
Chapter One

"Mom I really don't want to get into this with you again. I've already told you that I'm super busy with this new project." Natalia brushed a stray curl out of her face as she walked towards her favorite bagel shop.

"Natalia, my sweet beautiful baby girl, do you enjoy watching your mother suffer?" Natalia groaned, she could never have one normal conversation with her mother.

"Ma, you're not suffering. I was literally home for Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, AND Christmas. Not to mention I took that cruise to Cabo with you earlier this year in the summer."

"Is it such a crime for a mother to want to see her only daughter? I know what this is all about you don't want to see that ex-boyfriend of yours!" Her mother's shrill voice picked up volume as Natalia moved the phone from her ear. She'd just walked through the door of Neils Bagels. The line wasn't too long so Natalia needed to wrap this conversation up pronto.

"Mom, you know damn well this has nothing to do with Jason. I'm way over that and I would just really want to move on with my life." Natalia watched as an old woman struggled to choose between a lox bagel or an everything sunrise bagel. The poor kid behind the counter looked so exasperated and ready to quit right then and there.

"Sweetheart, you know I only have your best interests at heart. What Jason did was awful and there's no shame in being torn up about it. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU PUNISH YOUR SICK MOTHER FOR IT!" Her mothers voice drew the attention of other patrons and Natalia sent them a curt smile.

"You are not sick ma. That doctor told you that all that bloating was nothing but gas and that you needed to start taking your Tums on a regular basis." Natalia rolled her eyes as she stepped forward to order her food.

"You know I don't trust that doctor, the only reason I go to him is because he was a good friend of your fathers. Besides, I know that project you were talking about earlier is a hunk of bologna. Your boss is just as much as a holiday fanatic as I am! I also took the liberty of emailing him to make sure your schedule was clear this week!" Natalia pinched the bridge of her nose, this was a classic mover her mother loved to pull. It was worn and over used but very effective. It didn't help that her boss had the hots for her mother either. She really needed a new job where her mother couldn't influence her.

"How many times have I told you to not contact my place of work Ma! It's not professional!"

"If it gets me what I want then I don't see the harm in giving Reginald a little push from time to time. Besides you work too hard, everytime we do the Facetimes your bags unders your eyes look deeper and darker. Not to mention your diet is lacking! You can't live off of ramen cups and bagels Natalia!"

"I don't live off of bagels and ramen mother." Natalia argued, she could feel her cheeks heating up. Her mother certainly knew what buttons to press.

"Oh really? Why does my gps location show me that you're in Neils Bagels at this very moment?" Natalia paled, she always forgot to turn her location off and it always bit her in the ass. "Since you're there why don't you ask that nice young man to come to dinner with you. What's his name? Oh! It's on the tip of my tongue! Roger? No that's not right...shoot. Oh I know! Ralph!"

"His name is Raymond mom, he's nothing but a platonic friend."

"That's what I said about your father when I first met him and then I was married and pregnant with your brother within the year." Natalia was about to respond but the man behind her cleared his throat. It was her turn to order.

"Look if I tell you that I'll consider it will you drop this whole thing?" Natalia smiled and apologetic smile to the cashier.

"You know me, I should be the patron saint of minding my own business." Her mother retorted.

"Then fine I ask him. I have to go ma, there's a Lox bagel with sour cream and onion schmear calling my name. Love ya!" Natalia hung the phone up before her mother could respond. Had she been given the opportunity she would have carried the conversation for another thirty minutes.

"Go take your break Dean, I've got this order." Natalia smiled at her friend, Raymond had been her friend since college and the two were as thick as thieves.

"Was that your mother on the phone?" He smiled a toothy grin and Natalia groaned.

"Of course it was. She's the only person in the world who calls me just to tell me things like "the neighbor put up another one of her tacky rose bushes" or "Have you seen that new toothpaste commercial!" I swear that woman will talk even when she dies!"

"Oh quit your complaining. Your mothers just bored and she just wants to tell you about her day." Ray handed Natalia her regular hazelnut coffee and bagel. Natalia gratefully took her new found sustenance.

"Yeah well she has two kids, I don't see why she can't harras my brother." Natalia took a quick swing of her coffee and nearly orgasmed.

"Because you're obviously that favorite." Ray walked out from behind the counter he was behind and motioned towards an empty booth in the corner of the restaurant. Ray was a slightly average looking man, with an above average heart. His red hair complimented his dark brown eyes and his medium built frame only added to his physical appeal. Natalia couldn't deny the fact that he was handsome, but not as handsome as Spencer...her ex.

"Anyways, she wanted me to ask you to come to her annual New Years dinner. In fact she insisted I bring you this year." Natalia took a big bite from her bagel.

"What makes you think I don't already have plans?" Ray leaned forward on his elbows and smirked.

"Oh right, how could I forget you'd be so busy raging on Fortnite when some snot nosed ten year old snipes you." Natalia smiled and took another bite as Ray frowned.

"Fortnite is an incredible game of skill and deliberate planning! Don't you ever disrespect its name! And as for the ten year olds, they started those "yo mama" jokes first!" Ray leaned back and pouted playfully.

"Oh whatever. So are you in or out? I could really use you as a buffer between my mother and sister in law." Natalia grinned.

"Of course I'm in Nat. Besides your mother's London Broil is to die for, I wouldn't dare to miss it." Ray smiled and began to rub his hands together in greedy anticipation.

"Great, I'll pick you up tomorrow at six then." Natalia shoved the last remainder of her bagel into her mouth. She was a hundred percent sure she'd just smashed schmear all over the corners of her mouth. It'd been a bad habit of her since childhood. As she went to grab her napkin, Ray had already beaten her to it. Gently he wiped away the cream cheese and smiled fondly.

"Tomorrow at six it is."

Thank you for reading this entry if you've come across it! This is my first contest and I'm really rather excited to enter!

Ksommers1102creators' thoughts