
Reversed Love

“In everyone's eyes, I'm mostly a tool.” Or so she thought. Andrea Soliace, who had been used her entire life by her family, Her Fiancé and Her Fiancé's lover. Getting broken up with in such a major event in her life left her feeling stabbed in the back and betrayed. Adding more damage to her already tainted reputation. Damon Gracia, The current CEO of the “” entertainment after his father's adamancy in the hospital, he gets a major drop in his company's finances as a possible hit from another company hoping to bring his family's business down. Leaving him frustrated, depressed and in need of a miracle. Coincidentally, two broken souls meet fatefully under the worst circumstances possible. How funny could that be? ———————————————————— Credits to the original artist of the cover. Ps/I edited the cover. THIS NOVEL IS BEING HEAVILY EDITED!

Selina_46 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

A chance to love || 1

—4 years ago, Evening.

~Lian mansion.

The family was having a harmonical lovely dinner..

Well, not really.

Rather, the cheating couple did.

I was eating quietly as my parents talked, i turned a deaf ear as they were flirting, discussing money and more topics i hated.

I wasn't that much of a material girl, i felt like I didn't lack anything.

Expect for love. I wasn't hating my life for it, or was i going off being crazy about it, dating here and there or whatever, Firstly, I didn't want to involve myself in groundless rumors.

I loved my job so much and my reputation was the most important thing to stay and sit foot in my current position. Secondly, i didn't want to be treated unfairly besides the fact that l don't have that much knowledge about human interactions.

Hmm~ Hmm~

'Heart beats fast'

Hm hm~

'colors and promises..'

I lived in USA for a good 2 years, naturally I'd be effected by the environment i lived in and listen to American music. they were a blessing to my ears.


i was lost in my own world of lovely music at that very moment,not hearing anyone,just listening to the beat of the piano playing rhythmically with the guitar in my Mind so clearly as if i had invisible earphones in my ears.

Although it wasn't really that visible but i had a very soft smile while eating. But to others, i was having a straight face. only I felt my own happiness not daring to show it to others on my outside.


'How to be brave, how can I love? when I'm.. afraid, to, fall..'


I flinched, focus went back into my eyes, I immediately shifted my eyes to my mother in a little surprise, I was feeling a little guilty because apparently, she had been calling me from the frown on her brows. quickly swallowing the food in my mouth and pulling the chopsticks from my rosey lips, I said:"I apologize, mother."

Ann along with Evan, my father looked at me with a dissatisfied look. Ann sighed and shook her head a little. "Learn to listen. Not because you're a grown up now means you can turn a deaf ear to us." Ann lectured. I just listened 'Her lectures are more annoying than a game's quests..' i said in my heart. I kept listening with her lips sealed tightly. "—And this is not the first time you blah blah blah.." Ann kept going on..

'God, where's the skip button???'

I was literally searching for that button at that point.

"Young lady you have t-" Trying to cut the lecture short, i said "I understand,mother." with a little fake smile. Although I wasn't that interested in Acting, but I was an amazing one. Living in the Lian family and dealing with this everyday alone will help you get an Oscar.

Ann had a disapproving look on her face but she decided to stop talking about her attitude. She didn't even call her for that,Ann looked at Evans for a few seconds,both exchanged eye contact. And judging by the looks they had on their faces,it made Andrea a little confused and insecure. But she didn't show it. 'They won't ask me to stop modeling right—?' Andrea felt quite uneasy so she decided to talk "Is there something you'd like to discuss with me?" she asked respectfully.

Evans opened his mouth to speak,he thought as her father,it should be him to start this conversation instead of her mother who was lecturing her a few seconds ago. "Sweetie,Listen." Evans said while looking at Andrea straight in her eyes.


'Putting that nickname aside,I don't think I'm mentally prepared for whatever he's about to say...'

Please,not my career.

Evans cleared his throat "You're now 19,my sweet daughter and I think.. it's time you start being an adult." He said. Making Andrea tense up. "What?" She asked before she put the chopsticks on the table and looked at her father with a serious face. "What do you mean by that,father?!" She was about to rage. "I know you'd probably be unwilling but.." Evans added. Andrea gribbed the fabric of her Pajamas pants tightly, biting her lower lip as she sat on her seat. Ann was feeling quite uneasy, out of habit she held Evan's hand that was on the table before be continued. "I think it's time for you to get married." "MY JOB ISN'T A JOKE!" The father and daughter pair said at the same time.

. . .

"Huh?" Andrea blinked.

"Wha-" Evans looked stunned,while Ann rose a brow.

"Eh? You're not telling me to stop modeling and that it's a stupid habit..?" Andrea asked with a confused yet dumb look. Leaving The married couple with questioning expressions. Ann rolled her eyes and kicked Andrea's leg under the table. "Ow! Hey what was that for!?" Andrea asked as she held her leg in pain. "This body and face are treasures! I need them y'know!?" She pouted a little. "Speak properly. Where are your manners?" Ann said folding her arms Infront of her chest giving Andrea,her own daughter,a judging look.

'Where were yours when you kicked me!?'

Andrea said in her mind,she didn't dare to say it out loud,she knew that she'll probably get punished or something. She spent all her life immersed in studies. if she knew anything about her family then it'd be that they're strict when it comes to manners and etiquette. If she misbehaved,she felt like something bad will happen. so she chose to always keep silent. and never talk back as actions have many consequences. therefore she's very obedient.

In all honesty,she had zero respect to her parents. that's if they could be even called parents. sometimes she thought of them as two disgusting creatures. Well,not sometimes. But always. And whenever she looked at their faces,she remembered that she's an illegitimate mistake. She forced herself to live with that because she didn't want to be completely alone, living in a wide place with no one but herself. She feared that.

Ignoring her mother's words,Andrea rolled her eyes and turned her attention to her father once more. "Marriage? don't you think I'm still too young for that?" Andrea asked. Evans was about to speak but Ann's voice came in instead. "No. you're already 19. if we don't find anyone for you at this age you'll probably stay single forever!"

'Ah..let me guess. you already found a suitor?'

"We arranged a blind date for you." Evans said.

'What else did I expect?' Andrea thought.

"Listen, Sweetheart. We are already old, we don't have much time left as you know. and I want to see you alive and well with someone else after we die." Ann wiped a non-existent tear with her finger tip. she tried to look pitiful. Evans quickly came to his wife's aid and held her other hand between his palms as he patted it, Trying to get sympathy from his daughter. "Yes,your mother is right.."


"Besides.." Evan continued, a sweat drop appeared on his forehead.

'Oh,here we go.'

Andrea lazily crossed her arms and looked at them with a bored look. like please,is everything money for them? Andrea didn't only want fame just to be known,she wanted to make a name for herself. and be someone people would look up to and think of her as a good example. Not just some rich Heiress. Or an illegitimate useless child.

"Ahem, you know nothing about the business world,so I thought..maybe after you inherit and the CEO of 'G.L.D.N' company takes over my company.. he'd help you with management." Evans said. Andrea curled her finger on her Chin and thought for a while. Ann looked at her with hope. "Why would the CEO of 'G.L.D.N' take over our company to begin with?" She asked stupidly. Then her brows frowned softly,in confusion she asked.."Could it be that you're selling the company dad?" she asked innocently.

Not that she was trying to jinx him

That was an actual question..

A moment of silence

The couple looked at Andrea as if she was a fool.

Evans Rested back into his chair and heaved a loud sigh. Ann facepalmed. "God,how did I give birth to such a stupid daughter..How did you get graduated early with that head of yours?" Ann said while looking at Andrea with a disappointed look. "How could you be so dumb? Neither I nor your Mother are have this low IQ of yours." Evan added to Ann's words.

'I'm not necessarily your daughter though--'

Andrea sighed before closing her eyes,she thought for a few seconds about her father's words. She looked at her parents who were still blabbering and criticizing her as if they're clowns. 'Ann,that red fluffy wig doesn't suit you.' Andrea couldn't help but smirk a little,she was surpassing the urge to laugh,she placed her slender fingers on her mouth as she chuckled quietly.

Due to her small laughter her ocean blue eyes narrowed making her look happy and beautiful. When they saw her soft smile,they felt relieved. "Of course you'd be happy, who's becoming the wife of a great businessman and wouldn't be happy?" Ann said proudly. Evans nodded in agreement.

Andrea's happy face suddenly dropped like an unstable mask, revealing a shocked expression. "What?" She asked in surprise. What did they mean by that? "Huh? I thought you got it?" Evans asked and both her parents gave her a confused look. "Got what-?"...Ann gave Andrea an 'Are you stupid?' look. then opened her mouth to speak; "That you're getting engaged to Mr.Cameron Collins. What else were you giggling childishly about?" Ann cleared the confusion that was written all over Andrea's face. "Thanks to that hobby of yours that made you famous and your clean reputation;The Collins family contacted your father about an arranged marriage with their current chairman and their youngest successor. He's only 22 this year. So the age difference between you two isn't that much. Only 3 years in total." Ann explained more.

"Mr.Cameron is a very respectful and Nice man. Successful as well and he doesn't fool around with women. His reputation is very clean and has no rumors about him although he isn't active on social media and such But he's well-known. You two would make a very good match. Therefore when the Collins proposed me and your mother agreed immediately." Evans Elaborated. Most likely he was trying to make his daughter look forward to that marriage because it'll be very beneficial for his company and that's what Ann thought as well. That was the reason they agreed.

'Without asking me if I even thought about getting into a relationship.'

'How considerate of you both.'

Ann searched in her daughter's face to look for her opinion on this matter, seeing her daughter's denying look she immediately pulled her trump card which Was Andrea's Career. "Aside from his amazing qualifications, don't you think you could also use this marriage in your job?" Knowing her daughter Ann was sure Andrea would hold onto any opportunity giving to her to climb in her career as long as it was clean but tactical. Andrea's expression changed from Denial to interest after she heard her mother's words. She folded her arms and legs then looked at her mother as if she was in some kind of meeting for her next photoshoot.

Ann smirked and continued:

"Not only is he rich but also known and his company has many connections. Think about it, Marrying him will boost your popularity. Of course, like the rich family the Collins are they would definitely make a grand wedding. Your wedding would definitely be the talk of the country!" Ann stopped for a few seconds and took a good look at Andrea, since she was still interested; Ann added more reasons to marry Cameron. "And also..A husband that his beloved wife is a model who has ambitions..He would definitely you get more work offers with his connections."

'And if you don't agree I'll force you out of the industry. Andrea, you better agree.' Ann said in her mind while spreading a smile on her face.

Evans looked stunned at how smart his wife talked. He complimented her in his heart and smiled.

'Well played Mother. I'm interested.'

Andrea pursed her lips into a thin line while staring at her parent's greedy faces and shrugged. "I'll think about it. Anyway, I'm full." Andrea stood up from her seat,she looked at a nearby maid and smiled gently "Please pass my compliments to the chef, I'm too lazy to do so." Andrea chuckled as she scratched the back of her neck. The maid also smiled and nodded respectfully, The servants didn't only respect Andrea because she was the Heiress of the Evans family but also because she treated them with respect. Sometimes,they didn't believe she was an illegitimate child.

"I'll be in my room if anyone needs me,I hope you have a blessed evening." Andrea bowed to her parents then went upstairs to cleanup and rest. Ann and Evans looked at eachother with satisfaction. They knew that she will most likely agree to their request

...If she didn't they wouldn't make it a request. But an order!

After sometime Andrea came out of the bathroom in her room wrapped in a bathrobe with a towel in her hand to dry her short hair. She patted her head with the towel before turning on the hairdryer, Running her fingers through her hair to make sure it's completely dry. After doing her skincare,she sighed heavily and then hopped on bed in exhaustion. Andrea turned her face to the side and her eyes were looking completely out of focus. "Cameron,Huh?" She murmured. "Tall,rich, handsome guy who has connections..Pft,of course there's a lot of females around him too." She tossed and turned then laid straight on the mattress. She lifted her left hand and stared at her ring finger. "It's just a blind date.. but it'll supposedly end with Marriage".. She covered her eyes with her arm and placed the other on her stomach. "A loveless marriage.."


Loveless marriage?

"Or maybe.." Andrea's narrowed eyes suddenly widened. "Why does that exactly sounds like a Novel's trope-.." She shot up from the bed and sat on the edge of it. Being the hopeless romantic she is,her eyes sparkled under the moonlight coming from the large balcony in her room..like a beautiful sea at the night. Andrea's lips slowly curled up in excitement.

"Is this..my chance to fall in love?" she said softly.

My chance to leave this place once and for all?..

Without feeling abandoned? Without feeling left out?

My chance to feel true warmth?

Andrea flopped on her bed once again. She hugged her pillow and buried her face in it. "A chance to love.." She said softly before drifting off to her fantasies.

If you have any comments, please do not feel shy to type them. :D

Selina_46creators' thoughts