1 Nothing Was Normal

During my time on earth i met someone named…I don't remember her name but she told me about these novels that humans read. They are both book and elertat form. Which I thought was really cool. I ended up wanting to write my own. So here we are, my very own WEB NOVEL!


    I really liked the whole concept  of humans writing in first person and in an informal way. I think those types of stories are cool. So that is how I will write mine. It is mainly because I don't like speaking formally. But if there is anything I learned in the human world is that it is good manners to introduce yourself. Sorry for my lack of human manners.

I am the Goddess of revenge. I like being called Goddess though. I have an acculat name but that is only known by god and goddess. My job is to get vengeance for those humans who have been wronged. For this to happen I must be summoned. Unfortunately, humans don't know how I am summoned; it just happens. Is what I thought. 

    Everything was normal until I met Lady Donna Austin, then Saruman Dresden, then Layla Meggans, and... well. Just know things were not normal. I mean they were but they seemed too much of a... well. There was something wrong with the way...there was something wrong how...Never mind starting the story, it all will make sense at the end. 

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