree in splinters]

Felix: What the hell happened, the tree is in splinters, and the intact log is not long enough for a bow

[Felix goes back home and shows it to Leo]

Felix: "Look what I did"

Leo: "Oh my god, I never expected you to punch it down like that and these burns seem to be caused by fire, son you unlocked fire"

Felix: "Really?"

Leo: "Yeah, but you gotta train to use it at will and it's getting late how about dinner now"