
Revenge In Grins

In a dystopian world divided by class and power, where justice is a facade and truth is manipulated, Daemon Corvus. Falsely accused of a heinous crime he did not commit, Daemon and his family face public condemnation and are executed in a gruesome spectacle that scars the world's memory. But death is not the end for Daemon, as he awakens two years later with an unexpected and ominous companion of a Unknown System, offering him the power to exact vengeance on those who wronged him. -The God of Death has taken interest in your life- "Smile for me, darling, as I paint the canvas of your demise with the blood of your sins. Your screams will be my music, and your pain, my masterpiece. So, smile, for in your final moments, you'll know true artistry." Daemon's grin widened with sinister delight.

Danger_God · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Chapter-38 Vampire Hunting

At midnight, Daemon arrived at a dense forest on the other side of Elysian Reach, heading into the heart of Obsidian Hollows.

'Aaliyah wants to meet up here in the Obsidian Hollows, but how far into the forest?' Daemon thought as he navigated through the thick underbrush at the same time he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

This place feels like a graveyard for forgotten souls. Why would she choose such a cursed place for a meeting?

As Daemon walked, the air grew colder, a palpable sense of dread permeated the air, intensified by faint whispers that seemed to echo through the hollows. The atmosphere was heavy with the scent of decay and damp earth, mingled with the metallic tang of blood. Unnatural, flickering lights danced sporadically among the shadows, hinting at malevolent spirits or unseen entities haunting the hollows.

There's even small jagged obsidian shards scattered throughout the forest floor, some of them are remnants of a legendary battle that took place centuries ago between humans and vampires. They glint dully in the moonlight, some believe that these shards hold echoes of the ancient conflict, whispering tales of heroism and tragedy to those who dare to listen.

Moments later, Daemon saw Aaliyah standing with Ethan, the man he had seen earlier at the auction, now both dressed in light weight clothing and weapons that kills vampire He approached them silently, his tenca covering his presence and his black attire blending into the darkness. Only when he appeared did Ethan notice him.

Ethan's face went pale. "Ahh!" he screamed, stumbling back and nearly losing his balance.

Aaliyah jumped, her eyes wide as she brought her dagger to the ready and aimed her flashlight around. "Ethan, what's wrong?" she asked.

When she saw the direction of Ethan's trembling gaze, she spotted Daemon. "Jeez, Mortis, you could have announced that you were here," Aaliyah said, exasperated, lowering her dagger and putting a hand on her hip.

Daemon folded his arms across his chest, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Well, I'm here. What do you want? And why choose this damned Obsidian Hollows for a meeting?" Daemon replied, his voice steady, but with a cold edge.

Aaliyah put away her dagger. The Obsidian Hollows are steeped in legend. It's said that an ancient curse was cast by a powerful sorcerer long forgotten..." She paused, gauging Daemon's reaction, her eyes searching his for any sign of fear or doubt. "The obsidian rocks here are said to hold echoes of past horrors, absorbing the anguish and suffering of those who met their demise within these cursed lands. Whispers of lost souls trapped between worlds further fuel the eerie reputation of the Obsidian Hollows," she explained.

"Aaliyah, stop. I told you we shouldn't have come here. First this place, then being scared by him. What more do you want from me?" Ethan said, shivering behind her, his arms wrapped around himself.

Daemon could see the fear etched into his features. 'He looks like he's been part of the Silver Crescent Society for a while, but he's easily terrified,' he thought.

Aaliyah's is suspicious. She's resourceful, smart. But to bring Ethan along? He's a liability. What's her angle?

Aaliyah glanced at Ethan, her brow furrowing. "I really don't know how you became a hunter anyway," she said, shaking her head slightly. 'Ethan... he's too weak for this. His fear is palpable, and fear is dangerous. It clouds judgment, breeds mistakes.'

Why did they have me bring him? Because he knows things, sees things others miss. But is that worth the risk?

Before turning back to Daemon. "Mortis, there's a den of vampires hidden in the Hollows," she said.

Daemon looked around. "Hmm, and you don't think they already know we're here?" he said.

Aaliyah took out a map, placing it on a nearby rock and aiming her flashlight. She traced a path with her finger, stopping at a concealed entrance. "This could be our way in. If we move stealthily, we can infiltrate the Hollows without alerting the entire den."

Ethan, looking at the map, nodded in agreement. "It's risky, but it might work. A surprise attack could give us the upper hand."

Daemon, who had been silently observing, leaned forward. His eyes locked onto a fortified position near the center of the den. "No. We hit them head-on. A direct assault will catch them off guard. They won't expect us to be so bold."

Aaliyah looked up, her expression a mix of frustration and disbelief. "Mortis, that's suicide. The den is heavily fortified. We need to be strategic, not reckless."

Daemon's gaze remained steady, unyielding. "I need to send a message. Show them we're not afraid. A direct attack will cripple their morale."

Aaliyah shook her head, her voice rising with emotion. "This isn't about vengeance or the cartel, Mortis. It's about justice. We can't just charge in and hope for the best. We have to be smart about this."

Daemon's jaw tightened. "Justice won't bring them down. I never joined for justice, Aaliyah. Fear will. If we hesitate, if we sneak around like cowards, they'll see it as weakness."

Aaliyah's eyes flashed with anger. "And if we rush in blindly, we'll all be dead. This isn't just about you and your vendetta. We have a responsibility to the people we protect."

Ethan watched the exchange, the tension palpable. He could see both sides but remained silent, knowing this was a battle of wills between the two.

Daemon's voice was icy, his words cutting through the air. "You think stealth will save us? You think we can outsmart them? They're monsters. They're smarter, Aaliyah. They need to be eradicated, not outwitted."

Aaliyah stepped closer, her eyes fierce. "And you think brute force will solve everything? These vampires have been around for centuries. They've survived because they're cunning and powerful. We need to be better than them, not just stronger."

Daemon's face was a mask of determination. "I'm not afraid to die for this cause, Aaliyah. Are you?"

Aaliyah's gaze didn't waver. "I'm not afraid to fight, Mortis. But I'm not willing to throw away our lives needlessly. We can be brave and smart. That's how we win."

The air fell silent, the weight of their argument hanging heavy. Daemon turned back to the map, his mind racing with plans and contingencies. Aaliyah stood her ground, her resolve unwavering.

Ethan finally spoke, his voice calm but firm. "We need a plan that combines both approaches. Stealth to get us close, and then a decisive strike. We can't afford to be divided."

Daemon and Aaliyah exchanged a long look, the tension slowly easing away.

"Listen. Here's the plan. Aaliyah, we move through the concealed entrance you identified. Our first goal is to disable their security measures – all the scouts, vampires, everything. Do it quietly and efficiently."

Aaliyah's expression softened slightly as she considered the proposal. "Alright, that could work. But what about the main assault?"

Daemon continued, "While working from the inside, Ethan will lead the main force. We'll wait for your signal that the defenses are down. Once we get the signal, we launch a direct assault. It will be brutal and swift, aiming to overwhelm the vampires before they can regroup."

Ethan chimed in, "A two-pronged attack. Stealth first to weaken their defenses, then a full-on assault to crush them."

Aaliyah nodded. "Exactly. We'll use your explosive holy water where needed."

Aaliyah took a deep breath, considering Daemon's proposal. "It's risky. But it just might work."

Daemon's voice was resolute. "It will work. We combine our strengths – stealth and direct assault – to hit them where it hurts." he said at the same time thought. 'I need to see if I can trust her'

After his thought Daemon noticed strange markings on the trees symbols etched in deep crimson that seemed to pulse faintly in the dim light. He paused, studying them with a furrowed brow. Aaliyah noticed his curiosity and approached quietly.

"These marks," Daemon gestured towards them, "do they mean anything to you?"

Aaliyah's gaze darkened momentarily before she replied, her voice low. "They're warnings. Signs that we're nearing the vampires' domain. They mark the boundary between the living world and theirs."

Ethan walked over. "The hollow have always been there domain that during the Silver Crescent Society countless war there The Great Vampire War One of the most significant chapters in the Crescent Society's history is the third Great Vampire War, which occurred nearly 500 years ago. During this period, a powerful vampire lord named Valona emerged, uniting various vampire clans under her rule. Valona sought to establish a vampire empire, enslaving humanity in the process. The Crescent Society led the resistance against Valona, culminating in a series of brutal battles that left scars on the land." he explained.

The Obsidian Hollows was the site of the final battle. The society's warriors, equipped with enchanted weapons and alchemical concoctions, clashed with Valona forces in a night of bloodshed and sorcery. Though the Crescent Society managed to defeat Valona , the battle's aftermath left the Obsidian Hollows cursed and tainted by dark magic.

Aaliyah chimed in." That why were here, recently the Silver Crescent Society has renewed its focus on the Obsidian Hollows due to reports of increased vampire activity. Scouts have observed gatherings of vampires, and there are rumors of a new leader rising to power within the den." she said.