
Return of the Strongest Angel

"Are you sure you can beat this game?" It was a question quite commonly asked of Gabriel, all of his friends and family were worried for him. All because of his obsession with this game of his. They knew of its hellish difficulty and were worried it might consume his life. But Gabriel was not, as even with doubts coming from every person he talked to, he still persevered. And finally, after so many years of playing, Gabriel did it, he beat the game. But that was not the end, a cryptic trait, one that foretold something. And as of the next day it was finally revealed. Not only was he pulled into the game, but it was turned into reality, his stats, his hard earned character. It was all gone. But this did not deter Gabriel. All he did was smile, grasp the stars in the night sky. "I will conquer this again." There was no doubt in his mind, for he had done it once, and even if this was reality now, the whole world taken to this hellish tower, there was no doubt that he would beat it, after all he had already done it once. What was a second time.

SpacesSnips · Fantasia
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42 Chs

Angel - 2

"HAH!" A yell broke out, the explosive rage aimed at the creature in front of them. He broke through his limits and pushed against the kobolds shield, through the axe he held tightly to his shoulder.

A spurt of blood fell over the man, covering his orange hair with a tint of red. His hands trembled, not in fear or disgust. But in excitement. His blood raged with a sort of adrenaline that he could only find in such battles.

He held his spear to the side, digging deep into the ground as he wiped the sweat from his face, all that was left was to dig through and take what rightfully belonged to him.

The loot, oh the sweet loot.

"Fern over here!" He yelled, calling the orange haired girl to where he stood. Fern stood from the rock she was sitting upon and took hold of the dagger, pulling her hood tightly to her head as she found the sun to be quite annoying.

"Coming… Coming…" She whispered out, just loudly enough so that he could hear her. But it didn't matter too much, there was already that implicit trust about them. It gave them easier options of communication.

They knew each other, their body language, the subtlety in their movements. It was easy to tell what Riku had wanted.

And so Fern crossed the dirt and mud towards the corpses of kobolds that Riku had made, cringing in slight disgust.

But then again, Fern knew what she was signing up for when she chose to help her brother in this hunting.

"See this?" Riku asked, his voice taking that educational tint that she just hated.

"Of course, it's quite obvious isn't it."

"Mmm, mmm, Yeah it is."

What they were talking about was the sign of damage on the skin, the piercing marks that showed that the kobold had done battle before, that it had come out victorious.

"But it was so weak, what would want to do this, willingly?" Fern asked, curiosity tinging her voice. This was what she lived for, not the thrill of the hunt. Nor the urge of violence. 

But the mysteries that came with it. The common occurrences that others thought, well common.

"Don't know but I would say you already got a guess." He laughed a bit, scratching the back of his head as he turned to her.

"Of course, it looks intentional, as why wouldn't it be. And the cuts don't look too professional, training, letting new squires get some experience in hunting."

"Could be, but those cuts were imprecise, why would that be?"

"Cause the new squires made them, the knights wanted them to fail and then hunt them down, probably using some horror story."

Riku smiled, that orange hair of his, that they both shared, glistening in the sun.

"Of course… of course… wait you hear that." 

Fern turned around, again and again, her ears searching for any sound. And finally she found it, faint sounds of boots echoing against the ground.

"Yeah, looks like we'll find out our answer soon enough."

"FUCKIN DAMNIT!" A yell echoed through the dry land. It had been days since they had last seen the angel.

He had sent them to search and destroy the nest of Kobold that lived here, merely staying in the inn for the meantime.

And there was no wrongdoing in that, but this… this was the final straw for him. He had been chasing these kobolds for so long and when he finally came across the one he had marked for death.

Trying to follow it back to wherever they hid out, he only found them dead and on the ground. 

"For fuck's sake, could they not have left them even the slightest bit alive. Maybe then we could have at least found something out."

He looked to his side and found the woman he was traveling with, Rosa, her black hair cascading over her shoulder as she held tightly to the sheath of her sword.

There was no wrong with her, but it felt as if he was being babysat by her. He was a grown man, and a girl less than half his age was chaperoning him.

"Hah" He sighed out before looking around. There was prints and they weren't even that old. But he found them to be just that, prints.

They didn't lead anywhere, unless whoever had done this was still close.

"Looks like we're going to have go back empty handed."

Rosa sighed and looked to the blazing sun, feeling the warmth of the rays on her hand.

"Looks like it, unless some gracious information blesses itself upon us."

With that she looked to the trees and suddenly disappeared with speed he had not seen at all. It was new to him, and even newer to those that had chosen to hide in the trees.

And even then, while he was staring in amazement at the power he strived for, as the two twins sat against one another, there were more coming. 

Ten others that coalesced into a group, his group. The one he had been sent with, to gain both experience and the goodwill of the land.

Why the angel had come up with this, none of them knew. But it was the goddess's will and who were they to disobey.

And so he found himself, along with the ten others, watching the two twins sweat in nervousness. As they hurriedly tried to explain themselves.

But there was something about them, the air around them that contributed to some sort of suspicion.

"Ya ain't native's are ya?" He asked, his voice resounded further than even Rosa's had.

They shook their heads, there was no use in denying it. Now that he had noticed, they all had. And so the two, as they called themselves, player's found themselves surrounded, noticed.

"So, still wanna bet on that mystery." The male of the twin's laughed out, his voice a mixture of nervousness and humor.

The girl just hollowly laughed before shaking her head.

"Maybe if we survive this."