
New Teacher

It was good news and it call for the celebration, but now it not time they need to keep him under observation to confirm that he is fine. After meal Yun went out for school, Yun Che don't know why he felt that today is a beautiful morning.

Suddenly he thought 'How nice it would be if I was surrounded by the beauties' shaking his head and continued "What wrong with me how can I think about a perverted thing in broad daylight'

He don't know why his all stress , desperation, and cowardness ran away in just one night, it felt very mysterious and magical, but thinking about this he had a bad feeling, Yun Che felt cold down his spine

Shaking all thought, Yun Che entered his school gate, Yun Che is a second year high school student, normal grades, don't have any friends, nor the ace of any club that someone can notice them, everyone treated him like air.

Passing through main gate he heard whispers of many students, when he focuses his mind he could hear anything around 50 meter radius,

"Did you heard school got the new female teacher, and she is a super beauty"

" I heard to you know but who know which class she is assigned to"

"No matter which class she is assigned too, I wish that I can have a secret relationship with"

"You might be out of your mind, I heard that she is very strict"

Hearing whispers of surrounding Yun Che murmured "what a bunch of immatures, they don't have courage in their asses and they want to woo girl" subconsciously then he realized then said in a low voice "what I am thinking I also don't have balls to woo any girl since I was born"

Inside his mind Romeo was causing him loudly but what a pity he cannot hear, Romeo said "just you wait basted I will show you how to woo girls, the moment you update your body and unlock your little bit of your soul, I will make this life of your living hell" will that for

But now our dear Yun Che have other matters to deal with,

Inside second year class 7B, Yun Che was sitting on the last row, looking sky from window no one can tell soon to be badass thinking, he knows that he don't have many friends, and no one paid any heed to him.

And like every hero have many villains, his life also filled with villain, and one them is T-Rax, his math teacher, who yelled at him every time he enter class, it was just like his habit.

And some unknown reason class president also gave him very trouble but indirectly, well, let take about it later, see how bad ass Yun Che will teach him later.

Suddenly a commotion broke in entire corridor, all boys were whispering loudly, they were bees how found fresh flower, with a fierce flame in their eyes,

"Hi that female teacher in hot, she looks like a fairy from heaven"

"look at those breast they are going bruised out at anytime"

"Who lucky dog will be her boyfriend"

Every boy was about to go crazy, the beauty paid no attention, to them, when Yun Che raised his head he was stunned dumbfound for whole time seconds, when he saw beauty wearing white shirt and long black skirt coming their towards their class, he suddenly felt that this class is a den of lion

Hopelessness and dark cloud could be seen coming toward him, but deep down he was very happy.

Deep inside of a sea of consciousness Romeo and dark cursing out loud and shouted while pulling his hair "why this basted has so much bad luck"

Dark mocked him "well you and he are the same person his bad luck also your bad luck and what a big deal don't you want to add your step sisters in your harem and this is your chance"

Romeo yelled at him "you don't understand, how I gona pick a girl under watch of my sister"

Right now Yun Che facing a different kind of problem

When new female teacher entered in his class, entire class thrown in chaos, but after sometime class became silent,

Whole class don't, but Yun Che know that better than anyone that this sexy girl will give them a tour of hell, and to make more spice she is none other than his wicked sister Angela

" who everyone from today one ward I will be your homeroom teacher. My name is Long [dragon] Angela" introduced herself while adjust her glasses, she looked Yun Che and her eyes twinkled.

Yun Che who was trying his best to calm down but suddenly his hair on end, he dropped his head down and don't dare to rise his head.

Angela was very satisfied by Yun Che behavior, When she heard that Yun Che overcame fear from many years and can practice martial, she had feeling that he gona rise, and of course many girls will chase after him, And there are high chances that she will lose control over him. She used her connection to get this job.

"From today I will teach you gay's English subject" paused for a second and started to give lecher

During lecher he suddenly remembered that he has one chance of lucky draw, he opened system and tried his luck, when wheel stopped he heard motionless

" ding congratulation host you got proformed level < Dragon tiger fist > martial art"

Yun Che is happy and lost at same, because right now he cannot practice martial art and happy because he soon be,

"ding do you accept"

"yes I accept" Yun Che replied , Yun che felt cool sensation and pain in brain, Yen Che grinded teeth and endure pain.

Large part of flew in his mind, Yun Che relaxed to enjoy warm sensation,

Host; Yun Che

Strength; 5

Comprehension ; 70

Speed ; 5

Technique's ; Dragon tiger fist ( 0%) completion

Body type : trash

Yun Che was stunned by following detail, he was burning with shame, as if he was standing naked in crowd, he sat his heart frim, that he will cultivate daily.

After 20 minuets first class was over, but before going his wicked dropped boom on them "Tomorrow you gays have surprised test if anyone fail my test, you will regret" said with frozen face and left classroom.

" I knew nothing good is coming at them" Yun Che dark mumbled with dark complexion 'my peaceful life is over'

In main while bulky man with huge body was almost 1.9 meter tall entered class and said In hoarse, it was scary, if no he was standing in front of him people will not believe that it was voice of some god dame human

"While boys monthly test are coming so focus on studs, who fails I am gona beat shit out of him" paused and looked at Yun Che and continued "And Yun Che if this time you have no progress then just drop from school and clean shit on roads like this you have some use" said coldly

Yun Che ignored him by deep he was burning with Shame, he sat his firm heart that he gona urinate on his face, "Will urinate may be little too much, I all show him good results and he will surely for get him name" Yun Che murmured