
Rise of Gods: Felix

The journey of the son of a demon queen and hero from a cabin to exploring the continents and gaining friends, bringing back his parents having an adventure through his journeys of the world only to end up leaving the world through a mysterious portal to defeat the greatest villain in the multiverse and gaining friends and having an adventure through his journeys just to discover that he has one of the strongest artifacts and gets help from strangers to control it and to discover another artifact when fused will give a person the power and knowledge to control the fate of universes

Sai_Anilok · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs




[Felix is above ground and he uses his mana sense and almost finds where Celeste is but suddenly time slowed down, everything went black and white and a large figure is standing behind Felix surrounded in darkness]

Felix: Oh fuck!

[Felix turns around]

Felix: "Can we talk this out"



Felix: "Hey, we have no problem with each other, so you can leave"


[Felix feels his mana draining rapidly]

Figure: "Why are you following Celeste"

Felix: "Chill man, you don't have to yell, I just want to ask her about dragon tongue"

Figure: "Why do you want to know!"

Felix: "I'm just interested in it and you can stop yelling so loud"

[Felix feels the figure's aura proportionally reduced]

Felix: So he is eventually going to run out of mana, but how can he use my mana?

Figure: "Who do you work for"

Felix: "What do you mean who do I work for?"

Felix: I just need to stall for some time 

Felix: "Actually I think I work for god, no maybe a demon and could you stop yelling"

Figure: "How dare you"

Felix: Looks like he realized

[Felix suddenly emptied all of his causing a shockwave and the figure disappeared when the shockwave hit him]

Felix: Let's not track Celeste using mana

[Felix parkours over buildings to where Celeste is heading]

Felix: I can smell her

[Felix changes direction towards the city gate]

Felix: I won't let you leave not yet

[Felix sees Celeste going over the wall]

Felix: The line to leave must've been quite big

[Felix takes a big jump and catches up to Celeste]

"Where are you going"

[Celeste stops in her path]

Celeste: "What do you want me to do, everyone that got to know about my identity always tried to use me, tell me why should I trust you?"

Felix: "Just come with me alright"

Celeste: "Why should I?"

Felix: "I simply want to know more about dragon tongue"

Celeste: "What do I get?"

Felix: "What do you want?"

Celeste: "I'll tell you later"

[Felix and Celeste return to the inn]

Felix: "Fuck"

Celeste: "What happend?"

Felix: "There was supposed to a guy named David Lee, uhh, he's missing, his memories are messed up"

Celeste: "Shouldn't we find him?"

Felix: "Yeah, but when I tried to use mana to find you, some black guy came, no, correction, a guy shrouded in darkness came, and he is out of my range and who is the black dude"

Celeste: "About that, he is my godfather, dragon of darkness, Midra"

Felix: "Can you search for him"

[Celeste gives Felix a drop of enriched mana from her heart]

Celeste: "Now Midra won't bother you"

Felix: "Are you sure"

Celeste: "Yeah"

[Felix absorbs mana, searches for David and sees David in the cave he found him in]

Felix: Why, why do I need to go there, again!

[Felix along with Celeste goes to the cave]

Celeste: "A cave inside a cave"

Felix: "See he's there"

[David is sitting in the vcentre of the cave]

Felix: "David, what are you doing here"

David Lee: "I am using the books knowledge to think about my question"

Celeste: "What's the question?"

David Lee: "Mana is not a physical thing, so why does it need to be dissolved in the blood to use"

[Felix stands still for 10 seconds, walks slowly to David, puts his hand on him and sits down]

Felix: "Let us think together"

Celeste: "You idiots it's a stupid technique you humans have imposed upon yourself"

Felix: "How do you know that"

David Lee: "Yeah, how?"

Celeste: "Dragons wisdom, duh, humans have the most flexible mana capabilities"

[David tries to use mana and starts to store mana in his body]

David Lee: "Fuck!"

[Felix stands up and walks to Celeste]

Felix: "An event where man's life is being changed"

Celeste: "I know"

[David gets up and turns to Celeste]

David Lee: "Thank you, thank you!What can I do to repay you, anything"

[Celeste turns to Felix and Felix shrugs his shoulders]

Celeste: "Just a big favor"

David Lee: "No, thats not enough"

Celeste: "2 big favors then"

David Lee: "And my loyalty"

Celeste: "Okay"

Felix: "So, will you still teach me martial arts"

Hi readers, sorry for the delay of the chapter atleast from now we will try to do it on time. If you have any doubts contact saianilok912@gmail.com