
Returning To Campus As A Cultivator

He is the strongest and most ruthless emperor in the immortal world, capable of defeating other immortals without breaking a sweat. He tamed a golden dragon to be his mount, turned a white tiger into a cute little cat, made KFC out of the Vermilion Bird, and even seduced the Nine Heavenly Virgins while performing stripteases in Lingxiao Palace... Now he has returned to the mortal world as a homeroom teacher for all of you.

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36 Chs

Chapter 15: Silent Men and Tearful Women

The sky was dimly lit, with neon lights flickering. Chu Yi glanced at the time and saw that it was already midnight.

Wang Ling's home was not in the city center, so she lived on campus.

Chu Yi wondered how this girl managed to sneak out of school every day.

"Wang Ling, what are your dreams?" When he asked this question, Chu Yi felt like a mentor from some music program.

"My dream? My parents want me to do business, but I want to be a star. You probably don't know this, but I sing really well." Wang Ling hummed a few notes and even Chu Yi was amazed because he himself couldn't carry a tune.

"Teacher, do you know Yang Ling?"

"Yang Ling..." Chu Yi felt somewhat dazed. It had been so long since they last spoke about her.

For him personally, he had almost forgotten about her completely.

Yang Ling was his ex-girlfriend from university days and also the school beauty queen. However, during their third year together she chose to break up with him. Not long after that Chu Yi saw her on TV participating in a talent show competition. She then went on to act in several movies and TV dramas consecutively until now where she has become one of the rising stars in China's entertainment industry.

Chu Yi still remembered what she said when they broke up; deep down inside she looked down upon him because his family background wasn't as privileged as hers'. Once someone like him entered society people would forget all about them just like any other ordinary person without connections or wealth would fade into obscurity over time according to Yang Ling's perspective back then .

At that time Chu Yi grieved for many days before finally moving on; looking back now it seemed quite ridiculous indeed .

"I want to become a big star like her!" Wang Ling clenched her fists. "But I heard that she has a bad reputation, with many negative news reports and is also quite arrogant. So I don't want to follow in her footsteps."

Chu Yi just smiled and didn't say anything.

If Wang Ling hadn't mentioned Yang Ling today, he would have long forgotten about her.

"By the way, you said you've been having a run of bad luck lately?" Chu Yi suddenly asked.

Wang Ling was somewhat helpless when it came to this matter: "Teacher, it's not just bad luck; it's making me feel hopeless. Take today for example: I mistook my facial cleanser for toothpaste in the morning, slipped at the entrance while going out for lunch, almost choked on my food during lunchtime and then arrived late for work. If you weren't here tonight things might have turned out even worse..."

"That shouldn't be happening though; your face looks good so as long as you don't commit any major sins or crimes everything should go smoothly." Chu Yi frowned.

Wang Ling chuckled: "Teacher no wonder Feifei calls you 'Crow' (a Chinese idiom meaning someone who brings misfortune), I was wondering why but now it makes sense...you must be some kind of fortune teller...definitely one with a crow's mouth."

"As for that girl..." Chu Yi felt helpless but what he had said earlier was indeed true.

Although he wasn't an expert in this field per se , being an ordinary person himself meant that he could still see through certain things clearly enough .

He quietly used his skill called "Observing Qi" which allowed him to observe both spiritual energy and people's fortunes .

Just like last time when Guo Feifei fell down because of something similar - Chu Yi saw a slight black mark between her eyebrows which could easily be overlooked by others . However , Wang Ling's situation seemed much more serious as the black energy was becoming more and more intense .

The "Observing Qi" skill not only allowed him to see spiritual energy but also gave him a glimpse into people's fortunes.

Just like last time when Guo Feifei fell down because of something similar - Chu Yi saw a slight black mark between her eyebrows which could easily be overlooked by others . However , Wang Ling's situation seemed much more serious as the black energy was becoming more and more intense .

Her face had no problems at all, yet why did she have such bad luck?

He suddenly remembered in his past life, Wang Ling seemed to have transferred schools later.

"Wang Ling, has your luck been bad since your father's company had problems?" Chu Yi asked.

"Teacher, now that you mention it, it seems like it." Thinking about the situation at home, Wang Ling felt a headache. "Anyway, this year doesn't seem to be going well for my family."

"Well..." Chu Yi thought for a moment and took out a jade pendant from his pocket that he bought from a street vendor. It was obviously damaged goods. He infused spiritual energy into it and handed it to Wang Ling. "This jade is something I obtained from a temple. Maybe it can help you avoid disasters."

"Thank you teacher." Wang Ling smiled gratefully and accepted the gift without hesitation.

After sending Wang Ling back to school, Chu Yi frowned and pondered: "It seems like the root cause lies in her family. It's very likely that their feng shui layout has been disrupted. I might need to visit their home and take a look."

Chu Yi had made up his mind.

In this life, no one could bully his family or students.


The next morning, Chu Yi took the bus to school early but found security guards arguing with several thugs at the entrance while some students watched from afar.

The head of security spotted Chu Yi among the crowd and shouted loudly: "Teacher Chu! Someone is looking for you!"

"Looking for me? I don't know them," said Chu Yi as he glanced over - were they Fan Hong's people?

Impossible! Even if things got worse between them there was no way they would come all the way here; besides he had already expressed his desire to keep things low-key yesterday.

He strolled over slowly while feeling uneasy inside; although Head Security looked fierce with scars around his eyes earning him nickname 'Scarface', those were actually caused by a dog bite.

Scarface looked anxious, which was understandable. Sanzhong High School had always been peaceful and there were few people who dared to cause trouble here. Suddenly seeing three or four shady-looking individuals gathering at the school gate made him feel uneasy.

"Teacher Chu, they are from Liu'e District's Six Evils; they're not easy to deal with. Have you offended them before?" Scarface trembled with fear as this group of people had caused quite a bit of trouble in their area even though it wasn't theirs specifically.

As soon as the other party arrived, they threatened to find Chu Yi.

"Six bad guys in Changping District, really rustic. I'm still one of the top three crazy kids in Sanzhong." Chu Yi narrowed his eyes and looked at the six people. "But looking at your appearance, you don't even need makeup to act in a horror movie. You are indeed worthy of your reputation."

Chu Yi's insults were deadly without using dirty words.

As soon as he finished speaking, a young man with yellow hair angrily said: "Brother Qiang, he is mocking us for being ugly."

The leader with red short hair had an angry expression and slapped the young man with yellow hair on the head: "Nonsense! I'm not stupid."

"Chu Yi, did you beat up my brother yesterday? How do we settle this account?"

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows. Yesterday he only fought once at a nightclub and it was against Fan Hong's men; obviously these people weren't that brainless.

So these guys were another group who came deliberately looking for trouble. This tactic was very similar to Chen Junyu's methods from his past life where he suffered many losses.

In this life, Chu Yi didn't plan on dealing with Chen Junyu anymore but it seemed like this guy kept provoking him repeatedly so it looks like they have some unfinished business to settle.

More and more students gathered around them which disrupted normal school activities.

"Yes, I beat him up myself. What are you going to do about it? Your brother was harassing girls in the women's restroom when I caught him so isn't it normal for me to give him a beating? Which male student would just stand by if they encountered such a situation?" Chu Yi admitted frankly while lying through his teeth.

"The teacher is right!"

"Well done!"

Brother Qiang and several others were dumbfounded because what happened didn't follow the script they had planned.

Shouldn't they be trembling with fear and denying it desperately? What is this?

"I...we didn't do that," the yellow-haired boy panicked. They also had professional ethics.

Chu Yi's eyes narrowed as he loudly questioned, "Then why should I beat you?"

"I, I, I..." The yellow-haired boy couldn't speak for a long time.

How could this be! Just because you have knowledge doesn't mean you can bully those who are uneducated.

The yellow-haired boy looked to Qiang Ge for help, but saw him nod calmly. Then several of his henchmen beside him opened a banner.

"Men remain silent while women cry; Teacher Sanzhong and female student tear up the night club at midnight."

"Kid, how do you explain this? We're not here to make trouble, but to seek justice. How can we trust our children to study here in Sanzhong when such things happen?"

"Look, I have photos here."

Qiang Ge held two photos in his hand: one was of Chu Yi and Wang Ling walking out of the nightclub just now; the other was of them waiting for a car.

This place and time were too suggestive.

"Chu teacher, never thought you were such a person." Zhou Ru came out from among the crowd and asked loudly.

Chu Yi touched his chin. Since returning to Earth, his vigilance had decreased significantly and he had actually been secretly photographed by someone.

He glanced at Zhou Ru whose smile couldn't be suppressed anymore - her face full of peach blossoms - she probably reached some kind of agreement with Chen Junyu.